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In the short' idtrodiresion to Lady I)ufF Gor¬ 
don s Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, 
published last year, I used some expressions 
which I am tempted to repeat here, because 
their description of the qualities which cha¬ 
racterized those Letters, and the motives 
which prompted their publication, apply, and 
with still greater force, to those now submitted 
to the public. 

“ It is the entire absence of the exclusive 
and supercilious spirit which characterizes do¬ 
minant races; the rare power of entering into 
new trains of thought, and sympathizing with 
unaccustomed feelings; the tender pity for 
the feeble and subject, and the courteous re¬ 
spect for their prejudices; the large and purely 



human sympathies,—these, far move than any 
literary or graphic merits, are the qualities 
which have induced the possessors of the few 
following Letters to give them to the public. 

“They show, (what letters from Egypt, 
since received from the same writer, prove 
yet more conclusively,) that even among so- 
called barbarians are to be found hearts that 
open to every touch of kindness, and respond 
to every expression of respect and sympathy. 

“If they should awaken any sentiments like 1 
those which inspired them, on behalf of races 
of men who come in contact with civilization 
only to feel its resistless force and its haughty 
indifference or contempt, it will be some con¬ 
solation to those who are enduring the bitter¬ 
ness of the separation to which they owe their 

When I wrote those words, many of the 
most interesting of the following letters were 
not yet in existence; nor had 1 the assurance 
I now have, that the character and spirit which 
pervade them would fall in with the tastes 
and opinions of the English public. Not only, 



however, are the qualities which' distinguished 
the former letters still more remai’kable in 
these, but those qualities have excited general 
sympathy and approbation. 

They owe their existence to the same af¬ 
flicting circumstances as those from the Cape. 
They were written under the influence of 
dangerous disease, and in the dreariness of so¬ 
litary exile ; far from all the resources which 
civilized society offers to the suffering body 
and the weary and dejected spirit; above all, 
far from all the objects of the dearest affec¬ 

All the wonders and enchantments of Egypt 
would not have sufficed to fill so immense 
a void, even to a mind so alive to them. No¬ 
thing less than Humanity, in its most lite¬ 
ral and its largest sense,—not circumscribed 
by race or religion, by opinions or customs, 
but the purely human sympathy which binds 
together those between whom no other tie 
exists,—could have made life under such con¬ 
ditions tolerable. But this expansive charity 
is twice blessed; for if the miserable objects 



of it have derived comfort from the pitiful and 
helpful hand of the Englishwoman, she, on 
her part, has found, in the interest they inspire 
and in the consciousness of mitigating their 
sufferings, some comfort under the privation 
of all her natural occupations and enjoyments. 
She has been requited by grateful affection 
and boundless confidence, and has had satis¬ 
factory proofs that the ascendancy acquired 
by kindness is far more complete than any 
that can be obtained by force. 

It is to this large and tolerant humanity that 
the writer owes her power of understanding 
and interpreting thoughts and feelings unin¬ 
telligible to most Europeans; to see the point 
at which the widely-severed but converging 
rays of truth meet; to feel those touches of 
nature which make the whole world kin. No 
doubt her admiration of her Arab friends will 
appear to many groundless or exaggerated, 
and the indulgence with which she regards 
some of their usages which are the least to 
our taste; excessive. But her object was not 
to blame, but to understand, and the first and 



most indispensable requisite for understanding 
is absolute impartiality. Nobody can under- 
stand that which he approaches with feelings 
of antipathy. 

There are passages illustrative of the man¬ 
ners and morals of Arabs which I at first de¬ 
termined to omit; but further reflection con¬ 
vinced me that to do so would be to rob this 
little volume of much of its value. Of all the 
problems which society seeks in vain to solve, 
the most difficult by far are those which re¬ 
gard the relations between the sexes, and it is 
ridiculous to affect to treat of the condition of 
a people without endeavouring to discover in 
what way these most important problems pre¬ 
sent themselves to its moral sense. The task 
of civilizing and reforming (which we are so 
ready to undertake) requires above all things 
the power of regarding questions which lie at 
the root of all human society in a spirit equally 
remote from levity and antipathy. It may be, 
however, that any allusion to subjects which 
cynicism and corruption have given over to 
the jester and the libertine may shock some 



readers. To .such, I have only to repeat that 
these Letters, like their predecessors, were 
written “ to the two persons with whom of all 
others the writer felt the least necessity for re¬ 
serve;” and that if anything were published 
that ought to have been withheld, the one to 
whom alone the selection was entrusted would 
be alone to blame. 

In justification of the enthusiastic interest 
with which the wretched condition of the 
Arabs has inspired Lady Gordon, it might be 
urged that she saw in them the relics of a 
most ancient and noble race, once the pos¬ 
sessor of a high and distinct form of civili¬ 
zation, now crushed under the same barba¬ 
rian force which destroyed the last remnants 
of the civilization of Greece. But it needed 
not the historical interest attached to Egypt 
or to Arabia to awaken her profound and 
passionate sympathy. It will hardly be ima¬ 
gined that the writer of these Letters is inca¬ 
pable of estimating the advantages, or enjoy¬ 
ing the pleasures of cultivated society; but 
sympathy with the oppressed and indignation 



against the oppressor are evidently more pow¬ 
erful with her than any of the tastes or wants 
of civilized life. 

Such a disposition unquestionably subjects 
the possessor to mistakes and deceptions. 
Making every allowance, however, for gene¬ 
rous illusions in favour of the unfortunate, it 
is clear, from the facts and conversations here 
related, that qualities of a very high kind are 
to be found among the Arabs, when they are 
not debased and corrupted by contact with 
cruel oppressors, or with the worst forms of 
European civilization. 

The Arabic proper names, and other words, 
which occur in these Letters, have been cor¬ 
rected by an eminent oriental scholar, who is 
no less intimately acquainted with the people, 
than with the language of Egypt. To his cor¬ 
dial sympathy with the sentiments of the writer 
regarding them, I believe I owe much of the 
kind interest with which he has watched the 
book through the press. 

Nobody will be surprised to learn that the 
writer distrusts her power of reproducing 



what made so "powerful an impression on her 
own mind. “ It was impossible,” she says, 
“ to express what I saw, and felt, and compre¬ 
hended.” And again, “All that can he said 
appears poor to one who knows, as I do, 
how curious, and interesting, and poetical the 
country is.” 

Sakaii Austin. 

"Weybridge, May 25, 18G5. 



Port of Leghorn, October 13 , 18 G 2 . 

I heard such reports of the dearness of Malta, 
and of the beauty of Cairo at this season, that 
I resolved to go at once to Cairo. We arrived 
here yesterday evening. I found there was 
time to go to Pisa, and had a delightful day. 
The weather was delicious. It was a giorno di 
festa, and the devices to extract more money 
on that plea were worth what they cost. The 
vettunno at Pisa assured me, “ Ah, cara si¬ 
gnora! siamo troppo sacrificati per il tarif.” 
He called attention to his fine clothes, and 
told how he had intended to “ divertirsi con la 
sua innamorata;—e lascio tutto per mostrar 
la citta alia signora, —all with such a coaxing 
air that it was irresistible. The boatman who 



brought me on board lamented that it was 
already dark— bujo; that he was frightened, 
and that the weather might change, and his 
battello be wrecked (in the port). “ Per 1‘amor 
di Dio, datemi cinque o quattro franchi! ” I 
sternly refused, and in the same breath he im¬ 
plored me to return with him next morning. 

The Duomo, the Baptistery, and the Campo 
Santo were quite a new world to me, and the 
leaning tower is as lovely as it is odd. The 
pictures by Andrea del Sarto alone are worth 
the journey. I never was more delighted with 
anything; and the people are so handsome 
and pleasant. 

I found the climate at Marseilles very try¬ 
ing. Since I have been at sea, I feel quite 
differently. I had no idea it was so warm; 
at sea now it is like the tropics,—not a chill 
in the air. A French artist has given me a 
letter to Lautner Bey, the Pasha’s German 
doctor, and to a ci-devant St. Simonian, an old 
French painter turned Mussulman, and living 
in Old Cairo. I hope he will show me a good 
deal. We sail in an hour or two. 




Alexandria, October 27, 1862. 

... I arrived here “ all right,” having lost a 
day by the giorno di festa at Leghorn, where 
we shipped a curious motley crew;—French 
singers and Italian dancers for Cairo; a Spa¬ 
nish grandee, like Don Quixote; Algerines, 
Egyptians, four Levantine ladies; and one 
poor Parisienne—a nice person, but so put 
out by the “ meridionaux.” I represented Eng¬ 
land. I was as comfortable in the boat as 
French want of order will permit. I had a 
cabin to myself, and the food was excellent, 
and beds clean, though hard. But I found 
the motion of the screw most distressing; it 
became like the slow torture of the drop of 

I shall go on to Cairo in a few days. I am 



dismayed at the noise and turbulence of the 
people here, after the soft voices and gentle 
ways of the Cape blacks. The weather is 
beautiful at present, but threatens rain. It 
is cool, but so bright after the dull South 
of France. The difference of atmosphere be¬ 
tween Europe and Africa is wonderful; even 
Malta wants the clearness of Egypt, and this 
is far more misty than the Cape, but equally 
beautiful in a different way. I was delighted 
with Valetta, which seemed to me' the most 
beautiful town I ever saw;—all so handsome 
and solid. 

I am now going with the eldest Levantine 
girl to Saeed Pasha’s hareem, where she is 
very intimate. She told the Princess that I 
had been very kind to her at sea when she 
was sick, and I was consequently invited to go 
to see the hareem. 

I am frightened at the dearness of every¬ 
thing here. I found it quite impossible to get 
on without a servant able to speak English. 
The janissary of the American Consul-General 
recommended to me a youth called Omar 
(sumamed “the Father of sweets”), whom I 
have taken. He is an enthusiast about the 



Nile; and if Cairo has a cheap boat, Omar 
will take it. I don’t think I should get much 
good out of life in an Eastern town; the dust 
is intolerable, and the stuffiness in-doors very 
unwholesome. There is none of the out-doors 
existence which was so healthy at the Cape. 
My cough is bad, but Omar says I shall lose it 
and “ eat plenty ” as soon as I see a crocodile. 

Yesterday I went with Mr. Thayer, the 
American Consul-General, who is equally kind 
and agreeable, and Hekekian Bey to see a 
few palaces; oh, what ignoble, shabby-gen¬ 
teel ! One of them is merely a “ Yankee no¬ 
tion” brought piecemeal from New York, and 
stuck up by the sea. I asked a poor lad at 
work there for a piece of the bread (filthy 
cakes, compounded of dirt, straw, and some 
grain quite unknown to me) which the la¬ 
bourers crouching about the half finished, half 
ruined palace were eating, and gave him six¬ 
pence. It was touching, the eagerness with 
which he threw more and more and more into 
the carriage to make up the value of such a 
coin. Contrary to my expectation, I find no 
begging here at all, only a great desire to be 
paid the uttermost penny. Nor could I blame 



even more than that in such a state of society. 
When I find myself fleeced by Christian and 
civilized men, shall not a poor Arab likewise 
scrape a few faddahs off me ? Allah forbid ! 

Neither are the voices so bad as I expected. 
Every one bawls as loud as he can; but the 
organe is deeper and less screeching than the 
French or Italian. There is none of the plea¬ 
sant avenante manner and smiling look to 
which I grew familiar at the Cape; but the 
people are prodigiously handsome ;—lads like 
John of Bologna’s Mercury, with divine legs, 
and young women so lovely in their dirt and 
scanty drapery; and among the Bedawee men 
I have seen simply the two handsomest men 
I ever beheld. Likewise the camels enchant 
me, and the date-palms. 

But on the other hand, all is profoundly 
melancholy; the people’s faces, the surface of 
the country, the dirt, the horrible wretched¬ 
ness, the whacking of the little boys and girls 
who do all the work which Irish hodmen do 
with us. Such is my first impression of the 
land of Egypt; but Omar’s eager description 
of Cairo and the Nile makes me expect some¬ 
thing much more agreeable. If we reach 



Nubia, we are to take a present of salt from. 

Shaheen, J-’s nice red servant (for he is 

in form and colour the exact likeness of a hie¬ 
roglyphic figure), to his parents; likewise to 
give them money on his account, should they 
need it. He has the dearest little brother, 
who is for ever in the hall here, and the Bow- 
wab’s bench is the scene of incessant study. 
An old whitebearded ma.n teaches reading and 
writing to Shaheen and a select circle of 
friends, and Shaheen’s white slate looks very 
creditable indeed to my ignorant eye. The 
children are mostly hideous here, and cry in¬ 
cessantly. The donkey boy roared because 
Omar proceeded to change the saddle, but 
Shaheen tranquillized him with a cuff suffi¬ 
cient to fell an ox; whereupon every one was 
happy and pleased at once,—particularly the 
donkey boy, which seemed odd to me. But 
after cursing me and my saddle, he all at 
once became intensely loving, and would hug 
my feet and knees—an attention alike disin¬ 
terested and undesired. 

In the hut under the bedroom window, a 
poor woman is dying of consumption, which 
seems to be very common here, judging from 



the faces one sees and the coughs one hears ; 
a baby, too, is ill. The anxious distress of the 
friends is very affecting, and quite contrary to 
the commonplace talk about Eastern apathy, 
hardness, etc. Their faces and behaviour 
show ten times the feeling of the common 
people in some parts of Europe; what is not 
pleasant, is the absence of all brightness or 
gaiety, even from young and childish faces. 
The very blacks here can’t get up so much as 
a broad smile; a good laugh I have not yet 
heard. A stronger contrast than my present 
henchman, Omar, with his soft but anxious 
eyes and supple figure, and my last year’s 
driver at the Cape, Choslullah, the world 
could not afford. The Malay’s sturdy figure and 
beaming smile spoke independence as plainly 
as possible, while these young men, Omar and 
Shaheen, are more servile in look and gesture 
than is pleasant to me. 




Grand Cairo, November 11, 1862. 

I write to you out of the real Arabian Nights. 
Well may the Prophet (upon whom be peace!) 
smile, when he looks clown on Cairo. It is 
a golden existence, all sunshine and poetry, 
and, I must add, all kindness and civility. I 
came up last Thursday by railway with the 
American Consul-General, and had to stay at 
Shepherd’s Hotel; but I do little but sleep 
there. Hekekian Bey, a learned old Armenian, 
takes care of me every day, and the American 
Consul is my sacrifice. 

1 went on Sunday to an Armenian chris¬ 
tening, and heard Sakneh, “the restorer of 
hearts.” She is wonderfully like Rachel in per¬ 
son and manner, and her singing is hinreissend 
from expression and passion. There was a 



grand fantasia. People feasted all over tlie 
house, and in the streets. Arab music clanged, 
women cried the Zaghareet, black servants 
served sweetmeats, pipes, and coffee, and be¬ 
haved as if they belonged to the company, and 
I was strongly under the impression that I was 
at Noor-ed-Deen’s wedding with the Wczeer’s 
daughter. Yesterday I went to Heliopolis 
with Hekekian Bey and his wife, and visited 
an Armenian country lady close by. 

My servant Omar turns out a jewel. He 
has discovered an excellent boat for the Nile 
voyage; and I am to be mistress of a captain, 
a steersman, eight men, and a cabin-boy, for 
£25 a month. I went to Boolak, the port of 
Cairo, and saw various boats, and admired the 
way in which English travellers pay for their 
insolence and caprices. Similar boats cost 
people with dragomans from £50 to £65. 
But then, “ I shall lick the fellows,” etc. The 
dragoman, I conclude, pockets the difference. 
The owner of the boat, Seedee Ahmad el-Ber- 
beree, asked £30, whereon I touched my breast, 
mouth, and eyes, and stated, through Omar, 
that I was not, like other Inkeleez, made of 
money, but would give £20. He then showed 



me another boat at £20, very much worse,'and 
I departed (with fresh civilities) and looked 
at others, and saw two more for £20, but nei¬ 
ther was clean, and neither had a little boat 
for landing. Meanwhile, Secdee Ahmad came 
after me, and explained that if I w r as not 
like other Inkeleez in money, I likewise dif¬ 
fered in politeness, and had refrained from 
abuse, etc. etc., and I should have the boat 
for £25. It was so excellent in all its fittings, 
aiid so much larger than the others, that I 
thought it would make a great difference in 
health; so I said if he would go before the 
American Yice-Consul, and would promise all 
he had said to me before him, it should be well. 
The American Consul-General gives me letters 
to every consular agent depending on him, 
and two Coptic merchants of Girgeh and Ki- 
ne, whom I met at the fantasia, have already 
begged me to u honour their houses.” I rather 
think the agents, who are all Copts, will think 
I am the Republic in person. 

The weather has been all this time like a 
splendid English August. There is no cold 
here at night, as at the Cape; hut the air is 
nothing like so clear or blight. It was plea- 



sant to find that Iiekekian Bey and the Ame¬ 
rican Vice-Consul exactly confirmed all that 
Omar had told me about what I must take and 
what it would cost; they thought I might per¬ 
fectly trust him. lie put everything at just 
one-fourth of what the Alexandrian English 
told me, and even less. Moreover, he wall cook 
on board; the kitchen, which is a hole in the 
bow where the cook must sit cross-legged, 
would be impossible for a woman to crouch 
down in. Besides, Omar will avoid everything 
unclean, and make the food such as he may 
lawfully eat. He is a pleasant, cheerful 
young fellow, and I think he rather likes the 
importance of taking care of me, and showing 
that he can do as well as a dragoman at £12 
a month. It is characteristic that he turned 
his month’s wages and the “£2 for a coat” 
into a bracelet for his little wife before leav¬ 
ing home. That is the Arab savings-bank. 

I dined at Hekekian Bey’s after the excur¬ 
sion yesterday. He is a most kind, friendly 
man, and very pleasant aud cultivated. He 
dresses like an Englishman, speaks English 
like ourselves, and is quite like an uncle to me 



Omar took S-yesterday sight-seeing all 

day, while I was away, into several mosques. 
In one he begged her to wait a minute, while 
he said a prayer. They compare notes about 
their respective countries, and are great friends; 
but he is quite put out at my not having pro¬ 
vided her with a husband long ago, as is one’s 
duty towards a “female servant,”—which here 
always means a slave. 

Of all the falsehoods I have heard about the 
East, the assertion that women are old hags at 
thirty is the greatest. Among the poor Fellah 
women it may be true enough, but not nearly 
so true as in Germany; and I have now seen 
a considerable number of Levantine ladies 
looking very handsome, or at least comely, till 
fifty. The lady we visited yesterday was forty- 
eight, and her daughter a good deal above 
twenty. The mother was extremely handsome, 
though very untidy; and the daughter, with 
two children, the eldest of whom is four years 
old, looked sixteen. I saw the same in four 
or five cases at the fantasia. Sakneh, the Arab 
Grisi, is fifty-five. Her face is ugly, I am told. 
She was veiled, and we only saw her eyes 
and glimpses of her mouth when she drank 



water; but she has the figure of a leopard, all 
grace and beauty, and a splendid voice of its 
kind—harsh, but thrilling, like Malibran's. 
I guessed her thirty, or perhaps thirty-five. 
When she improvised, the finesse and elegance' 
of her whole manner were ravishing; and 1 
was on the point of shouting out “Masha-allah!” 
as heartily as the natives. The eight younger 
“Alimeh” (i. e. “ learned women,” which we 
English call Almeh, and think it an improper 
word) were ugly, and screeched. Sakneli was 
treated with great consideration and quite as 
a friend by the Armenian ladies, with whom 
she talked between her songs. She is a Mus- 
limeh, and very rich and charitable. She gets 
at least fifty pounds for a night’s singing. 

It would be very easy to learn colloquial 
Arabic, as they all speak with such perfect 
distinctness that one can follow the sentences 
and catch the words one knows as they occur. 
I think I know forty or fifty words already. 

The reverse of the brilliant side of the 
medal in this country is sad enough;—de¬ 
serted palaces and crowded hovels, scarce good 
enough for pigsties. “ One day a man sees his 
dinner, and one other day he sees none,” as 



Omar observes; and the children are shocking 
to look at from bad food, dirt, and overwork; 
yet the little pot-bellied, blear-eyed wretches 
grow up into noble young men and women 
under all their difficulties. But the faces are 
all sad, and rather what the Scotch call dour , 
—not mechantes at all, but harsh, like their 
voices; all their melody is in walk and ges¬ 
ture. They are as graceful as cats, and the 
women have exactly the “breasts like pome¬ 
granates ” of their poetry. 

A tall Bedawee woman came up to us in 
the field yestei’day, to shake hands and look 
at us. She wore a white sackcloth shirt and 
veil, and nothing else. She asked Hekekian 
a good many questions about me, looked at 
my face and hands, but took no notice of my 
rather smart gown which the village women 
admired so much, shook hands again with the 
air of a princess, wished me health and hap¬ 
piness, and strode off across the graveyard like 
a stately ghost. She was on a journey, all 
alone ; and somehow it was very solemn and 
affecting to see her walking away towards 
the desert in the setting sun, like Hagar. All 
is so scriptural in the country here. S- 



called out in the railroad, “ There is Boaz sit¬ 
ting in the cornfield;” and so it was; and 
there he has sat for how many thousand 
years! And in one war-song Siikneh sang as 
Miriam, the prophetess, may have done when 
she took a timbrel in her hand and went out 
to meet the host. 

Wednesday .—My contract was drawn up and 
signed by the American Vice-Consul to-day, 
and my Keyyis kissed my hand in due form ; 
after which I went to the bazaar and sat on 
many a divan to buy the needful pots and pans. 
The transaction lasted an hour. The copper 
is so much per oka, the workmanship so much. 
Every article is weighed by a sworn weigher, 
and a ticket sent with it. More Arabian 
Nights. The shopkeeper compares notes with 
me about numerals, and is as much amused as 
I. He treats me to coffee and pipes from a 
neighbouring shop, while Omar eloquently de¬ 
preciates the goods, and offers half the value. 
A waterseller offers a brass cup of water; I 
drink, and give the huge sum of twopence, 
and he distributes the contents of his skin to 
the crowd (there is always a crowd) in my 
honour. It sbems I have done a pious act. 



Finally, a boy is called to carry the latterie 
de cuisine, while Omar brandishes a gigantic 
kettle which he has picked up, a little bruised, 
for four shillings. The boy has a donkey, 
which I mount astride, a VArabe, while the 
boy carries all the copper things on his head. 
We are rather a grand procession, and quite 
enjoy the fury of the dragomans and other 
leeches who hang on the English, at such 
independent proceedings; and Omar gets re¬ 
viled for spoiling the trade, by being cook and 
dragoman and all in one. We sail this day 
week, and intend to get to the Upper Cataract 
as soon as we can, and come leisurely back. 

I went this morning with Ilekekian Bey to 
the two earliest mosques. We were accosted 
most politely by some Arab gentlemen, who 
pointed out remarkable things, and echoed my 
lamentations at the neglect and ruin of such 
noble buildings (which Hekekian translated to 
them) most heartily. That of the Tooloon is 
exquisite, noble, simple, and what ornament 
there is, is the most delicate lacework and em¬ 
bossing in stone and wood. This Arab archi¬ 
tecture is even more lovely than our Gothic. 
The mosque of the citadel (Mohammad Alee’s) 



(where the English broke the lamps) is like 
a fine modern Italian church; but Abbas 
Pasha stole the alabaster columns, and re¬ 
placed them by painted wood. Ihe mosque 
of Sultan Hasan (early in our fourteenth cen¬ 
tury) is, I think, the most majestic building 
I ever saw, and the beauty of the details quite 
beyond belief to European eyes, the huge 
gates to his tomb are one mass of the finest 
enamel ornaments, as you may discovei by 
rubbing the dirt off with your glove. No one 
has said a tenth part enough of the beauty 
of Arab architecture. The Hasaneeyeh is even 
grander than a Gothic cathedral, and all is in 
the noblest taste. The old Tooloon mosque 
is an absolute jewel of perfection and purity, 
perfectly simple and yet with details of ym- 
pure and embroidery in stone which one wishes 
to kiss—they are so lovely; but the roof has 
fallen in, and the great court is tire dwelling 
of paupers. 

The Tooloon is now a vast poor-house— 
“ guousque tandem V I went into three of 
their lodgings. Several Turkish families were 
in a large square room neatly divided into 
little partitions with old mats hung on ropes. 



In each were as many bits of carpet, mat, and 
patchwork as the poor owner could collect, and 
a small chest, and a little brick cooking-place 
in one corner of the room, with three earthen 
pipkins, for I don’t know how many people;— 
that was all. They possess no sort of furniture; 
but all was scrupulously clean, and no bad 
smell whatever. A little boy seized my hand, 
and showed where he slept, ate and cooked, 
with the most expressive pantomime. As 
there were women, Hekekian could not enter, 
but when I came out an old man told us they 
received three loaves (cakes as big as sailors’ 
biscuits), four piastres a month (i.e. sixpence) 
per adult, a suit of clothes a year, and on 
festive occasions, lentil soup: such is the alms¬ 
house here. A little crowd belonging to that 
house had collected, and I gave sixpence to 
an old man to be divided (!) among them all, 
—ten or twelve people at least, mostly blind 
or lame. The poverty wrings my heart. We 
took leave with salams and politeness, like 
people of the best society. 

I then turned into an Arab hut, stuck 
against the lovely arches. I stooped low 
under the door, and several women crowded 



in. This was still poorer than the last; for 
there were no mats or rags of carpet, a still 
worse cooking-place, and a sort of dog-kennel, 
piled up of loose stones to sleep in; it con¬ 
tained a small chest, and the print of human 
forms on the stone floor. It was however 
quite free from dirt, and perfectly sweet. I 
gave the young woman who had led me in 
sixpence, and here the difference between Turk 
and Arab appeared. The division of this sum 
created a perfect storm of noise, and wo left 
five or six Arab women out shrieking a whole 
rookery. I ought to say, however, that no 
one begged at all. 

I suppose I shall be thought utterly para¬ 
doxical when I deny the much talked-of dirt. 
The narrow, dingy, damp, age-blackened, dust- 
crusted, unpaved streets of Cairo are sweet as 
roses compared to those of the “ Centre of Ci¬ 
vilization moreover an Arab crowd does not 
stink, even under this sun. I beg to say that 

S-will take her oath of this, contrary as it 

is to our most cherished illusions. They are 
ragged, utterly slovenly, and covered with dust, 
but they do wash their bodies, and they don’t 
diffuse that disgusting human odour which of- 



fends one in the most civilized countries of 
the continent. I have been in a poor boys’ 
school, in the most miserable of workhouses, 
and in the huts of a village, and I declare that 
they are sweeter far than anything in Europe 
of that class, or even higher. The dirt is in 
fact dust, not foulness. 

Friday .—I went to-day on a donkey to a 
mosque in the bazaar of what we call the 
“arabesque” style, like the Alhambra. The 
mihrab was very beautiful; and as I was ad¬ 
miring it, Omar pulled a lemon out of his 
breast and smeared it on the porphyry pillar 
on one side of the arch, and then entreated me 
to lick it. It cures all diseases. The old man 
who showed the mosque pulled eagerly at my 
arm to make me perform this absurd ceremony, 
and I thought I should have been forced to do 
it. The base of the pillar was clogged with 

I then went to the Tombs of the Memlook 
Sultans; one of the great ones had the most 
beautiful arches and wondrous cupolas, but all 
in ruins. There are scores of these noble build¬ 
ings, any one of which is a treasure, falling to 



The next I went to, strange to say, was 
in perfect repair. I got off the donkey, and 
Omar fidgeted and hesitated a little, and con¬ 
sulted with a woman who had the key. As 
there were no overshoes, I pulled my boots off, 
and was rewarded by seeing the footprints of 
Mohammad in two black stones, and a lovely 
little mosque,—a sort of sainte chapelle. Omar 
prayed with ardent fervour, and went out 
backwards, saluting the Prophet aloud. To my 
surprise, the woman was highly pleased with 
sixpence, and did not ask for more. When 
I remarked this, Omar said that no Frank 
had ever been inside, to his knowledge. A 
mosque-keeper of the sterner sex would not 
have let me in. 

I returned home through endless streets 
and squares of Muslim tombs, those of the 
Memlooks among them. It is very striking; 
and it was getting so dark that I thought of 
Noor-ed-Deen Alee, and wondered if a jinnee 
would take me anywhere if I took up my 
night’s lodging in one of the comfortable little 
cupola-covered buildings. 

I must now finish my letter, as the mail 
will close to-night. My Coptic friend has just 



called in, to say that his brother expects me 
at Kine. I find nothing but civility and de¬ 
sire to please. 

My boat is the Zeenet-el-Bahreyn, and I 
carry the English flag and a small American 
distinguishing pennant, as a signal to my con¬ 
sular agents. We sail next Wednesday. 




Boat off Imbabeh, November 21, 1SC2. 

We embarked yesterday, and after the fa¬ 
shion of Eastern caravans, are abiding to-day 
at a village opposite to Cairo. It is Friday, and 
therefore it would be improper and unlucky to 
set out on our journey. What one pays here 
on the exchange is frightful,—four shillings 
in the pound for Egyptian money; and no 
other is of any use for butter, milk, eggs, etc. 

The scenes on the river are wonderfully di¬ 
verting and curious; so much life and move¬ 
ment. But the boatmen are sophisticated. 
My crew have all sported new white drawers, in 
honour of the Sitt Inkeleezeeyeh. Of course 
compensation will be expected. Poor fellows, 
they are very well mannered and quiet in their 
rags and misery, and their queer little hum¬ 
ming song is rather pretty,—“ Ei-ya Moham- 



mad, ei-ya Mohammad,” ad infinitum , except 
when one more energetic man cries “ Yallah!” 
(oh God!) Omar is gone to Cairo to fetch one 
or two more unconsidered trifles, and I have 
been explaining the defects to be remedied 
in the cabin door, broken window, etc. to my 
Reyyis, with the help of six words of Arabic 
and dumb show, which they understand and 
answer with wonderful quickness. 

The air on the river is certainly quite celestial 
—totally unlike the damp chilly feeling of the 
hotel and Frank quarter of Cairo. The Ezbe- 
keeyeh, or public garden, where all Franks live, 
was a lake, I believe, and is still very damp. 

I shall go up to the Second Cataract as fast 
as possible, and return back at leisure. He- 
kekian Bey came and spent the day on board 
here yesterday, to take leave. He lent me 
several books. Pray tell Mr. Senior what a 
kindness his introduction to this excellent man 
has been. It would have been rather dismal 
in Cairo, if one could be dismal there, with¬ 
out a soul to speak to. I was sorry to know 
no Turks or Arabs, and have no opportunity 
of seeing any but. the tradesmen of whom I 
bought' my stores; but even that was very 



amusing. The young man of whom I bought 
my fingans was so handsome, elegant, and me¬ 
lancholy, that I knew he must be the lover of 
the Sultan’s favourite slave. 

How I wish you were here to enjoy all 
this,—so new, so beautiful, and yet so fami¬ 
liar ! And you would like the people, poor 
things ! they are complete children, but ami¬ 
able children. I went into the village here, 
where I was a curiosity, and some women took 
me into their houses and showed me their 
sleeping-place, cookery, poultry,etc., and a man 
followed me to keep off the children ; but no 
baksheesh was asked for, which showed that 
Europeans were rare there. The utter destitu¬ 
tion is terrible to see, though in this climate, 
of course, it matters less. But the much- 
talked-of dirt is simply utter poverty. The 
poor souls are as clean as Nile mud and water 
will make their bodies; and they have not a 
second shirt, or any bed but dried mud. 

My cough has been better now for five days, 
without a bad return of it. It is the first re¬ 
prieve for so long. The sun is so hot,—a re¬ 
gular broil (Nov. 21),—and all doors and win¬ 
dows open in the cabin,—a delicious breeze ! 




Pestm, Monday, November 30, 1862. 

I have now been enjoying this most delight¬ 
ful way of life for ten days, and am certainly 
better. I begin to eat and sleep, and cough 

My crew are a great amusement to me. 
They are mostly men from the First Cataract 
about Aswan,—sleek-skinned, gentle, patient, 
merry black fellows. The little black Reyyis 
is the very picture of good-nature, and full of 
fun, “ chaffing” the girls as we pass the villages, 
and always smiling. The steersman is of 
lighter complexion, also very cheery, but de¬ 
cidedly pious. He prays five times a day, and 
utters ejaculations to the apostle “Rasool” 
continually. He hurt his ankle on one leg 
and his instep on the other, with a rusty nail, 
and they festered. I dressed them with poul- 



tices, and then with lint and strapping, with 
perfect success, to the great admiration of all 
hands, and he announced how much better he 
felt. “ Praise be to God, and thanks without 
end, 0 lady! ” and every one echoed the thanks. 
The most important person on board is the 
“weled” (boy), Ahmad—the most merry,clever, 
omnipresent little rascal, with an ugly pug- 
nosed face, a shape like an antique' Cupid li¬ 
berally displayed, and a skin of dark brown 
velvet. His voice, shrill and clear, is always 
heard above the rest; he cooks for the crew ; 
he jumps overboard with the rope, and gives 
advice on all occasions; grinds the coffee with 
the end of a stick in a mortar, which he holds 
between his feet, and if I go ashore for a 
minute, uses the same large stick to walk 
proudly before me, brandishing it and order¬ 
ing every one out of the way. “ Ya Ahmad ” 
resounds all day whenever anybody wants any¬ 
thing, and the “weled” is always ready and 
able. My favourite is Osman, a tall, long- 
limbed black, who seems to have stepped out 
of a hieroglyphical drawing, shirt, skull-cap, 
and all. He has only those two garments, and 
how any one contrives to look so inconceivably 



“ neat and respectable,” as S-said, in that 

costume is a mystery. He is always at work, 
always cheerful, but rather silent; in short, the 
able seaman, and steady respectable “hand,” 
par excellence. Then we have Ez-Zankalonee, 
from near Cairo,—an old fellow of white com¬ 
plexion, and a valuable person; an inexhaus- 
. tible teller of stories at night and always ‘ m 
train full of jokes, and remarkable for dry 
humour, much relished by the crew. I wish 
I understood the stories, which sound delight¬ 
ful, all about Sultans and Efreets, with effec¬ 
tive “ points,” at which all hands exclaim 
“ Masha-allah ” or “ah!” (as long as you can 
drawl it out). The jokes perhaps I may as 
well be ignorant of. There is also a certain 
Shereef who does nothing but laugh and work, 
and be obliging; helps Omar with one hand and 

S-with the other, and looks like a great 

innocent black child. The rest of the dozen 
are of various colours, sizes, and ages, some 
quite old, but all very quiet and well behaved. 

We have had either dead calms or contrary 
winds all the time, and the men have worked 
very hard at the towing-rope. On Friday I 
proclaimed a halt at a village in the afternoon 



at prayer-time, for the pious Muslims to go to 
mosque. This gave great satisfaction, though 
only five went,—the Reyyis, steersman, Zanka- 
lonee, and two old men. The up-river men 
never pray at all, and Osman occupied himself 
by buying salt out of another boat and storing 
it to take to his family, as it is terribly dear 
high up the river. At Benec-Suweyf we halted 
to buy meat and bread. There is one butcher, 
who . kills a sheep a day. I walked about 
the streets, escorted by Omar in front, and two 
sailors with huge staves behind, and created 
a sensation accordingly. It is a dull little 
country town, with a wretched palace of Raced 

On Sunday we halted at Bibeh, where I 
caught sight of a large Coptic church, and 
sallied forth to see whether they would let 
me in. The road lay past the house of the 
head man of the village, and there “in the 
gate, sat a patriarch surrounded by his ser¬ 
vants and his cattle. Over the gateway were 
crosses, and queer constellations of dots more 
like Mithraic symbols than anything Christian ; 
but Girgis was a Copt (Kubtce), though chosen 
head of the Muslim village. He rose as I 



came up, stepped out and salamed, then took 
my hand and said I must go into his house 
and enter the hareem before I saw the church. 
His old mother, who looked a hundred, and 
his pretty wife, were very friendly; but as I 
had to leave Omar at the door, our talk soon 
came to an end, and Girgis took me. into the 
divan, without the sacred precincts of the ha¬ 
reem. Of course we had pipes and coffee, and 
he pressed me to stay some days, and to_ eat 
Avith him every day and to accept all his house 
contained. I took the milk he offered, and 
asked him to visit me in the boat, saying I 
must return before sunset, when it gets cold, 
as I was ill. The house was a curious speci¬ 
men of a wealthy man’s house. I could not 
describe it if I tried; but I felt as if I were 
acting a passage, in the Old Testament. 

We went to the church, which looked like 
nine beehives in a box. Inside, the nine domes, 
resting on square pillars, were very handsome; 
Girgis was putting it into thorough repair at 
his own expense, and it will cost a good deal, I 
think, to repair and renew the fine old wood 
panelling of such minute and intricate work¬ 
manship. The church is divided by three 


screens; one in front of the eastern three domes 
is impervious, and conceals the Holy of Holies. 
He opened the horse-shoe door for me to look 
in, but explained that no hareem might cross 
the threshold. All was in confusion, owing- to 
the repairs, which were actively going on, with¬ 
out the slightest regard to Sunday; but he 
took up a large bundle, kissed it, and showed 
it to me; what it contained I cannot guess, and 
I scrupled to inquire through a Muslim inter¬ 
preter. To the right of this sanctum is the tomb 
of a Muslim saint, enclosed under the adjoin¬ 
ing dome. Here we went in. Girgis kissed the 
tomb on one side, while Omar sain mod it on 
the other;—a pleasant sight! They were much 
more particular about our shoes than in the 
mosques. Omar wanted to tie handkerchiefs 
over my boots, as at Cairo, but the priest ob¬ 
jected, and made me take them off and march 
about in the brick and mortar rubbish in my 
stockings. I wished to hear the service, but it 
was not to be till sunset; and, as far as I could 
make out, not different on Sunday to other 
days. The hareem sit behind a third screen, the 
furthest removed from the holy screen, where 
also was the font, locked up, and shaped like 



a Muslim tomb in little. (“ Hareem ” is used 
here, just like the German Frauenzimmer , to 
mean a respectable woman; Girgis spoke of 
me to Omar as “ hareem.”) The Copts have 
but one wife, but they shut her up even closer 
than the Arabs do: The children were sweetly 
pretty, so unlike the Arab brats, and the men 
very good-looking. They did not seem to ac¬ 
knowledge me at all as a coreligionnaire , and 
asked whether we of the English religion did 
not marry our brothers and sisters. 

The priest asked me to drink coffee at his 
house, close by, and then I “ sat in the gate,” 
i. e. in a large sort of den, raised two feet from 
the ground and matted: to the left of the 
gate a crowd of Copts collected and squatted 
about. Presently we were joined by the 
mason who was repairing the church:—a fine, 
burly, rough-bearded old Muslim, who told 
how the Sheykh buried in the church of Bibeh 
had appeared to him three nights running at 
Cairo, and ordered him to leave his work and 
go to Bibeh and mend his church ; how he 
came, and offered to do so without pay, if the 
Copts would find the materials. He spoke 
with evident pride, as one who had received 




a divine command, and the Copts all confirmed 
the story, and every one was highly gratified 
by the miracle. 

I asked Omar if ho thought it was all true, 
and he had no doubt of it; the mason he 
knew to be a man in full work, and Cirgis 
added that for years he had tried to get a man 
to come for the purpose without success. It 
is not often that a dead saint contrives to be 
equally agreeable to Christians and Muslims, 
and here was the staunch old “ true believer ” 
working away, in the sanctuary which they 
would not allow an English fellow-christian 
to enter! 

While we sat hearing these wonders, the 
sheep and cattle coming home at eve pushed in 
between us. The venerable old priest looked 
so like Father Abraham, and the whole scene 
was so pastoral and biblical, that 1 felt quite 
as if my wish to live a little while a few thou¬ 
sand years ago had been fulfilled. They wanted 
me to stay many days; and when I told them 
I could not do that, Girgis said I must stop 
at leshn, where he had a fine house and gar¬ 
den, and he would go on horseback and meet 
me there, and would give me a whole troop 



of Fellaheen to pull the boat up quickly. 
Omar’s eyes twinkled with fun as he translated 
this, and said he knew the Sitt would ciy out, 
as she always did, about the Fellaheen, as if 
she were hurt herself. He told Girgis that the 
English customs did not allow people to work 
without pay, which evidently seemed very ab¬ 
surd to the whole party. 

n 2 




Tuesday, Gebcl Sheykli Embarak. 

I stopped last night at Eeshn, hut finding 
this morning that my Coptic friends were not 
expected till the afternoon, I would not spend 
the whole day there, and came on still against 
wind and stream. If I could speak Arabic, I 
should have enjoyed a few days with Girgis 
and his family immensely, in order to learn 
their ideas a little ; but Omar’s English is too 
imperfect to get beyond elementary subjects. 
The thing that strikes me most is the tole¬ 
rant spirit that I find everywhere. They say, 
“ Ah, it is your custom!” and express no sort of 
condemnation; and Muslims and Christians 
appear perfectly good friends, as my story of 
Bibeh goes to prove. I have yet to set; the 
much-talked-of fanaticism ; at present 1 have 



not met with a symptom of it. There were 
thirteen Coptic families at Bibeh, and also 
a considerable Muslim population who had 
elected Girgis their head man, and kissed his 
hand very heartily as our procession moved 
through the streets. Omar said he was a very 
good man and much liked. 

The villages look like slight elevations in 
the mud banks, cut into square shapes. The 
best houses have neither paint, whitewash, 
plaster, bricks, nor windows, nor any visible 
roofs; at first they don’t give one the notion of 
human dwellings at all, but soon the eye gets 
used to the absence of all that constitutes a 
house in Europe; the impression of wretched¬ 
ness wears off, and one sees how picturesque 
they are with palm-trees, and tall pigeon- 
houses, and here and there the dome over a 
saint’s tomb. 

The men at work on the river-banks are of 
exactly the same colour as the Nile mud, with 
just the warmer hue of the blood circulating 
beneath the skin. Prometheus has just formed 
them out of the universal material at hand, and 
the sun breathed life into them. Poor fellows ! 
even the boatmen, ragged crew as they are, say, 



“ Ah ! Fellaheen !” with a contemptuous pity, 
when they see me watch the villagers at work. 

The other clay four huge barges passed us, 
towed by a steamer, and crammed with some 
hundreds of the poor souls, who had been torn 
from their homes to work at the Isthmus of 
Suez or some palace of the Pasha’s for a no¬ 
minal piastre (three halfpence) a day, finding 
their own bread and water and cloak. One of 
my crew, Abd-er-Rasool, a black savage whose 
function it is to jump overboard whenever the 
rope gets entangled or anything is wanted, 
recognized some relations of his own from 
a village close to AsWan. There was much 
shouting, and poor Abcl-er-Rasool looked very 
mournful all day. It may be his turn next. 
Some of the crew disloyally remarked that 
they were sure the men there wished they 
•vere working for a Sittlnkeleezceyeh, as Abd- 
er-Rasool told them he was. Think, too, what 
splendid pay it must he that the boat-owner 
can give out of £25 a month to twelve men, 
after taking his own profits,—the interest of 
money being enormous! 

When I call my crew black, don’t think of 
negroes. They are elegantly-shaped Arabs, 



and all gentlemen in manners; and the black 
is transparent, with amber reflets under it in 
the sunshine ; a negro looks blue beside them. 

I have learned a great deal that is curious 
from Omar’s confidences; he tells me his do¬ 
mestic affairs and talks about the women of 
his family, which he would not do to a man. 
He refused to speak to his brother, a very 
grand dragoman who was with the Prince of 
Wales. This man came up to us in the hotel 
at Cairo and addressed Omar, who turned his 
back on him. I asked the reason, and Omar 
told me how his brother had a wife, “ an old 
wife,—been with him long time, very good 
wife.” She had had three children, all dead; 
all at once the dragoman, who is much older 
than Omar, declared he w r ould divorce her and 
marry a young woman. Omar said, “ No, don’t 
do that, keep her in your house as head of 
your household, and take one of your two black 
slave-girls as your hareembut the other 
insisted, and married a young Turkish wife; 
whereupon Omar took his poor old sister-in- 
law to live with him and his own young wife, 
and cut his grand brother dead. 

See how characteristic! the urging his bro- 



ther to take the young slave-girl “ as his ha- 
recm,” like a respectable man ;—tJiaf would 
have been all right; but what lie did was “ not 

good.” “ I’ll trouble you ” (as Mrs.-used 

to say) to settle these questions to every one’s 

Omar’s account of the household of his 
other brother, a confectioner, with two wives, 
was very curious. l ie and his family mid they 
all live together; one of the brothers wives 
has six children ; three sleep with their own 
mother, and three with their other mother, 
and all is quite harmonious. 





Asyoot, December 10, 1862. 

I could not send a letter from Minyeh, where 
we stopped and I saw a sugar manufactory, 
and visited a gentlemanly Turk who superin¬ 
tends the district,—the Mudeer. I heard a boy 
singing a Zikr to a party of darweeshes in a 
mosque, and I think I never heard anything 
more beautiful and affecting; ordinary Arab 
singing is harsh and nasal, but it can be won¬ 
derfully moving. 

Since we left Minyeh we have suffered 
dreadfully from the cold. The chickens died 
of it, and the Arabs look blue and pinched. 
Of course it is my weather. Never were such 
cold or such incessant contrary winds known. 
To-day was better, and Waseef, a Copt here, 
lent me his superb donkey to go up to a tomb 



on the mountain. The tomb is a mere ca¬ 
vern, it is so defaced; but the view of beau¬ 
tiful Asyoot standing in the midst of a loop of 
the Nile was ravishing;—a green deeper and 
brighter than that of England, crowds of grace¬ 
ful minarets, a picturesque bridge, gardens, 
palm-trees, then the river encircling the pic¬ 
ture, and beyond it, the barren yellow cliffs as 
a frame all round that. At our feet a woman 
was being carried to the grave, and the boys’ 
voices rang out the Koran, full and clear, as 
the long procession, first white turbans and 
then black veils and robes, wound along. 

It is all a dream to me; you can’t think 
what an odd effect it produces to take up an 
English book and read it, and then to look 
up and hear the men cry “ Ya Mohammad!” 
“ Bless thee, Bottom, how art thou translated! ” 
It is the reverse of all one’s former life, when 
one sat in England and read of the East; and 
now I live in the real true Arabian Nights, 
and don’t know whether “ I be I, as I suppose 
I be,” or not. I am afraid you will have to 
pay more for all this trash than it is worth, 
but I may not be able to write again. 




Thebes, December 20 , 1862 . 

I have had a long dawdling voyage up here, 
but I enjoyed it much, and have seen and heard 
many curious things. I have only stopped 
here for letters, and shall go on at once to 
Wadee Half eh, as the weather is very cold 
still, and 1 shall be better able to enjoy the 
ruins when I return about a month hence; 
and shall certainly prefer the tropics just now. 
The oldest Nile traveller never knew so cold a 
winter; it is like sharp English Octobei; wea¬ 
ther, with interludes of hot days. 

I can’t describe the kindness of the Copts. 
The men whom, as I told you, I met at a 
party at Cairo, wrote to all their friends and 
relations to be civil to me. Waseef’s atten¬ 
tions consisted, first, in lending me his splendid 



donkey, and accompanying me about all day. 
Next morning arrived a procession, headed by 
his clerk, a gentlemanly young Copt, and 
consisting of five black slaves, carrying a 
live sheep, a huge basket of the most delicious 
bread, a pile of cricket-balls of creamy butter, 
a large copper caldron of milk, and a cage of 
poultry. I was confounded, and tried to give 
a baksheesh to the clerk, but he utterly de¬ 
clined. At Girgeh one Mishrehgi was waiting 
for me, and was in despair because he had only 
time to get a few hundred eggs, two turkeys, a 
heap of butter, and a can of milk. At Kine 
one Eesa (Jesus)also lent a donkey, and sent me 
three boxes of delicious Mecca dates, which 
Omar thought stingy. Such attentions are very 
agreeable here, where good food is hard to be 
had, except as gift. They all made me pro¬ 
mise to see them again on my return, and to 
dine at their houses; and Waseef wanted to 
make a fantasia, and have dancing girls. 

How you would love the Arab women in the 
country villages! I wandered off the other day 
alone while the men were mending the rud¬ 
der, and fell in with a troop of them carrying 
jars. Such sweet, attractive beings, all smiles 



and grace. One beautiful woman pointed to 
the village, and made signs of eating, and took 
my hand to lead me. 1 went with her, admi¬ 
ring my companions as they walked. Omar 
came running after, and wondered I was not 
afraid. I laughed, and said they were much 
too pretty and kind-looking to frighten any 
one, which amused them exceedingly. They 
all wanted me to go and eat in their houses, 
and I had a great mind to it; but the wind 
was fair and the boat waiting,* and I bade my 
beautiful friends farewell. They asked if we 
wanted anything,—milk or eggs,—for they 
would give it with pleasure; it was not their 
custom to sell things, they said. I offered a 
bit of money to a little naked child, but his mo¬ 
ther would not let him take it. I shall never 
forget the sweet engaging creatures at that, 
little village, or the dignified politeness of an 
old weaver whose loom I walked in to look 
at, and who also wished to “set a piece of 
bread before me.” It is the true poetical pas¬ 
toral life of the Bible in the villages where 
the English have not been, and happily they 
don’t land at the little places. Thebes has 
become an English watering-place. There are 



now nine boats lying here, and the great ob¬ 
ject is to “ do the Nile” as fast as possible. It 
is a race up to Wadee Halfeh or Aswan. All 
the English stay here “ to make Christmas,” 
as Omar calls it; but I shall go on, and do my 
Christmas devotions with the Copts at Esneli 
or Edfoo. I found that their seeming dis¬ 
inclination to let one attend their religious 
services, arose from an idea that we English 
would not recognize them as Christians. 

I wrote home a curious story of a miracle. 
I find I was wrong about the saint being a 
Muslim (and so is Murray); he is no less than 
Mar Girgis, our own St. George himself. 
Why he selected a Muslim mason, I suppose 
he knows best. In a week I shall be in Nubia. 
Some year we must all make this voyage, you 
. would revel in it. 

If in the street I led thee, dearest, 

Though the veil hid thy face divine, 

They who beheld thy graceful motion 
"Would stagger as though drunk with wine. 

Nay, e’en the holy Sheykh, while praying, 

For guidance in the narrow way, 

Must needs leave off, and on the traces 
Of thine enchanting footsteps stray. 



0 ye who go down in the boats to Dumyat, 

Cross, I beseech ye, the stream to Budallah, 

Seek my beloved, and beg that she will not 
Forget me,—I pray and implore her by Allah! 

Fair as two moons is the face of nay sweetheart, 

And as to her neck and her bosom—Masha-allah ! 
And unless to my love I am soon reunited, 

Death is my portion; I swear it by Allah ! 

So sings Alee, the most debraille 
of my crew, but a charming singer, and a good 
fellow; his songs are all amatory, except one 
comic one^abusing the Sheykh-el-Beled, “ May 
the fleas bite him !” Horrid imprecation! as 
I know to my cost; for, after visiting the Cop¬ 
tic monks at Girgeh, I came home to the boats 

with myriads. S-said she felt like Rameses 

the Great, so tremendous was the slaughter 
of the active enemy. 




Thebes, February 11, 1863. 

On arriving here last night, I found your 
letter. Pray write again forthwith to Cairo, 
where I hope to stay a few weeks on my re¬ 
turn. A clever old dragoman whom I knew 
at Philse, offers to lend me furniture for a lodg¬ 
ing, or a tent for the desert; when I hesitated, 
he said he was very well off, and it was not his 
business to let things, hut only to be paid for 
his services by rich people ; that if I did not 
accept it as he meant it, he should be quite 
hurt. This is what I have met with from 
everything Arab,—nothing but kindness and 
politeness. I shall say farewell to Egypt with 
real regret; among other things, it will be 
a pang to part with Omar, who has been my 
shadow all this time, and for whom I have 



quite an affection, he is so thoroughly good 
and amiable. 

We have had the coldest winter ever known 
in Nubia,—such bitter north-east winds; 
but when the wind, by great favour, did not 
blow, the weather was heavenly. If the mil¬ 
lennium does come, I shall take out a good 
deal of mine on the Nile. At Aswan I had 
been strolling about, in that most poetically 
melancholy spot, the granite quarry of old 
Egypt, and burying-place of Muslim martyrs; 
and as I came homewards along the bank, a 
party of slave merchants, who had just loaded 
their goods for Sennar out of the boat upon 
the camels, were cooking, and asked me to 
dinner. And oh ! how delicious it felt to sit 
on a mat among the camels, and strange bales 
of goods, and eat the hot, tough bread, and 
sour m ilk and dates, offered with such stately 
courtesy. We got quite intimate over our lea¬ 
ther cup of sherbet (brown sugar-and-water ); 
and the handsome jet-black men, with fea¬ 
tures as beautiful as those of the young Bac¬ 
chus, described the distant lands in a way 
which would have charmed Herodotus. They 
proposed to me to join them, “they had food 



enough;” and Omar and I were equally in¬ 
clined to go. 

It is of no use to talk of the ruins. Every¬ 
body has said, I suppose, all that can be said ; 
but Phil® surpassed my expectations. No 
wonder the Arab legends of Anas-el-Wugood 
are so romantic ! and Aboo-Sembel, and many 
more. The scribbling of names is quite in¬ 
famous; beautiful paintings are defaced by 
Tomkins and Hobson, but, worst of all, Prince 
Puckler Muskau has engraved his and his 
Ordenskreuz , in huge letters and size, on the 
naked breast of that august .and pathetic giant 
who sits at Aboo-Sembel. 

I have eaten many strange things with strange 
people in strange places; dined with a respec¬ 
table Nubian family (the castor-oil was trying); 
been to a Nubian wedding (such a dance I 
saw!); made friends with a man much looked 
up to in his place—Kalabsheh,—inasmuch as 
he had killed several intrusive tax-gatherers 
and recruiting-officers. He was very gentleman¬ 
like and kind, and carried me up a place so 
steep I could not have reached it without his 

By the bye, going up the Cataract is nothing 



but noise and shouting, but coining down is fine 
fun. “ Fantaseeyeh Keteer,” as my excellent 
little Nubian pilot said. My sailors all prayed 
away manfully, and were horribly frightened. 
I confess my pulse quickened, but I don’t think 
it was fear. Below the Cataract 1 stopped for a 
religious fete, and went to the holy tomb with a 
remarkably handsome and graceful darweesh; 
—the true feingemcickt , noble Bedawee type. 
He took care of me through the people, who 
never had seen a Frank woman before, and 
crowded fearfully. The holy man pushed the 
true, believers unmercifully, to make way for 
me. He was particularly pleased at my not 
being afraid of the Arabs. I laughed, and 
asked if he was afraid of us. “ Oh no! he would 
like to come to England. When there he 
would work to eat and drink, and then sit and 
sleep in the church.” I was positively ashamed 
to tell my religious friend that, with us, the 
“ house of God ” is not the home of the poor 
stranger. I asked him to eat with me, but he 
was holding a preliminary Bamadan (it be¬ 
gins next week), and could not; but he brought 
his handsome sister, who was richly dressed, 
and begged me to visit him, and eat of his 



bread, cheese, and milk. Such is the treat¬ 
ment one finds if one leaves the high-road and 
the baksheesh-hunting parasites. There are 
plenty of gentlemen, barefooted, and clad in 
a shirt and cloak, ready to pay attentions 
which you may return with a civil look and 
greeting, and if you offer a cup of coffee and 
a seat on the floor, you give great pleasure. 
Still more if you eat the durah and dates, or 
bread and sour milk, with an appetite. 

At Kom Omboo we met with a Itifaee dar- 
weesh, with his basket of tame snakes. After 
a little talk, he proposed to initiate me; and 
so we sat down and held hands, like people 
marrying. Omar sat behind me and repeated 
the words, as my “ wekeel.” Then the Kifaee 
twisted a cobra round our joined hands, and 
requested me to spit on it ; he did the same, 
and I was pronounced safe, and enveloped in 
snakes. My sailors groaned, and Omar shud¬ 
dered as the snakes put out their tongues; 
the darweesh and I smiled at each other like 
Roman augurs. I need not say the creatures 
were toothless. 

It is worth while going to Nubia to see the 
girls. Up to twelve or thirteen, they are neatly 



dressed in a bead necklace, and a leather fringe, 
four inches wide, round their loins; and any¬ 
thing so absolutely perfect as their shapes, or 
so sweetly innocent as their look, cannot be 
conceived. The women are dressed in drapery, 
like Greek statues, and then' forms are as per¬ 
fect ; they have hard, bold faces, but very hand¬ 
some hair, plaited like the Egyptian sculptures 
and soaked with castor-oil.. The colour of the 
skin is rich sepia-brown, as of velvet with the 
pile; very dark, and the red blood glowing 
through it,—unlike negro colour in any de¬ 
gree. My pilot’s little girl came in the dress 
mentioned above, carrying a present of cooked 
fish on her head, and some fresh eggs. She 
was four years old, and so clever! I gave her 
a captain’s biscuit and some figs; and the little 
pet sat with her little legs tucked under her, 
and ate it so daintily; she was very long over it, 
and when she had done, she carefully wrapped 
up some more biscuit in a little rag of a veil, 
to take home. I longed to steal her, she was 
such a darling. One girl of thirteen was so 
lovely, that even the greatest prude must, I 
think, have forgiven her sweet, pure beauty. 
But the women, though far handsomer, lack 



the charm of the Arab women; and the men, 
except at Kalabsheh, and those from far up 
the country, are not such gentlemen as the 

I shall stay here ten days or so, and then 
return slowly, to get to Cairo on the 20th of 
March, the last day of Ramadan. I have seen 
so much that, like M. de Conti, “ je voudrais 
etre levee pour l’aller dire.” 

Pray write soon and tell me all about every 
one. Omar wanted to hear all that the “ big 
gentleman ” said about ‘ weled ’ and ‘ bint ’ 
(the boy and girl), and is much interested about 
Eton. He thinks that the Abu-l-wilad (fa¬ 
ther of the children) will send a sheep to the 
‘ fikee ’ who teaches his son. 

I long to bore you with travellers’ tales. 
I have learned a new code of propriety alto¬ 
gether ; “ Cela a du bon et du mauvais,” like 
our own. When I said “ my husband,” Omar 
blushed, and gently corrected me; when my 
donkey fell in the street, he cried with vexa¬ 
tion, and on my mentioning it to Hekekian 
Bey, he was quite indignant. “ W T hy you say 
it, ma’am 1 that shame!”—a faux pas, in fact. 
On the other hand, they mention with perfect 



satisfaction and pleasure all that relates to 
the great source of honour and happiness, 
the possession of children. A very handsome 
and modest young Nubian woman, wishing to 
give me the best present she could, brought a 
mat which she had made and which had been 
her marriage bed. It was a gift both friendly 
and honourable, and as such I received it. 

Omar translated her message with equal 
modesty and directness. He likewise gave me 
a full description of his own marriage. I in¬ 
timated that English people were not accus¬ 
tomed to some words he used, and might be 
shocked; upon which he said, “Of course I 
not speak my hareem to English gentleman, 
but to good lady, can speak it.” 

“ Good bye, dear-” No, that is impro¬ 

per, I must say, “ Oh, my Lord,” or “ Father of 
my son!” 




El-Uksur, February 17, 1863. 

It has been piercingly cold here for the last 
six or seven weeks, with only now and then a 
mild day. At Wadee Half eh I longed to go 
on to Khartoom to get warm. 

It is fine here now since yesterday, and 
here I shall stay till it is warm enough to 
venture down the river. In all other respects 
my journey has been most successful, and, to 
me, enchanting. My crew are dear, good, lazy 
fellows, or rather, children ; their ways amuse 
me infinitely. Omar is one of the best ser¬ 
vants I ever saw, and a cordon. Urn of a cook, 
which is lucky, as I have taken to eating., I 
have sat on many divans and eaten many 
quaint things with many strange and pleasant 
hosts. Shaheen’s family (who are quite great 



gentry in Nubia) gave me a dinner: first course, 
baked durah and dates; second, leathery bread 
and sour milk; third, durah and dates. Sha- 
heen’s two sisters, Kayeh and Khadeegeh, are 
very handsome; and his mother touched me 
by her anxiety to know “ if her son was good.’ 
They shewed me his two black slaves and his 
baby, a very fine one. I presented a baksheesh, 
but was loaded with presents in return,—a 
lamb, dates, etc. 

To-day we had a fantasia on horseback; the 
jeered-throwing and lance business are beau¬ 
tiful. I think Philse a bit of paradise, and 
Aswan is beautiful; the old burial-ground there 


charmed me more than I can express* 




March 10, 1863. 

I have a superb illumination to-night, im¬ 
provised by Omar in honour of the Prince of 
Wales’s marriage, and consequently am writ¬ 
ing with flaring candles, my lantern being on 
duty at the mast-head ; and the men are sing¬ 
ing an epithalamium, and beating the Dara- 
bukkeh as loud as they can. Omar wishes he 
could know exactly when the Prince “ takes 
his wife’s face,” that he might shriek for joy, 
according to Arab fashion. I am all the better 
for the glorious air of Nubia and the high-up 
country. Already we are returning into misty 
weather. Even Nubia is not so clear and 
bright as the Cape, though the sun is more 
stingingly hot. 

I dined with a Coptic friend in the hareem, 
and was pleased with their family life; poor 



Waseef' ate his boiled beans rather ruefully, 
while his wife and I had an excellent dinner, 
she being excused fasting on account of a 
coming baby. The Coptic fast is no joke, nei¬ 
ther butter, milk, eggs, nor fish being allowed 

for fifty-five days. They made S-- dine with 

us, and Omar was admitted to wait and in¬ 
terpret. Waseef s younger brother waited on 
him, like those in the Bible, and his clerk, a nice 
young fellow, assisted. Black slaves brought 
the dishes in, and capital the food was. There 
was plenty of joking between the lady and 
Omar about Ramadan, which he has broken, 
and the Nasranee fast, and also about the 
number of wives allowed,—the young clerk 
hinting that he rather liked that point in 
Islam. I have promised to spend ten or 
twelve days at their house if ever I go up the 
Nile again. I can’t describe how anxiously 
kind these people were to me ; one gets such 
a wonderful amount of sympathy and real 
hearty kindness here. 

A curious instance of the affinity of the 
British mind for prejudice is the way in which 
every Englishman I have seen scorns the 
Eastern Christians; and it is droll enough, that 



sinners like Mr. Kinglake and me should be 
the only people to feel the tie of “ the common 
faith” (vide ‘Eothen’). Avery pious Scotch 
gentleman wondered that I could think of en¬ 
tering a Copt’s house ; adding, that they were 
the publicans (tax-gatherers) of this coun¬ 
try,—which is true. I felt inclined to men¬ 
tion that better company than he or I had 
dined with publicans, and even sinners. The 
Copts are evidently the ancient Egyptians,— 
the slightly aquiline nose and long eye are 
the very same as those in the profiles on the 
tombs and temples, and also like the very 
earliest Byzantine pictures. JDu, reste, the face 
is handsome, but generally sallow and rather 
inclined to puffiness, and the figure wants the 
grace of the Arabs; nor has any Copt the 
thorough-bred distingue look of the meanest 
man or woman of good Arab blood. Their 
feet are the long-toed, flattish foot of the 
Egyptian statue, while the Arab foot is clas¬ 
sically perfect, and you could put your hand 
under the instep. The beauty ol: the Abab’deh, 
black, naked, and shaggy-haired, is quite mar¬ 
vellous; I never saw such delicate limbs and 
features, or such eyes and teeth-. 




A few miles below Girgeh, March, 1863. 

I am wonderfully better; the fine air of Nubia 
seemed to suit me as well as that of Caledon. 
It has the same merits, and the same draw¬ 
back of violent winds. Fancy that meat kept 
ten and fourteen days, under a sun which 
even I was forced to cover my head before ! 
In Cairo you must cook your meat in two 
days, and in Alexandria as soon as it is killed, 
—and the sun is nothing there. But in Nu¬ 
bia I walked till I wore out my shoes and 
roasted my feet, and was as dry as a chip; 
in Nubia, and as low down as Kine, below 
Thebes some way; after that it alters, and, 
though colder, I perspire again. In Cairo the 
winter has been terribly cold and damp, as 
the Coptic priest told me yesterday at Girgeh. 



He had been there, and suffered much from 
colds and coughs. So I don’t repent the ex¬ 
pense of the boat, for I am all the money the 
better, and really think of getting -w ell. 

Now that I know .the ways of the country 
(which Herodotus truly says is like no other), 
I see that I might have gone and lived at 
Thebes, or at Kine, or Aswan, on next to no¬ 
thing ; but then how could I know it 1 The 
English have raised a mirage of false wants 
and extravagance, which the servants of the 
country of course, some from interest, and 
some from mere ignorance, do their best to 
keep up. As soon as I had succeeded in 
really persuading Omar that I was not as rich 
as a Pasha, and had no wish to be thought so, 
he immediately turned over a new leaf as to 
what must be had, and said, “ Oh, if I could 
have thought an English lady would have 
eaten and lived and done the least like Arab 
people, I might have hired a house at Kine 
for you, and we might have gone up in a clean 
passenger-boat; but 1 thought no English could 
bear it.” At Cairo, where we shall be on the 
19th, Omar will get a lodging, and borrow a 
few mattresses and a table and chair, and, as 



he says, “ keep the money in our pockets, in¬ 
stead of giving it to the hotel.” 

I hope you got a letter I wrote from Thebes, 
telling you that I had dined with the “ blame¬ 
less Ethiopians.” I have seen all the temples in 
Nubia and down as far as I have come, and nine 
of the tombs of Thebes. Some are wonderfully 
beautiful,—Aboo-Sembel, Kalabsheh, Kom 
Omboo,—a little temple at El-Kab, lovely,— 
all three at Thebes; and most of all, Abydus. 
Edfoo and Dendarah are the most perfect, Ed- 
foo quite perfect, but far less beautiful. But the 
most beautiful object my eyes ever saw is the 
island of Philae; it gives one quite the super¬ 
natural feeling of Claude’s best landscapes, 
only not the least like them. The Arabs say 
that Anas-el-Wugood, the most beautiful of 
men, built it for his most beautiful beloved, 
and there they lived in perfect beauty and 
happiness all alone. If the weather had not 
been so cold while I was there, I should have 
lived in the temple, in a chamber sculptured 
with the mystery of Osiris’s burial and resur¬ 
rection. Omar cleaned it out, and meant to 
move my things there for a few days, but it was 
too cold to sleep in a room without a door. 



The winds have been extraordinarily cold 
this year, and are so still. We have had very 
little of the fine warm weather, and really 
have been pinched with cold most of the 
time. I had to wear all my thickest winter 
clothes and wraps; on the shore, away from 
the river, would be much better for invalids. 
Mustafa Agha, the consular agent at Thebes, 
has offered me a house of his up among 
the tombs, in the finest air, if ever I want 
it. He is very kind and hospitable indeed to 
all the English who come there. I went into 
his hareem, and liked his wife’s manners very 
much. It was cheering to see that she hen¬ 
pecked her handsome” old husband completely. 
They had beautiful children, and his boy, 
about thirteen or so, rode and played jeered 
one day, when Abdallah Pasha had ordered 
the people of the neighbourhood to shew that 
exercise to General Parker. I never saw so 
beautiful a performance. The old General and 
I were quite excited, and he tried it, to the 
great amusement of the Sheykh-el-Beled. The 
Sheykh and young Hasan, and old Mustafa, 
wheeled round and round like beautiful hawks, 
and caught the palmsticks thrown at them as 



they dashed round. It was superb ; and the 
horses were good, although the bridles and 
saddles were rags and ends of rope, and the 
men tatterdemalions. 

A little below Thebes I stopped, and 
walked inland to Koos, to see a noble old 
mosque falling to ruin. Few English had ever 
been there, and we were surrounded by a 
crowd in the bazaar. Instantly five or six 
tall fellows with long sticks, improvised them¬ 
selves as a body-guard, and kept the people 
off, who however were perfectly civil, and only 
curious to see such strange “ hareem and 
after seeing us well out of the town, evapo¬ 
rated as quietly as they came, without a word. 
I gave about tenpence to buy oil, as it is Ra¬ 
madan, and the mosque ought to be lighted; 
and the old servant of the mosque kindly 
promised me full justice at the day of judg¬ 
ment, as I was one of those Nazarenes of 
whom the Lord Mohammad has said that they 
are not proud, and wish well to the Musli- 
meen. Mohammad Alee Pasha had confiscated 
all the lands belonging to the mosque, and al¬ 
lowed three hundred piastres (not two pounds a 
month) for all expenses. Of course the noble 



old building, with its beautiful carving and 
arabesque mouldings, must fall down. There 
was a smaller one beside it, where the ser¬ 
vant declared that anciently forty women lived 
unmarried and recited Koran,—Muslim nuns, 
in fact. I intend to ask the Alim, for whom I 
have a letter from Mustafa A'gha, about such 
an anomaly. 

Some way above Belyeneh, Omar asked 
eagerly for leave to stop the boat, as a great 
sheykh had called to us, and we should in¬ 
evitably have some disaster if we disobeyed. 
So we stopped, and Omar said, “Come and 
see the sheykh, ma’am.” I walked oif and pre¬ 
sently found about thirty people, including all 
my own men, sitting on the ground round St. 
Simeon Stylites, without the column. A hideous 
old man, like Polyphemus, utterly naked, with 
the skin of a rhinoceros all cracked with 
the weather, sat there, and had sat night and 
day, summer and winter, motionless for twenty 
years. He never prays, he never washes, he 
does not keep Ramadan, and yet he is a saint. 
Of course I expected a good hearty curse from 
such a man; but he was delighted with my 
visit, asked me to sit down, ordered his servant 



to bring me sugar-cane, asked my name, and 
tried to repeat it over and over again; he was 
quite talkative and full of jokes and compli¬ 
ments, and took no notice of any one else. 
Omar and my crew smiled and nodded, and all 
congratulated me heartily. Such a distinction 
proves my own excellence (as the sheykh 
knows all people’s thoughts), and is sure to 
be followed by good fortune. Finally, Omar 
proposed to say the Fat’hah, in which all 
joined except the sheykh, who looked rather 
bored by the interruption, and who desired 
us not to go so soon unless I were in a hurry. 
A party of Bedawees came up on camels, 
with presents for the holy man, but he took 
no notice of them and went on questioning 
Omar about me, and answering my questions. 
What struck me was the total absence of any 
sanctimonious air about the old fellow; he 
was quite worldly and jocose. I suppose he 
knew that his position was secure, and thought 
his dirt and nakedness were sufficient proofs 
of his holiness. Omar then recited the Fat’kah 
again, and we rose and gave the servant a few 
■ feddahs. The saint takes no notice of this 
part of the proceedings, but he asked me to 



send him twice my handful of rice for his 
dinner.—an honour so great that there was a 
murmur of congratulation through the whole 
assembly. I asked Omar how a man could 
be a saint who neglected all the duties of a 
Muslim, and I found that he fully believed 
that Sheykh Seleem could be in two places at 
once; that while he sits there on the shore, 
he is also at Mecca performing every sacred 
function, and dressed all in green. “ Many 
people have seen him there, ma’am; quite 

From Belyeneh we rode on pack donkeys 
without bridles, and only my saddle, to Aby- 
dus, six miles through the most beautiful 
-crops ever seen. The absence of weeds and 
blight is wonderful, and the green of Egypt, 
where it is green, would make English green 
look black. Beautiful cattle, sheep, and ca¬ 
mels were eating the delicious clover, while 
their owners camped in reed huts, during the 
time the crops are growing. Such a lovely 
scene, all sweetness and plenty! We ate our 
bread and dates in Osiris’s temple, and a wo¬ 
man offered us buffalo milk on our way home, 
which we drank warm out of the huge earthen 



pan it had been milked in. At Girgeh I 
found my former friend Mishreghi absent, but 
his servants told some of his friends of my 
arrival, and about seven or eight big black 
turbans soon gathered in the boat. 

A darling little Coptic boy came with his 
father, and wanted a “ kitab ” (book) to write in. 
So I made one out of paper and the cover of 
my old pocket-book, and gave him a pencil. 1 
also bethought me of showing him a picture- 
book, which was so glorious a novelty that he 
wanted to go with me to my town, “ Beled el- 
Inkeleez,” where more such books were to be 




Asyoot, March 8, 1863. 

Herb I found letters telling me of Lord Lans- 
downe’s death. Of course I know that his time 
was come ; but the thought that I shall never 
see his face again,—that all that kindness and 
affection is gone out my of life, is a great 
blow. No friend could leave such a blank to 
me as that old and faithful one, though the 
death of younger ones might be more tragic; 
but so many things have gone with him into 
the grave. Many, indeed, will mourn that kind, 
wise, steadfast man. Antigua Jides. No one, 
nowadays, will be so noble, with such uncon¬ 
sciousness and simplicity. I have bought two 
Coptic turbans to make a black dress out of. I 
thought I should like to wear it for him—here, 
where “ compliment ” is out of the question. 



I also had so bad an account of J-that 

I have telegraphed to Alexandria, and shall 
so there if she is not much better. If she 


is, I shall hold to my plan, and see Benee- 
Hasan and the Pyramids on my way to Cairo. 
I found my kind friend, the Copt Waseef, 
who had the letters, kinder than ever. He 
went off to telegraph to Alexandria for me, 
and showed so much feeling and real kind¬ 
ness, that I was quite touched; it is such a 
contrast to the hardness of colonial ways. 

I feel very much better ; can walk four or 
five miles. All this in spite of really cold 
weather, in a boat where nothing shuts with¬ 
in two fingers’ breadth. I long to be back 
again with my own people. Good Waseef 
has just been here to see whether I did not 
want money, or anything. 

March 10.—No telegram, but Waseef has 
just sent a letter now come with good news, 
so I shall start at once with an easy heart. I 
dined and spent the day with Waseef and his 
hareem. Such an amiable, kindly household! 
I was charmed with their manner to each 
other, to the slaves and family. His brother, 
as in patriarchal times, waited on us at table. 



The slaves (all Muslims) told Omar what an 
excellent master they had. 

Waseef lent me £10, as my captain wants 
money, and I am to repay it to his slave in 
Cairo, who does business for him. He had 
meant to make a dance fantasia for me, but 
as I had not good news, it was countermanded. 




Cairo, March 19, 1863. 

Aktek leaving Asyoot, I caught cold. The 
worst of going up the Nile is that you must 
come down again, and find horrid fogs and 
cold nights, with sultry days; so I did not 
attempt Sakkarah and the Pyramids, but came 
a day before my appointed time to Cairo. 
Here in the town it is much warmer and 
drier. . . . 




Cairo, Friday, April 9, 1863. 

I have had a very severe attack of bron¬ 
chitis, and have gone through all the old long 
tedious story of cough and qtter weakness. 
Omar wisely went for Heltekian Bey, who 
came at once, bringing Deleo Bey, the sur¬ 
geon-in-chief to the Pasha’s troops, and also 
the doctor to the Bareem. He has been most 
kind, coming two and three times a day. He 
won’t take any fee, under the pretext that he 
is “ offioier du Pacha." I must send him some 
present from England. As to Hekekian Bey, 
he is absolutely the good Samaritan; and 
these Orientals do their ldndnesses with such 
an air of enjoyment to themselves, that it 
seems quite a favour to let them wait upon 
one. Hekekian comes in every day with his 



handsome old face and a budget of news,—all 
the gossip of the Sultan and his doings. I am 
up to-day for the second time. The weather 
has been chilly, and two days’ rain! I am 
waiting for a warm day to go out. I hear the 
illuminations last night were beautiful. The 
Turkish bazaar was gorgeous. To-morrow 
the Mahmal goes. Think of my missing that 

I have a black slave—a real one. I looked 
at her little ears, wondering they had not been 
bored for rings. She fancied I wished them 
bored. She was sitting on the floor, close at my 
side, and in a minute she stood up, and showed 
me her ear, with a great pin stuck through it, 
“Is that well, lady?” The creature is eight 
years old. The shock nearly made me faint. 
What extremity of terror had reduced that 
little mind to such a state ? When she first 
came, she tells me, she thought I should eat 
her; now, her dread is that I shall leave her 
behind. She sings a wild song of joy at 

M-’s picture, and about the little Sitt. 

She was sent from Khartoom a present to the 
American Consul, who had no woman-servant 
in his house. He fetched me to look at her, 



and when I saw the terror-stricken creature 
roughly pulled about by his cook and groom, 
I said I would take her for the present. She 
sings quaint little Kurdufan songs all day. She 
had never seen a needle, and in a fortnight 
she sews very neatly and quickly. She wails 
aloud when Omar tells her she is not my slave. 
She is very quiet and gentle, poor little sa¬ 
vage ! but blacker than ebony. The utter sla¬ 
vishness of the poor little soul quite upsets 
me. She has absolutely no will of her own. 

I am quite ready to do whatever is thought 
best in the summer. Deleo Bey can give no 
opinion, as he knows little but Egypt, and 
thinks England rather like Norway, I fancy. 
Only don’t let me be put in a dreadful moun¬ 
tain valley to inhale those dismallest of va¬ 
pours. I hear the drip, drip, drip of Eaux 
Bonnes when I am chilly and oppressed in my 




Cairo, April 13, 1863. 

I have been ill again. The fact is that the 
spring in Egypt is very trying, and I came 
down the river a full month too soon. People 
do exaggerate so about the heat. To-day is 
the first warm day we have had: till now I 
have been shivering. 

I have been out twice for a drive, and saw 
the sacred Camel bearing the Holy Mahmal, 
rest for its first station outside the town. No 
words can describe the departure of the Holy 
Mahmal and the pilgrims for Mecca. I sat for 
hours in a Bedawee tent in a sort of dream. 
It is the most beautiful sight of man and 
beast, and colour and movement; and their 
first encampment is in a glorious spot, among 
the domes and minarets of the ruined tombs 
of the Memlook Sultans. 


It is a deeply-affecting sight, when one 
thinks of the hardships all these men are pre¬ 
pared to endure. Omar’s eyes were full of 
tears and his voice husky with emotion as he 
talked about it, and pointed out the Mahmal 
and the Sheykh-el-gomel who leads the Sacred 
Camel, naked to the waist, with flowing hair. 

I loitered about a long time admiring the 
glorious “free people.” The Bedawce and the 
Maghrabee and their noble-looking women 
are magnificent, and the irregular Turkish and 
Arab horsemen, so superior to the drilled ca¬ 
valry, are wildly picturesque. To see a, Be- 
dawee and his wife walk through the streets 
of Cairo is superb. Her hand resting on his 
shoulder, and scarcely deigning to cover her 
haughty face, she looks down on the Egyptian 
veiled woman who carries the heavy burden 
and walks behind her lord and master. 

Muslim piety is so unlike what Europeans 
think it: it is so full of tender emotions, so 
much more sentimental than we imagine, and 
it is wonderfully strong. I used to hear Omar 
praying outside my door while I was so ill, 
“ 0 God, make her better!” “ Oh, may God 
let her sleep ! ” as naturally as we should say 



“ I hope she will have a good night.” I found 
great kindness here. Hekekian Bey came to 
see me every day, and Deleo Bey, the doctor, 
attended me with the utmost care and tender¬ 
ness. It had an odd, dreamy effect to hear 
old Hekekian Bey and my doctor discoursing 
in Turkish at my bedside. I shall always fancy 
the good Samaritan in a tarboosh and white 
beard and very long eyes. 

The Sultan’s coming is a kind of riddle. No 
one knows what he wants. The Pasha has 
ordered all the women of the lower classes to 
keep indoors while the Sultan is here. Arab 
women are outspoken, and might shout out 
their grievances to the great Sultan. I fear 
I shall not see Sakkarah or the Pyramids, for 
strength returns very slowly after such an ill¬ 
ness as I have had. 

I am going to visit the old Muslim French 
painter’s family. He has an Arab wife and 
grown-up daughters. He is a very agreeable 
old man, and has a store of Arab legends; 
I am going to persuade him to write them 
down, and let me translate them into English. 
The Sultan goes away to-day. He and his suite 
have eaten nothing but what came from Con- 



stantinople; even water to drink was brought. 
I heard that from Hckeltian Bey, who formerly 
owned the eunuch who is now Kislar Azi to 
the Sultan himself; so Hekekian had the ho¬ 
nour of kissing his old slave’s hand. 

If any one tries to make you believe any 
nonsense about “civilization” in Egypt, laugh 
at it. The real life and the real people are 
exactly as described in that most veracious of 
books, the ‘ Thousand and One Nights.’ The 
tyranny is the same, the people are not al¬ 
tered ; and very charming people they are. If 
I could but speak the language, I could get 
into Arab society through two or throe different 
people, and sec more than many Europeans 
who have lived here all their lives. The Arabs 
are deeply alive to the least prejudice against 
them; but when they feel quite safe on that 
point, they rather like the amusement of a 

Omar devised a glorious scheme, if I were 
only well and strong, of putting me in a tahkt- 
rawan and taking me to Mecca in the cha¬ 
racter of his mother, supposed to he a Turk. 
To a European man of course it would he im¬ 
possible, but an enterprising woman might do 



it easily with, a Muslim confederate. Fancy 
seeing the pilgrimage! 

In a few days I must go down to Alexan¬ 
dria. Thus do Arabs understand competition ; 
the owner of boats said that so few were 
wanted, times were so bad on account of the 
railway, etc. etc., that he must have double 
what he used to have. In vain Omar argued 
that this was not the way to get employment. 
Maleysh ! (never mind.) Is not that Eastern \ 
Up the river, where there is no railroad, I 
might have it at half that rate. All you have 
ever told me as most Spanish in Spain is in 
full vigour here; and also I am reminded of 
Ireland at every turn. The same causes pro¬ 
duce the same effects. 

To-day the Khamaseen is blowing, and it is 
decidedly hot: the heat is quite unlike that at 
the Cape: this is close and gloomy,—no sun¬ 
shine. Altogether the climate is far less bright 
than I expected; very inferior to that of the 
Cape. Nevertheless I heartily agree to the 
Arab saying, “He who has drunk the Nile 

water will ever long to drink it again.” S- 

says all other water after that of the Nile is 
like bad small-beer compared to sweet ale. 




When the Khamaseen is over, Omar insists 
on my going to see the tree and the well 
where Sittina Maryam (the Virgin Mary) rest¬ 
ed with Seyyiclna Eesa in her arms during the 
flight into Egypt. It is venerated by Chris¬ 
tian and Muslim alike, and is a great place 
for feasting and holiday-making out of doors, 
which the Arabs so dearly love. 

It would be delightful to have you at Cairo. 
Now I have pots and pans, and all things need¬ 
ful for a house but a carpet and a few mat¬ 
tresses, you could camp with mo a VArabs. 
How you would revel in old Masr el-Kahirah, 
peep up at lattice-windows, gape like a “ Gha- 
sheem ” (green one) in the bazaar, go wild in 
the mosques, laugh at portly Turks and digni¬ 
fied sheykhs on their white donkeys, drink 
sherbet in the streets, ride wildly about on 
a donkey, peer under black veils at beautiful 
eyes, and feel generally intoxicated. I am 
quite a good cicerone now of the glorious old 
city. Omar is in rapture at the idea that 
“ Seedee el-kebeer ” (the great Master) might 
come. Masha-allah! how our hearts would 
he dilated! 

It may amuse you to see what impression 



Cairo makes. I ride along on my valiant don¬ 
key, led by the stalwart Hasan, and attended 
by Omar, and constantly say, “ Oh, if our mas¬ 
ter were here, how pleased he would be !” 
(Husband is not a correct word.) I went 
out again to the tombs yesterday. Omar wit¬ 
nessed the destruction of some of the most ex¬ 
quisite buildings; the tombs and mosques of 
the Memlook Sultans, which Sa-eed Pasha used 
to divert himself with bombarding, for prac¬ 
tice for his artillery. Omar was then in the 
boy-corps of camel artillery, now disbanded. 
Thus the Pasha added the piquancy of sacri¬ 
lege to barbarism. 

Our street and our neighbours would divert 
you. Opposite lives a Christian dyer, who 
must be a seventh brother of the admirable 
Barber; he has the same impertinence, loqua¬ 
city, and love of meddling with everybody’s 
business. I long to see him thrashed, though 
he is a constant comedy. The Arabs next-door, 
and the Levantines opposite, are quiet enough ; 
but how do they eat all the cucumbers they 
buy of the man who cries them every morn¬ 
ing as “ fruit gathered by sweet girls in the 
garden with the early dew”? 


Tlie more I sec of the back slums of Cairo, 
the move in love I am with it. The dirtiest 
lane of Cairo is far sweeter than the best 
street of Paris. Here there is the dirt of nee- 


ligence, and the dust of a land without rain, 
but nothing disgusting; and docent Arabs are 
as clean in their personal habits as English 
gentlemen. As to the beauty of Cairo, that 
no words can describe: the oldest European 
towns are tame and regular in comparison; 
and the people arc so pleasant. If you smile 
at anything that amuses you, you get the 
kindest, brightest smiles in return; they give 
hospitality with their faces, and if one brings 
out a few words, “ Maslui-allah! what Arabic 
the Sitt Inkcleezeeyeh speaks!” The Arabs are 
clever enough to understand the amusement 
of a stranger, and to enter into it, and are 
amused in turn, and they arc wonderfully un¬ 
prejudiced. When Omar explains to me their 
views on various matters, he adds, “ The Arab 
people think so; I not know if right.” And 
the way in which the Arab merchants worked 
the electric telegraph, and the eagerness of 
the Felliheen for steam-ploughs, are quite ex¬ 
traordinary. They are extremely clever and 



nice children, easily amused, and easily roused 
into a fury, which lasts five minutes and leaves 
no malice ; and half the lying and cheating of 
which they are accused, comes from misunder¬ 
standing and ignorance. When 1 first took 
Omar he was by way of ten or twenty pounds 
being nothing for my dignity; but as soon as 
I told him that the Master was a Bey who had 
a salary but no baksheesh, he was as careful 
as for himself. The Arabs see us come here 
and do what only their greatest Pashas do,— 
hire a boat to ourselves,—and of course think 
our wealth boundless. The lying is mostly from 
fright. They dare not suggest a difference of 
opinion to a European, and lie to get out of 
scrapes which blind obedience has often got 
them into. 

As to the charges of shopkeepers, that is 
the. custom; and the haggling, a ceremony 
you must submit to. It is for the purchaser 
or employer to offer a price and fix wages,—the 
inverse of Europe. If you inquire the price, 
they ask for something fabulous at random. 
A few hundred pounds could be pleasantly 
spent in the bazaars here. Carpets, gay blan¬ 
kets, etc., are cheap and lovely. Cairo is the 



Arabian Nights; there is a little Frankish var¬ 
nish here and there, but the government, the 
people, all are unchanged since that most faith¬ 
ful picture of manners was drawn. 

The Christians arc far more close and re¬ 
served and backward than the Arabs, and they 
have been so repudiated by Europeans that they 
are doubly shy of us. The Europeans resent 
being called “ Nasranee,” as a genteel Hebrew 
gentleman may shrink from the word “ Jew.” 
But I said boldly, “I am a Nazarene, praise 
be to God!” and found that it was much ap¬ 
proved by the Muslims as well as the Copts. 
Curious things are to be seen here in religion : 
Muslims praying at the tomb of Mar Girgis 
(St. George), and at the resting-places of Sit- 
tina Maryam and Seyyidna Eesa, and miracles 
bran-new of an equally mixed description. 

If you have any power over any artist, send 
him to paint here; no words can describe 
either the picturesque beaiity of Cairo or the 
splendid forms of the people in Upper Egypt, 
and, above all, in Nubia. I was in raptures at 
seeing how superb an animal man (and woman) 
really is; my donkey-girl at Thebes, dressed 
like a Greek statue, “Ward esh-Sham ” (the 



rose of Syria) was a feast to the eyes. And here 
too, what grace and sweetness! and how good 
is a drink of Nile water out of an amphora 
held to your lips by a woman as graceful as 
she is kindly ! “ May it benefit thee!” she 

says, smiling with her beautiful teeth and 

The days of the beauty of Cairo are num¬ 
bered: the superb mosques are falling to de¬ 
cay, the exquisite lattice-windows are rotting 
away and replaced by European glass and 
jalousies ; only the people and the government 
remain unchanged. 




Alexandria, May 12,18G3. 

I Have been here a fortnight, but the cli¬ 
mate, although very warm, disagrees with me 
so much that I am going back to Cairo at 
once, by the advice of the French doctor of 
the Suez Canal. I fancy T can stay at Cairo 
a month perhaps, and then I hope to go home, 
or, if not well enough for that, to go some¬ 
where in the south of Europe. I cannot at 
all shake off the cough here. The American 
Consul kindly lends me his nice little bache¬ 
lor-house, -and I take Omar back again for the 
job. It is very hot here, but with a sea-breeze 
which strikes me like ice. Strong people enjoy 
it, but it gives even J-cold in the head. 

I am terribly disappointed at not being as 
materially better as I hoped I should be, while 



in Upper Egypt. I cannot express the longing 
I have for home and my children, and how 
much I feel the sort of suspense my illness 
causes to you all. Perhaps Cairo will cure 
this cough, and then I may venture home in 
July. Next winter will cost very little, as all 
my cooking things and boat-fumiture are safe 
at Cairo "with my washerwoman, and Mustafa 
will lend me a house at Thebes, and there 
will be steamers up the Nile then; so I shall 
save all the boat expenses, wilich are so great, 
and shall live for nothing up there. When I 
went yesterday to deposit my goods at the wor¬ 
thy old woman’s house, the neighbours seeing 
me arrive on my donkey, followed by a cargo 
of pots and pans, thought I was come to live 
there, and came running out. I was patted 
on the back and welcomed, and overwhelmed 
with offers of service to help to clean my house, 
etc. Of course all rushed upstairs, and my 
washerwoman was put to a great expense in 
pipes and coffee. 

One must come to the East to understand 
absolute social equality. As there is no educa¬ 
tion, and no reason why the donkey boy who 
runs beside me may-not become a great man, 



and as all Muslims are ipso facto brothers, 
money and rank are looked on as mere acci¬ 
dents; and my savoir viore was highly thought 
of, because I sat down with Fellaheen, and 
treated every one alike, as they treat each other. 
In Alexandria all this is changed; the Eu¬ 
ropean ideas and customs have nearly extin¬ 
guished the Arab, and those which remain are 
not improved by the contact. Only the Be- 
dawee preserve their haughty nonchalance. I 
found the Maghrabec bazaar full of them when 
I went to buy a white cloak, and was amused 
at the way in which one splendid bronze figure, 
who lay on the shop-front, moved one big to 
let me sit down. They grew interested in my 
purchase, and assisted in making the bargain 
and wrapping the long cloak round me, Bc- 
dawee fashion; and they, too, complimented 
me on having the face of the “ Arab,” which 
means Bedawee, I wanted a little Arab dress • 

for R-, hut could find none, as at her age 

none are worn in the Desert. 

I dined one day with Omar, or rather 1 ate 
at his house, for he would not eat with me. 
His sister-in-law cooked a most admirable din¬ 
ner, and every one was delighted. It was an 



interesting family circle. There was a very 
respectable elder brother, a confectioner, whose 
elder wife was a black woman, a really re¬ 
markable person. She speaks Italian perfectly, 
and gave me a great deal of information, and 
asked very intelligent questions. She ruled 
the house, but as she had no children, he had 
married a fair gentle-looking Arab woman, 
who had five children, and all lived in perfect 
harmony. Omar’s wife is a fine handsome girl 
of his own age, with very good manners, but 
close on her lying-in, and looking fatigued. 
She had been outside the door of the close 
little court which constituted the house once 
since her marriage. I now begin to under¬ 
stand the condition of the women, and the 
Muslim sentiments and maxims regarding 
them. There is a good deal of chivalry in 
some respects, and in the respectable lower 
and middle classes, the result is not so bad. 
I suspect that among the rich, few are very 
happy, but I don’t know them, or anything of • 
the Turkish ways. I will go and see the black 
woman again, and hear more; her conversa¬ 
tion was really interesting, I hope to see you 
all before very long. 




Cairo, May, 1SC3. 

I only stayed a fortnight at Alexandria, and 
finding myself quite knocked up by the damp¬ 
ness of the air, I came hack here. Mr. Thayer, 
the American Consul-General, who has been 
my earthly providence in this country, has 
lent me a little apartment which he has in 
Cairo and does not use except in winter ; it is 
infinitely pleasanter than the hotel, and costs 
much less. I had a most successful voyage up 
to the Second Cataract, Wadee Ilalfeh, only 
the winter was the coldest ever known in 
Egypt, and I had many comfortless cold days 
in the Etesian wind. As to interest and enjoy¬ 
ment, I don’t think Italy or Greece can equal 
the sacred Nile, the perfect freshness of the gi- 
' gantic buildings, the beauty of the sculptures, 



and the charm of the people. Two beautiful 
young Nubian women visited me in my boat, 
with hair in the little plaits finished off with 
lumps of yellow clay, burnished like golden 
tags, soft deep bronze skins, and lips and eyes 
fit for Isis and Athor; the very dress and 
ornaments were the same as those represented 
in the tombs, and 1 felt inclined to ask them 
how many thousand years old they were. In 
their house, I sat on an ancient Egyptian 
couch with the semicircular head-rest, and ate 
and drank out of crockery which looked an¬ 
tique ; and they brought me dates in a basket 
such as you see in the British Museum, and a 
mat of the same sort. At Aswan I dined on 
the shore with the “blameless Ethiopians,” 
merchants from Soodan, black as ink and hand¬ 
some as the Greek Bacchus. Most ancient of 
all, though, are the Copts; their very hands 
and feet are the same as those of the Egyptian 
statues. The bas-reliefs in the tombs are ac¬ 
curate representations of the country people 
of the present day,—especially the Nubians 
and Copts. 

I was most kindly received by a Copt mer¬ 
chant at Asyoot, and am to spend a week at 



his hareem if ever I go up the Nile again; 
everywhere his relations welcomed me and 
gave me provisions. But generally they are a 
reserved people, and acknowledge no connec¬ 
tion with other Christians. 

Nothing is more striking to me than the 
way in which one is constantly reminded of 
Herodotus.* Both the Christianity and the 
Islam of this country are full of the ancient 
practices and superstitions of the old worship. 
The sacred animals have all taken service 
with Muslim saints: at Minyeh, one of the 
latter reigns over crocodiles. I saw the hole of 
JEsculapius’s serpent at Gebcl Sheykh Haree- 
dee ; and I fed the birds who used to tear the 
cordage of the boats that refused to feed them, 
and who are now the servants of Sheykh Noo- 
neh, and still come on board by scores for the 
bread which no Reyyis dares to refuse them. 
Bubastis has not lost her influence, and cats 
are as sacred as ever: they are still fed in the 
Kadee s court, at Cairo, at public expense, and 
behave with singular decorum when the “ser¬ 
vant of the cats” serves their dinner. 

Among gods, Amun Ra, the god of the sun, 
and great serpent-slayer, calls himself Mar- 



Girgis (St. George), and Osiris holds his fes¬ 
tivals twice a year as notoriously as ever at 
Tanta, in the Delta, under the name of Seyyid 
el-Bedawee. The Fellah women offer sacrifices 
to the Nile, and walk round ancient statues, 
in order to have children. 

These are a few of the ancient things, and 
in domestic life are numbers more. The ce¬ 
remonies at births and burials are not Mus¬ 
lim, but ancient Egyptian. The women wail 
for the dead, as on the sculptures ; a practice 
which is directly contrary to the injunctions of 
the Koran. All the ceremonies are pagan, 
and would shock an Indian Muslim as much 
as his objection to eat with a Christian shocks 
an Arab. 

This country is a palimpsest, in which the 
Bible is written over Herodotus, and the Ko¬ 
ran over that. In the towns the Koran is most 
visible; in the country, Herodotus. I fancy 
this is most marked and most curious among 
the Copts, whose churches are shaped like 
the ancient temples; but they are so much 
less accessible than the Arabs, that I know 
less of their customs. 

In Cairo, of course, one is more reminded of 



the beloved 6 Arabian Nights, 5 —indeed Cairo 
is the 4 Arabian Nights.’ I knew that Chris¬ 
tian dyer who lives opposite to me, and is 
always wrangling, from my infancy; and my 
delightful servant Omar, Abu-l-Tlalawch (the 
father of sweets), is the type of all the ami- 
^lejemiss premiers of the stories. I am pri¬ 
vately of opinion that he is Bedr-ed-Deen Ha¬ 
san,—the more as he can make cream tarts, 
and there was no pepper in them. Cream tarts 
are not very good, but lamb stuffed with pis¬ 
tachio-nuts fulfils all one’s dreams of excel¬ 
lence,—and dates and Nile water! they are ex¬ 
cellent indeed, especially together, like olives 
and wine. 

Next Friday the great Bairam begins, and 
every one is buying sheep and poultry in pre¬ 
paration for it; every poor Muslim eats meat 
at the expense of his richer neighbours. It is 
the day on which the pilgrims ascend Mount 
Arafat at Mecca, to hear the sermon which 
terminates the Hajj. 

Next month is the Moolid en-Nebbee, the 
feast of the Prophet, and I hope to see that 
too. I have been very fortunate in seeing a 
great deal here, and getting to know a good 



deal of the family life. I have been especially 
civilly treated by darweeshes and pious people, 
who might reasonably have cursed me. Even 
a tremendous saint, a naked Fakeer, treated 
me with the greatest distinction, and my crew 7 
were delighted, and prophesied great blessings 
for me. Fie had sat naked and motionless 
twenty years on one spot, and looked like the 
trunk of an old tree; but he had no pious airs, 
and was rather jocose. 

I hope to go home next month, as soon as 
it gets too hot here, and is likely to be warm 
enough in England. 




Masr el-Kahirah, (Cairo,) May 21, 1863. 

I have just received your letter and Mrs. 

K-’s, for which many thanks; but what 

she recommends is just what does not suit me. 
All those sea-coast places make me ill. Simon’s 
Bay, Alexandria, and, in a less degree, Cape 
Town, all disagreed with me ; while the dry 
heat of Caledon and of Nubia seemed to give 
me new life. Madeira, I am sure, would make 
me ill. It is curious that it should be so, 
while being at sea suits me so well; but it 
is the contest between land and sea air which 
is pernicious; and the warmer the climate, 
the more sensible that is. There are poitri- 
naires who thrive at Damietta even, but I am 
not one of them. Dr. Aubert Roche told me 
to go by the hygrometer, and I said I had dis- 



covered that already, and carried a most faith¬ 
ful one inside me;—worse luck! 

I came here on Saturday night. To-day is 
Wednesday, and I am already much better. I 
have attached an excellent donkey and his 
master, a delightful Hasan, to my household. 
They live at the door, and Hasan cleans the 
stairs and goes errands during the heat of the 
day; and I ride out very early, at six or seven, 
and again at five. The air is delicious now: 
it is very hot for a few hours, hut not stifling; 
and the breeze does not chill one, as it does 
at Alexandria. I live all day and all night 
with open windows, and the plenty of fresh 
warm air is the best of remedies. I can do no 
better than stay here till the heat becomes 
too great. I left little Zeyneb, my slave, at 

Alexandria with J-’s maid, who quite loves 

her, and who begged to keep her “ for com¬ 
pany,” and also to help in their removal to the 
new house. She clung about me, and made 
me promise to come back to her, but was con¬ 
tent to stop with E-, whose affections she 

of course returns. It was a pleasure to see her 
so happy, and how she relished being “ put to 
bed,” with a kiss, by the maid. Her Turkish 



master, whom she pronounces to be “ battal ” 
(bad), called her “ Sahim-es-Sced ” (the peace 
of .her master), but she said that in her own 
village she used to be Zeyneb, and so wo call 
her. She has grown fatter, and, if possible, 
blacker. The elder Avife of Hcgab, the confec¬ 
tioner, Avas much interested in her, as her fate 
had been the same. She rvas bought by an 
Italian, who lived with her till his death, Avhen 
she married Hcgab. She is a pious Muslimeh, 
and invoked the intercession of Seyyidna Mo¬ 
hammad for me, when T told her I had no in¬ 
tention of baptizing Zeyneb by force, as had 
been done to her. 

The fault of my lodging here is the noise ; 
we are on the road from the railway, and there 
is no quiet except in the few hot hours when 
nothing is heard but the cool tinkle of the Sak- 
ka’s brass cups as he sells water in the street, 
or perchance “ Erlcsoos liquorice water,— 
or Karroob and raisin sherbet. The “ erlcsoos ” 
is rather bitter, and very good; I drink it a 
good deal, for drink one must. A “ gulleh ” 
of water is soon gone. A “ gulleh ” is a Avide- 
mouthed porous jar, and Nile Avater drunk 
out of it, without the intervention of a glass, 



is delicious. My lodging is very clean and 
nice, but quite like a French “ appartement,” 
except the kitchen and other domestic arrange- ' 
ments, which are Arab. Omar goes to market 
every morning with a donkey (I went too, and 
was much amused), and cooks, and in the 
evening goes out with me, if I want him. I 
told him I had recommended him highly, and 
hoped he would get good employment; but 
he declares that he will go with no one else 
so long as I come to Egypt, whatever the dif¬ 
ference of wages may be. “The bread I eat 
with you is sweet!” said he; a pretty little un¬ 
conscious antithesis to Dante. I have been 
advising his brother, Hajjee Alee, to set up a 
hotel at Thebes for invalids, and he has al¬ 
ready set about getting a house there; there 
is one. Next winter there will be a steamer 
twice a week to Aswan,—Juvenal’s distant 
Syene, where he died in banishment. 

My old washerwoman sent me a fervent 
entreaty through Omar that I would dine with 
her one day, sinee I had made Cairo delight¬ 
ful by my return. If one will only devour 
these people’s food they are enchanted,—they 
iike that much better than a present; so I 



will “ honour her house ” some day. Good 
old Hannah! she is divorced for being too fat 
and old, and replaced by a young Turk, whose 
family sponge on Hajjee Alee, and are conde¬ 

If I could afford it, I would have a sketch of 
a beloved old mosque of mine, falling to de¬ 
cay, and with three palm-trees growing in the 
middle of it; indeed, I would have a book full, 
for all is exquisite, and, alas! all is going. The 
old Copt quarter is entam'., and hideous shabby 
French houses, like the one T live in, are being 
run up; and in this weather how much better 
would be the Arab courtyard, with its mas- 
tabah and fountain! 

There is a quarrel now in the street; how 
they talk and gesticulate, and everybody puts 
in a word! A boy has upset a cake-seller’s 
tray. “Nal-aboolc!” (curse your father!) he 
claims six piastres damages, and every one 
gives an opinion, pro or contra. We all look 
out of the windows. My opposite neighbour, 
the pretty Armenian woman, leans out (baby 
sucking all the time), and her diamond head- 
ornaments and earrings glitter as she laughs 
like a child. The Christian dyer is also very 



active in the row, which, like all Arab rows, 
ends in nothing,—it evaporates in fine theatri¬ 
cal gestures and lots of talk. Curious! in the 
street they are so noisy; and set the same men 
down in a coffee-shop, or anywhere, and they 
are the quietest of mankind. Only one man 
speaks at a time,—the rest listen and never 
interrupt; twenty men do not make the noise 
of three Europeans. 

-is my near neighbour, and he comes 

in, and we discuss the government. His heart 
is sore with disinterested grief for the suffer¬ 
ings of the people. “ Don’t they deserve to 
be decently governed,—to be allowed a little 
happiness and prosperity? they are so docile, 
so contented ; are they not a good people ?” 
Those were his words as he was recounting 
some new iniquity. Of course, half these acts 
are done under pretext of improving and civi¬ 
lizing, and the Europeans applaud and say, 
“ Oh, but nothing could be done without forced 
labour,” and the poor Fellaheen are marched 
off in gangs like convicts, and their families 
starve, and (who would have thought it?) the 
population keeps diminishing. No wonder the 
cry is, “ Let the English Queen come and take 



ns.” You know that I don’t see things quite 
as our countrymen generally do, for mine is 
another Standpnnkf, and my heart is with the 
Arabs. I care less about opening up the trade 
with the Soodan, or about all the new rail¬ 
ways, and I should like to see person and pro¬ 
perty safe, which no one’s is here,—Europeans 
of 'course excepted. 

Ismaeel Pasha got the Sultan to allow him 
to take 90,000 feddans of uncultivated land 
for himself as private property. Very well. 
But the late Viceroy granted, eight years ago, 
certain uncultivated lands to a good many 
Turks, his employes ,—in hopes of founding a 
landed aristocracy, and inducing them to spend 
their capital in cultivation. They did so ; and 
now Ismaeel takes their improved land, and 
gives them feddan for fcddan of his new land 
(which will take five years to bring into culti¬ 
vation) instead. He forces them to sign a 
voluntary deed of exchange, or they go off to 
Feyzoghloo,—a hot Siberia, whence none re¬ 
turn. I saw a Turk, the other day, who was 
ruined by the transaction. 

The Sultan also left a large sum of money 
for religious institutions and charities, Muslim, 



Jew, and Christian. None have received *r‘ 
faddah. It is true, the Sultan and his suite 
plundered the Pasha and the people here; 
but, from all I hear, the Sultan really wishes 
to do good. What is wanted here, is, hands 
to till the soil; wages are very high ; food, of 
course, gets dearer, the forced laboui inflicts 
. more suffering than before, and the population 
will decrease yet faster. This appears to me 
to be a state of things in which it is of no use 
to say that public works must be made at any 
cost. I dare say the wealth will be increased, 
if, meanwhile, the people are not exterminated. 
Then every new Pasha builds a huge new pa¬ 
lace, whilst those of his predecessors fall to 
ruin. Mohammad Alee’s sons even cut down 
the trees of his beautiful botanical garden, and 
. planted beans there; so money is constantly 
wasted more utterly than if it were thrown 
into the Nile, for then the Fellaheen would 
not have to spend the time, so much wanted 
for agriculture, in building hideous barrack¬ 
like so-called palaces. What chokes me is, 
to hear Englishmen talk of the stick being 
“ the only way to manage Arabs, as if there 
could be any doubt that it is the easiest way 



to manage anybody, where it can be used with 

Sunday, May 24.—I went to a large unfi¬ 
nished new Coptic church this morning. Omar 
went with me up to the women’s gallery, and 
was discreetly going back, when he saw me in 
the right place ; but the Copt women began to 
talk to him, and asked questions about me all 
the time I was looking down on the strange 
scene below. 

I believe they celebrate the ancient myste¬ 
ries still. The clashing of cymbals, the chant¬ 
ing or humming, unlike any sound 1 ever 
heard, the strange yellow copes covered with 
stranger devices;—it was Wunderlich, At the 
end, every one went away, and I went down 
and took off my shoes to go and look at the 
church. While I was doing so, a side-door 
opened and a procession entered; a priest 
dressed in the usual black robe and turban 
of all Copts, carrying a trident-shaped sort of 
candlestick, another with cymbals, a number 
of little boys, and two young ecclesiastics of 
some sort in the yellow satin copes (contrast¬ 
ing queerly with the familiar tarboosh of com¬ 
mon life, on their heads); each of these car- 



ried a little baby and a huge wax taper. They 
marched round and round three times, beat¬ 
ing the cymbals furiously, and chanting a jig- 
tune ; the dear little tiny boys marched just 
before the priest, with pretty little solemn 
consequential air. Then they all stopped in 
front of the sanctuary, and the priest untied a 
sort of broad coloured tape which was round 
each of the babies, reciting something in Cop¬ 
tic all the time, and finally touched their 
foreheads and hands with water. This is a 
ceremony subsequent to baptism, after I don’t 
know how many days; but the priest ties and 
unties the bands. Of what is this symboli¬ 
cal X —I am at a loss to divine. 

Then an old man gave a little round cake of 
bread, with a cabalistic-looking pattern on it, 
both to Omar and to me. A group of closely- 
veiled women stood on one side of the aisle, 
and among them the mothers of the babies, 
who received them from the men in yellow 
copes at the end of the ceremony. One of 
these young men was very handsome, and as 
he stood looking down and smiling on the 
baby he held, with the light of the torch 
sharpening the lines of his features, he would 



have made a lovely picture. The expression 
was sweeter than that of St. Vincent de Paul, 
because his smile told that lie could have 
played with the baby as well as prayed for it. 
In this country, one gets to see how much 
more beautiful a perfectly natural expression 
is than even the finest mystical expression 
given by painters; and it is so refreshing that 
no one tries to look pious. The Muslim looks 
serious, and often warlike, as he stands at 
prayer. The Christian just keeps his every¬ 
day face. ■ When the Muslim gets into a state 
of devotional frenzy, he is too much in ear¬ 
nest to think of making a face; it is quite 
tremendous. 1 don’t think the Copt lias any 
such ardours. But the scene of this morning 
was all the more touchiug, that no one was 
“ behaving him or herself ” at all. A little 
acolyte peeped into the sacramental cup and 
swigged off the drop left in it with the most 
innocent air, and no one rebuked him, and 
the quiet little children ran about in the sanc¬ 
tuary. Up to seven, they are privileged; only 
they and the priests and acolytes enter it. It 
is a pretty commentary on the words, “ Suffer 
little children,” etc. 



I am more and more annoyed at not being 
able to ask questions for myself, as I do not 
like to ask through a Muslim, and no Copts 
speak any foreign language, or very, very few. 
Omar and Hasan had been at five this morn¬ 
ing to the tomb of Sittina Zeyneb, one of the 
granddaughters of the Prophet, to “see her” 
(Sunday is her day of reception), and say the 
Fat’hah at her tomb. 

Yesterday I went to call on pretty Mrs. W. 
She is an Armenian, of the Greek faith, and 
was gone to pray at the convent of St. George 
(Mar Girgis), for the cure of the pains which a 
bad rheumatic fever has left in her hands. 

Now I have filled such a long letter, I hardly 
know whether it is worth sending, and whe¬ 
ther you will be amused by my commonplaces 
of Eastern life. To-day is Monday, 25th May, 
and very hot. I doubt whether I shall stay 
more than a fortnight longer here. I am 
better as to my cough. I kill a sheep next 
Friday, and Omar will cook a stupendous dish 
for the poor Fellaheen, who are lying about 
the railway-station waiting for work. That is 
to be my Bairam, and Omar hopes great bene¬ 
fit for me from the process. 




On board the ‘ Venetian,’ Jmio 15,1863. 

We shall be at Malta to-morrow, Inshallah! 
I feel much better since I have, been at sea. 
We left Alexandria on Thursday, and are very 
comfortable, having the whole spacious ladies’ 
cabin to ourselves, and a very pleasant cap¬ 
tain. But we are laden to the water’s edge, 
and a gale in “the Bay” would be very wet, 
rough work. We have had a breeze in our 
teeth ever since we left, but very tine weather. 
Omar shed some “ manly tears,” like a great 
baby, as he kissed my hand on board ship, and 
prayed for me to “ the Preserver.” 




MarseilleSj September, 1863. 

I white quite in the dark, as there is a tre¬ 
mendous thunderstorm going on, which I hope 
will end the gale of wind. We sail to-mor¬ 
row, and only touch at Messina, so I shall not 
write again till I arrive at Alexandria. We 
are drowned here; what must it he on the 
Rh6ne? Floods seem the order of the day, 
even with Old Father Nile. I hope Omar will 
meet me, and see our luggage through the 
custom-house and turbulent hammals at Alex¬ 
andria. It is quite winter here now, though 
not very cold, but so damp. I am glad I have 
not delayed going back to Egypt any longer. 




Alexandria, Monday, October 19,18G3. 

We had a wretched voyage; good weather, 
hut such a petamli'era of a ship. I am com¬ 
petent to describe the horrors of the middle- 
passage,—hunger, suffocation, dirt, arid such 
canaille, high and low, on hoard. The only 
gentleman was a poor Moor going to Mecca, 
who stowed his wife and family in a spare 
boiler on deck. I saw him washing his chil¬ 
dren in the morning. “ Que e’est degoutant!” 
exclaimed a French spectator. If an Oriental 
washes, he is a sale cochon. No wonder! A 
delicious man who sat near me on deck, when 
the sun came round to our side, growled be¬ 
tween his clenched teeth, “ Yoila un tas d’intri- 
gants a l’ombre, tandis que le soleil me grille, 



But I was consoled, on arriving at noon on 

Friday, by seeing J- come in a boat to 

meet me, looking as fresh and bright and merry 
as ever she could look, and the faithful Omar 
radiant with j oy and affection. He has refused 
an offer of a place- as messenger with the mails 
to Suez and back; and also to go with an En¬ 
glish lady at very high pay, which his brother 
wanted him to do. But Omar said he could 
not leave me. “ I think my God give her to 
me to take care of her; how then I leave her 1 
I can’t speak to my God if I do bad things like 
that.” He kisses yo-ur hand, and is charmed 
with the knife you sent him, but far more that 
my family should know his name and be satis¬ 
fied with my servant. Omar is gone to try to 
get me a Dahabeeyeh, to go up the river, as 
I hear the half-railway, half-steamer journey 
is dreadfully inconvenient and fatiguing, and 
the sight of the overflowing Nile is said to be 
magnificent; so we shall be five or six days en 
route, instead of eight hours. 

Zeyneb is much grown, and seems extremely 
active and quick, but has grown rather loud 
and rough, from being allowed to associate 
with the Nubian man and boy, and to go out 




without a veil, which I won’t allow in my ha- 
reem. However, she is as affectionate as ever, 
and delighted at the idea of going with us. 

Tuesday, October 20. 

Omar has got a boat for £12, all ready fur¬ 
nished, which is not more than the railway 
would cost, now that half must be done per 
steamer and a bit on donkeys or on foot, 
Two and a half hours to sit grilling at noon 
on the bank, and two miles to walk carrying 
one’s baggage, is no joke. I shall take Ilaggeh 
Hannah in my boat, for the poor old soul 
was moulue by her journey. I have bought 
blankets here, but they are much dearer than 
last year. Everything is almost doubled in 
price, owing to the cattle murrain and the 
high Nile. Such an inundation as this year’s 
was never known before. Does the blue god 
resent Speke’s intrusion on his privacy! it 
will be a glorious sight, I believe. But the 
damage to crops, and even to the last year’s 
stacks of grain and beans, is frightful,—one 
sails away among the palm-trees over the 
submerged cotton-fields. 

Ismaeel Pasha has been very active, but 



there have been as many calamities in bis 
short reign as during Pharaoh’s, and ill-luck 
makes a man unpopular. The cattle murrain 
is fearful, and is now beginning in Cairo and 
Upper Egypt. I hear the loss reckoned at 
twelve millions sterling in cattle. The gazelles 
in the desert have it too, but not horses, asses, 
or goats. 

Omar apologized for the stupidity of the 
Arabs in thinking that the dearness of all ne¬ 
cessaries was the fault of the government, and 
was astonished to hear that many Europeans 
were no wiser. 




Alexandria, Monday, October 20,1803. 

I am much the worse for the clamp of this 
place, On Thursday I shall get off, as the 
boat will be clean. I have a funny little da- 
habeeyeh, barely big enough to hold us; but I 
am lucky to get that for twelve pounds. 

I went to two harccms the other day, with 
a little boy of Mustafa A'gha’s, and was much 
pleased. A very pleasant Turkish lady pulled 
out all her magnificent bedding and dresses for 
me and was most amiable. At another, a su¬ 
perb Arab, dressed in white cotton, with most 
grande dame manners and unpainted face, re¬ 
ceived me statelily. Her house would drive 
you wild,—such enamelled tiles, covering the 
panels of the walls, all divided by carved wood, 
and such carved screens and galleries, all very 



old and rather dilapidated, but magnificent,— 
and the lady worthy of her house. A bold-eyed 
slave-girl with a baby, put herself forward for 
admiration, and was ordered to bring coffee, 
with cool though polite imperiousness. None 
of our great ladies can half crush a rival 
in comparison; they do it too coarsely. The 
quiet scorn of the beautiful pale-faced, black¬ 
haired Arab was beyond any English powers. 
Then it was fun to open the lattice and make 
me look out on the “ place” and to wonder 
what the neighbours would say at the sight of 
my face and European hat. She asked about 
my children, and blessed them repeatedly, and 
took my hand very kindly in doing so, for 
fear I should think her envious and fear her 
eye, as she is childless. 

I shall go to-’s house; it is very bad, 

but the hotel is worse, and I may find a better 
on the spot. I heard of a good house at Boo- 
lak for two pounds a month, but I don’t think 
that place is healthy with the receding Nile. 
I am anxious to get up the river. 




Kafr ez-Zeiyafc, Saturday, October 31,1803. 

We left Alexandria on. Thursday about noon, 
and sailed with a fair wind along the Mah- 
moodeeyeh canal. My little boat flies like a 
bird, and my men are a capital set of fellows, 
bold and careful sailors. I have only seven 
in all, but they work well, and at a pinch 
Omar leaves the pots and pans, and handles a 
rope or pole manfully. We sailed all night, 
and passed the locks at Fum cl-Mahraoodeeyeh 
at four yesterday, and were greeted by old 
Nile tearing down like a torrent. The river is 
magnificent,—“seven men’s height,” my Reyyis 
says, above its usual pitch; it has gone down 
five or six feet, and left a sad scene of havoc 
on either side. However, what the Nile takes, 
he repays with threefold interest, they say. 
The women are at work rebuilding their mud 



huts, and the men repairing the dykes. A 
Frenchman told me he was on board a Pasha’s 
steamer, and they passed a flooded village 
where two hundred people stood on their 
roofs crying for help: would you, could you 
believe it? they passed on and left them to 
drown! Nothing but an eye-witness could 
have made me believe such frightful cruelty. 

All to-day we sailed in heavenly weather,— 
a sky like nothing but its most beautiful self. 
At the bend of the river, just now, we had a 
grand struggle to get round, and got entan¬ 
gled with a big timber-boat. My crew became 
so vehement that I had to come out with an 
imperious request to every one to bless the 
Prophet. Next the boat nearly dragged the 
men into the stream, and they pulled, and 
hauled, and struggled up to their waists in 
mud and water; and Omar brandished his 
pole, and shouted “Islam, el Islam!” which gave 
a fresh spirt to the poor fellows, and round we 
came with a dash and caught the breeze again. 
Now we have put up here for the night, and 
shall pass the railway bridge to-morrow. The 
railway is all under water from thence up to 
Tanta, eight miles, and in many places higher up. 




Cairo, Saturday, November 14,1S63. 

Here I am at last in my old quarters at Mr. 
Thayer’s house, after some trouble. The very 
morning I lauded, I was seized with violent 
illness; however, I am now better. I arrived 
at Cairo on Wednesday night, the 4th of No¬ 
vember, slept in the boat and went ashore 
next morning. 

The passage under the railway bridge at 
Tanta (which is only opened once in two days) 
was most exciting and pretty. Such a scram¬ 
ble and dash of boats,—two or three hundred 
at least! Old Zeydan, the steersman, slid 
under the noses of the big boats with my little 
cangia, and through the gates before they 
were well open, and we saw the rush and con¬ 
fusion behind us at our ease, and headed the 



whole fleet for a few miles. Then we stuck, 
and Zeydan raged, but we got off in an hour, 
and again overtook and passed all; and then 
we saw the spectacle of devastation,—whole 
villages gone, submerged and melted, mud to 
mud; and the people, with their beasts, en¬ 
camped on spits of sand or on the dykes, in 
long rows of ragged makeshift tents, while we 
sailed over the places where they had lived; 
cotton rotting in all directions, and the dry 
tops crackling under the bows of the boat. 
When we stopped to buy milk, one poor 
woman exclaimed, “ Milk! from where % Do 
you want it out of my breasts V However, 
she took our saucepan and went to get some 
from another family. No one refuses it if 
they have a drop left, for they all believe the 
murrain to be a punishment for churlishness 
to strangers;—by whom committed, no one 
can say. Nor would they fix a price, or ask 
more than the old rate. But here everything 
has doubled in price ; meat was 4-^ guroosh, 
now it is 8; eggs, etc., the same, and cot¬ 
ton 12 guroosh the pound. Yesterday I had 
to buy mattresses for Omar and Zeyneb, and 
loud were Omar’s lamentations at the expense; 



he was quite minded to sleep on the stones 
rather than cost three napoleons for a bed; 
that included, however, the pillow and bed¬ 
stead, made of palm sticks, very light and 

Zeyneb has been very good ever since she 
has been with us. I think the little Nubian 
boy led her into idleness and mischief. She 
will soon be a complete “ drago-woman,” for 
she is fast learning Arabic from Omar and En¬ 
glish from us. At Alexandria she only heard 
a sort of lingica franca of Greek, Italian, Nu¬ 
bian, and English. She asked me, “ flow pic¬ 
colo bint (how is the little girl 1)—a fine 
specimen of Alexandrian. 

On Thursday evening I rode up to the Ab- 
baseeyeh, and met all the schoolboys going 
home for their Friday. Such a pretty sight! 
The little Turks on grand horses with velvet 
housings, and two or three Saises running by 
their side; and the Arab boys fetched, some 
by proud fathers on handsome donkeys, some 
by trusty servants on foot, some by poor mo¬ 
thers astride on shabby donkeys, and taking 
up their darlings before them, some two and 
three on one donkey, and crowds on foot,— 



such a number of lovely faces! They were all 
dressed in white European-cut clothes and 
red tarbooshes. 

Last night, we had a wedding opposite. 
The bridegroom, a pretty little boy of thirteen 
or so, with a friend of his own size—dressed, 
like. him, in a scarlet robe and turban,—on 
each side, surrounded by men carrying tapers 
and singing songs, and preceded by cressets 
flaring, stepped along like Agag, slowly and 
mincingly, and looked very shy and pretty. 

My poor Hasan (donkey-driver) is ill. His 
father came with the donkey for me, and kept 
drawing his sleeve over his eyes, and sighing 
so heavily, “ Ya Hasan meskeen! ya Hasan 
Ibnee!” (O my son, my son!) and then in a 
resigned tone, “ Allah kereem ” (God is merci¬ 
ful) ! I will go and see him this morning, 
and have a doctor to him, “ by force,” as Omar 
says he is very bad. There is something 
heart-rending in the patient helpless suffering 
of these people. 

Sunday .—Aboo Hasan reported his son so 
much better that I did not go after him, ha¬ 
ving several things to do, and Omar being 
deep in cooking a festin de Baltazar, as I have 



people to dinner. The weather is delicious, 
much like what we had at Bournemouth in 
the summer; but there is a great deal of sick¬ 
ness, and I fear will be more, from people 
burying dead cattle in their premises inside the 
town. It costs a hundred guroosli to bury an 
ox out of the town. All labour is rendered 
scarce too, as well as food dear, and the streets 
are not cleaned, and water is hard to get. My 
Sakka comes very irregularly, and makes quite 
a favour of supplying us with water. All this 
must tell heavily on the poor. Ilekekian’s 
wife had seventy-four head of cattle on her 
farm; now one wretched bullock is left; of 
the seven to water the house in Cairo, also one 
only is left, and that is expected to die. 

I have just been leaning out of the window 
to see two Coptic weddings, very gay and pret¬ 
ty, with lots of tapers and mesh’als (cressets). 
The bride dressed in white, veiled, and blazing 
with diamonds, was led by two men, and pre¬ 
ceded by very pretty music,—abyatees, with 
harp, sackbut, and dulcimer, singing before her; 
and attended by little girls, in scarlet haba- 
rahs, as bridesmaids. It is gayer and less 
stately than the Muslim wedding. 



Monday, November 16. 

I am much better since I have been in a 
dry house. I have bought such a pretty cup¬ 
board for my clothes for seven dollars (45 
francs), all painted over like the old Arab 
ceiling, in the colours and patterns of an 
Indian shawl. They make chests of the same 
work for from four to six dollars,—very hand¬ 
some and effective, and not ill put together. 

Haggee Alee has just been here, and offers 
me his tents if I like to go up to Thebes, 
and not live in a boat, so that I may not be 
dependent on the houses there, in case of any 
hitch. I fancy I might be very comfortable 
among the tombs of the kings, or in the valley 
of Assaseef, with good tents. It is never cold 
at all among the hills at Thebes, quite the con¬ 
trary ; on the sunny side of the valley, you are 
broiled and stunned with heat in January, and 
in the shade it is heavenly. I shall rather 
like the change from a boat life to a Bedawee 
one, with my own sheep and chickens and 
horses about the tent, and a small following of 
ragged retainers. Moreover, it will be cheaper. 




Cairo, November 21,1S63. 

I am very comfortably installed here, and 
much better for the Cairo climate, after being 
damaged by staying a fortnight at Alexandria. 
There is terrible distress here, owing to the 
cattle disease, which makes everything nearly 
double the usual price, and many things very 
hard to get at all. The weather is lovely, much 
like English summer, but finer ; I shall stay on 
till it gets colder, and then go up the Nile, 
either in a steamer or a boat. 

My poor donkey-driver, Hasan, is ill, and 
his old father takes his place ; he gave me a 
fine illustration of Arab feeling towards women 
to-day. I asked if Abd-el-Kadir were coming 
here, as I had heard; he did not know, and 
asked me if he were not “ Akhu-l-Benat ” (a 



brother of girls) 1 I prosaically said, I did not 
know if he had sisters. “ The Arabs, 0 Lady ! 
call that man a ‘ brother of girls,’ to whom 
God has given a clean heart to love all women 
as his sisters, and strength and courage to fight 
for then protection.” Omar suggested a “ tho¬ 
rough gentleman ” as the equivalent of Aboo 
Hasan’s title. European galimatias about “ the 
smiles of the fair,” etc., looks very mean beside 
“ Akhu-l-Benat.” Moreover they do cany it 
somewhat into common life. Omar told me of 
some little family tribulations, showing that 
he is not a little henpecked. 

Here is another story. A man married at 
Alexandria and took home the daily provisions 
for the first week; after that, he neglected it 
for two days, and came home with a lemon 
in his hand. He asked for some dinner, and 
his wife placed the stool and the tray and the 
washing-basin and napkin, and on the tray the 
lemon cut in half. “Well, and the dinner!” 
“ Dinner!—you want dinner!—where from 1 
What man are you to want women, when you 
don’t keep them! I am going now to the 
Kadee, to be divorced from youand she did. 
The man must provide all necessaries for his 



harecm, and if she has money or earns any, 
she spends it in dress. If she makes him a 
skull-cap or a handkerchief, lie must pay for 
her work. All is not roses for these Eastern 
tyrants,—not to speak of the unbridled licence 
of tongue allowed to women and children. 
Zeyncb hectors Omar, and I can’t persuade 
him to check her. “ How I say anything to it, 
that one childOf course the children are 
insupportable,—and, I fancy, the women little 

A poor neighbour of mine lost his little boy 
yesterday, and came out into the street, as 
usual, for sympathy. He stood under my win¬ 
dow, leaning his head against the wall, and 
sobbing and crying till literally his tears wetted 
the dust. He was too much grieved to tear off 
his turban or to lament in form, but clapped 
his hands and cried, “Oh, my boy! oh, my 
boy !” The bean-seller opposite shut his shop ; 
the dyer took no notice', but smoked his pipe. 
Some people passed- on, but many stopped and 
stood round the poor man, saying nothing, but 
looking concerned. Two were well-dressed 
Copts on handsome donkeys, who dismounted, 
and all waited till he went home, when about 



twenty men accompanied him with a respectful 
air. How strange it seems to us to go out 
into the street, and call on the passers-by to 
grieve with one! 

I was at the house of Hekekian Bey the 
other day, when he received a parcel from 
Constantinople from his former slave, now the 
Sultan’s chief eunuch. It contained a veiry fine 
photograph of Shureyk Bey (that is his name), 
whose face, though negro, is very intelligent 
and of a charming expression; a present of 
illustrated English books, and some printed 
music composed by the Sultan Abdel-Azeez 
himself. 0 temporal 0 mores! one was a 
waltz! Shureyk Bey was dressed in Euro¬ 
pean clothes too, all but the tarboosh. 

The very ugliest and scrubbiest of street- 
dogs has adopted me, like the Irishman who 
wrote to Lord Lansdowne that he had selected 
him as his patron; and he guards the house, 
and follows me in the streets. He is rewarded 

with scraps; and S- cost me a new tin 

mug by letting the dog drink out of the old 
one, which is used to scoop the water from the 
jar; forgetting that Omar and Zeyneb could not 
drink after the poor beast. 



Monday .—I went yesterday to the port of 
Cairo, Boolak, to see Hasaneyn Efcndee about 
boats. He was gone up the Nile, and I sat with 
his wife,—a very nice Turkish lady, who 
speaks English to perfection,—and heard all 
sorts of curious things. The Turkish ladies 
are taking to stays! and the fashions of Con¬ 
stantinople are changing with fearful rapi¬ 
dity. Like all Eastern women that I have seen, 
my hostess complained of indigestion, and said 
she knew she ought to go out more and to 
walk,—but custom! “ E contro il nostro 


I have seen Deleo Bey, who advises me not 
to live in a tent; it is too hot by day, and too 
cold by night. So I will take a boat condi¬ 
tionally, with leave to keep it four months, or 
to discharge it at Thebes if I find a lodging. 
It is now a little fresh in the early morning, 
but like fine English summer weather. I ride 
on my donkey in a thin gown, and a thin white 
cloak; but about the middle of next month 
it will begin to get cold. 

Tuesday evening .—Since I have been here, 
my cough is nearly gone, and I am the better 
for having good food again. Omar manages 



to get good mutton, and as he is an excellent 
cook, I have a good dinner every day, which I 
End makes a great difference. I have also 
discovered that some of the Nile fish is ex¬ 
cellent: the bay ad, which is sometimes as 
much as six or eight feet long and very fat, is 
delicious, and I am told there are still better 
kinds; the eels are very delicate and good too. 
The worst is that everything is just double 
last year’s price, as of course no beef can be 
eaten at all; and the draught oxen being dead, 
labour is become dear as well. The high Nile 
was a small misfortune compared to the mur¬ 

There is a legend about it, of course. A cer¬ 
tain Sheykh-el-Beled (burgermeister) of some 
place not named, lost his cattle, and being 
rich, defied God; said he did not care, and 
bought as many more. They died too, and he 
continued impenitent and defiant, and bought 
on till he was ruined; and now he is sinking 
into the earth bodily, though his friends dig 
and dig around him without ceasing, night 
and day. 

It is curious, how like the Arab legends are 
to the German; all those about wasting bread 



wantonly are almost identical. If a bit is 
dirty, Omar carefully gives it to the dog; if 
clean, he keeps it in a drawer for making 
bread-crumbs for cutlets; not a bit must fall 
on the floor. In other tilings they arc' care¬ 
less enough; but das Hebe Brad is sacred; 
(vide Grimm’s ‘ Deutsche Sagen ’). I am con¬ 
stantly struck with resemblances to German 
customs. A Fellah wedding is very like a 
German Bauernhochzcit ,—the firing of guns, 
and the display of household goods, only on a 
camel instead of a cart. 

1 have been trying to find a teacher of Ara¬ 
bic, but it is very hard to find one who knows 
any European language, and the consular dra¬ 
gomans ask four dollars a lesson ! I must wait 
till I get to Thebes, where I think a certain 
young Sa-eed can teach me. Meanwhile, I am 
beginning to understand rather more, and to 
speak a little. 




Cairo, December 1, 1863. 

It is beginning to be cold, comparatively 
cold, here; and I only await the result of my 
inquiries about possible houses at Thebes, to 
hire a boat and depart. 

Yesterday I saw a camel go through the 
eye of a needle, i.e. the low-arched door of 
an enclosure. He must kneel and bow his 
head to creep through, and thus the rich man 
must humble himself. See how a false trans¬ 
lation spoils a good metaphor, and turns a 
familiar simile into a ferociously communist 

I went to see poor Hasan, who is better, 
but very weak. The whole family were much 
pleased, and all had excellent manners. Hasan 
himself is one of the most winning persons I 



ever saw,—so gentle and courteous. He is 
going to give a great Khatmeh for his recovery, 
and to kill the sheep for God and the poor, 
which his father had bought for his wedding. 

There are rumours of troubles at Jeddah, 
and a sort of expectation of fighting somewhere 
next spring. Even here, I think, people are 
buying arms to a great extent; the gunsmiths’ 
bazaar looks unusually lively. 

Zeyneb has turned sulky, in consequence of 
the association at Alexandria with the Berber 
servants, who have instilled religious intole¬ 
rance into her mind, poor child! I shall place 
her in a respectable Muslim family before I 
go. She is very clover, and may rise in life, 
with all the accomplishments of sewing, wash¬ 
ing, etc., which she has now acquired. But we 
are Christian dogs, and she despises us, and 
Omar still more, T believe, for loving me. She 
pretends not to be able to eat, because she 
thinks everything is “ pig.” There is no con¬ 
ceit like black conceit. I am sorry her head 
has been so turned, but I see it is incurable. 
I suppose the Nubians thought it right to 
preach Islam to her, and to neutralize our evil 
teaching. I will offer her to Hekekian Bey, 



and if she does not do there in a household 
of black Muslim slaves, they must pass her on 
to a Turkish house. To keep a sullen face 
about me is more than I can endure, as I have 
shown her every possible kindness. How much 
easier is it to instil the bad part of religion than 
the good! It is really a curious phenomenon 
in so young a child. She waits capitally at 
table, and can do most things, but she won’t 
move, if the fancy takes her, except when or¬ 
dered, and spends her time on the terrace. 
One thing is, that the life is dull for a child, 
and I think she will be happier in a larger 
and more bustling house. 

Omar performs wonders of marketing and 
cooking. I have excellent dinners—soup, 
fish, a petit plat or two, and a roti, every day. 
But butter and meat and milk are horribly 
dear. I never saw so good a servant as Omar, 
and such a nice creature,—so pleasant and 
good. When I hear and see what other people 
spend here in travelling and in living, and 
what trouble they have, I say, “ May God fa- 
vour Omar and his descendants!” 

Wednesday , 3rd .—I stayed in bed yesterday 
for a cold, and, I think, cured it. My next- 



door neighbour, a Coptic merchant, kept me 
awake all night by auditing his accounts with 
his clerk. How would you like to chant rows 
of figures 1 lie had just bought lots of cotton, 
and I had to get into my door on Monday over 
a camel’s back—the street being filled with 

I have sent a request to the French Consul- 
General, M. Tastu, to let me live in the French 
house over the temple at Thebes. It is quite 
empty, and would be the most comfortable, in¬ 
deed the only comfortable one there. M. Tastu 
is the son of the charming poetess of that name, 
whom my mother knew at Paris. 




Cairo, December 17,1863. 

At last, I shall be off in a few days. I have 
had one delay after another. M. Tastu, the 
French Consul, has very kindly lent me the 
house at Thebes. 

Boats are at a frightful price; nothing 

under £35 to Thebes alone. But M. M-, 

the agent to Haleem Pasha, is going up the 
Nile to Esneh, and will let me travel in the 
steamer which is to tow his dahabeeyeh. It 
■will be dirty, but it will cost nothing, and 
take me out of this cold weather in five or 
six days. I have brought divans, tables, prayer 
carpets, blankets, a cupboard, a lovely old 
copper handbasin and ewer, and shall live 
in Arab style. The tables and four chairs are 
the only concession to European infirmity. 



December 22. 

I wrote the above five days ago, since when 

I have had no end of troubles. M. M-. is 

waiting in frantic impatience to set off, and so 
am I; hut Ismacel Pasha keeps him from day 
to day. The worry of depending on any one 
in the East is beyond belief. To-morrow 
morning, I am to know definitively whether I 
am to sail in three or four days. It feels very 
cold to me, though you would think it warm; 
much like an English September. But the 
want of fires makes one very chilly. For four 
hours in the day the sun is hot, hut the nights 
are cold and sometimes damp. 

You would have laughed to hear me buying 
a carpet yesterday. I saw an old broker with 
one on his shoulder in the Hamzawee bazaar, 
and asked the price. Eight napoleons. Then 
it was unfolded and spread in the street, to 
tlie great inconvenience of passers-by, just in 
front of-a coffee shop. I look at it superci¬ 
liously, and say, “ Three hundred piastres, 0 
uncle !” The poor old broker cries out in de¬ 
spair to the gentlemen sitting outside the coffee 
shop: “ O Muslims, hear that, and look at 
this excellent carpet; three hundred piastres! 



by the faith, it is worth two thousand!” But 
the gentlemen take my part, and one mildly 
says, “ I wonder that an old man as thou art 
should tell us that the lady, who is a traveller 
and a person of experience, values it at three 
hundred. Thinkest thou we will give thee 
more V’ Then another suggests that “ if the 
lady will consent to give four napoleons, he 
had better take themand that settles it. 
Everybody gives an opinion here, and the 
price is fixed by a sort of improvised jury. 

Christmas Day, Evening. 

At last my departure is fixed. I embark 
to-morrow afternoon at Boolak, and we sail, or 
steam rather, on Sunday morning quite early, 
and expect to reach Thebes in eight days. 

I heard a curious illustration of Arab man¬ 
ners to-day. I met Hasan, the janissary of the 
American Consulate, a very respectable, good 
man. He told me he had married another wife 
since last year. I asked, What for l 

It was the widow of his brother, who had 
always lived in the same house with him, like 
one family, and who died, leaving two boys. 



She is neither young nor handsome, but he 
considered it his duty to provide for her and 
the children, and not let her marry a stranger. 
So you see that polygamy is not always sensual 
indulgence; and a man may thus practise 
greater self-sacrifice than by talking sentiment 
about deceased -wives’ sisters. I said, laughing, 
to Omar, as we went on, that I do not think 
the two wives sounded very comfortable. “ Oh, 
no! not comfortable at all for the man, but 
he take care of the woman; that is what is 
proper. That is the good Muslim.” 

I shall have the company of a Turkish 
Efendee on my voyage,—a Commissioner of In¬ 
land Revenue!, in fact,—going to look after the 
tax-gatherers in the Sa-eed. I wonder whe¬ 
ther he will be civil. An Englishman bred at 
Constantinople is immensely astonished at the 
civility of the Arabs, and at their not abusing 
Christians. He says that it is not so at Con¬ 
stantinople, where “ unwashed infidel dog” is 
a common salutation. He quite stared at 
Omar buttoning my boots. Such a prodigious 
condescension from a “True Believer” to a 
Christian woman! His eating too with my 
maid is more than a Turk would do, it seems. 



S-is gone with a party of English ser¬ 

vants to the Virgin’s tree, the great picnic frolic 
of Cairene Christians, and, indeed, of Muslims 
also at some seasons. 

Omar is gone to a Khatmeh (a reading of the 
Koran), at Hasan the donkey-hoy’s house. I 
was asked, hut am afraid of the night air. A 
good deal of religious celebration goes on now, 
the middle of the month of Regeb, six weeks 
before Ramadan. I rather dread Ramadan, as 
Omar is sure to be faint and ill, and everybody 
else cross during the first five days or so; then 
their stomachs get into training. 

The new passenger-steamers have been pro¬ 
mised ever since the 6th, and will not now go 
till after the races, the 6th or 7th of next 
month. Fancy, the Cairo races! It is grow¬ 
ing dreadfully cockney here; I must go to 

And we are to have a railway to Mecca, and 
take return tickets for the Haj—from all parts 
of the world. 




Boolak, evening, December 27, 1863. 

On board a Kiver steamboat. 

After infinite delays and worries, we are at 
last on board and shall sail to-morrow morn¬ 
ing. After all was comfortably settled, Ismaeel 
Pasha sent for all the steamers up to Er-R6dah, 
near Minych; and, at the same time, ordered 
a Turkish general to come up instantly some¬ 
how. So Latecf Pasha, the head of the steamers, 
had to turn me out of the best cabin ; and if I 
had not come myself and taken rather forcible 
possession of the forecastle cabin, the servants 
of the Turkish general would not have allowed 
Omar to embark the baggage. He had been 
waiting on the bank all the morning in de¬ 
spair. But at four I arrived, and ordered the 
hammals to carry the goods into the fore-cabin, 



and walked on board myself, where the Arab 
captain pantomimically placed me in his right 
eye and on the top of his head. Once in¬ 
stalled, my cabin has become a hareem, and I 
may defy the Turkish Efendee with success. I 
have got a good-sized cabin, with clean divans 

round three sides for S-and myself. Omar 

Mill sleep on deck, and cook where he can. 
A poor Turkish lady is to inhabit a sort of 
dust-hole by the side of my cabin. If she seems 
decent, I will entertain her hospitably. There 
is no furniture of any sort but the divan; and 
we cook our own food, bring our own candles, 
jugs, basins, beds, everything. If I were not 
such a complete Arab, I should think it very 
miserable; but, as things stand this year, I 
think myself lucky it is no worse. 

The promised passenger-boats go on being 
promised, and that is all. They asked me £35 
for a bad dahabeeyeh only to Thebes. The 
rush of travellers is enormous. Luckily it is 
a very warm night, and we can make our ar¬ 
rangements unchilled. There is no door to 
the cabin, so we nail up an old plaid; and as 
no one ever looks into a hareem, it is quite 
enough. The boat is not so clean as an 



English, hut very much less dirty than a French 
one. All on board are Arabs; captain, en¬ 
gineer, and men. An English Sitt is a novelty 
on board, and the captain is unhappy that 
things are not a la Franca for me. We are 
to tow two dahabeeyehs. Only fancy the Queen 
ordering all the river steamers up to Windsor! 
At Minyeh the Turkish general leaves us, and 
we shall have the boat to ourselves; so the 
captain has just been down to tell me. 

See what a strange combination of people 
float on old Father Nile: two Englishwomen, 
one Levantine (Madame M-), one French¬ 

man, Turks, Arabs, Negroes, Circassians, and 
men from Darfoor,—all in one party; perhaps 
the other boats contain some other strange ele¬ 
ment. There are seven women in the engine 
room, among them a Bey’s wife, who wanted 
to share my cabin, but our good old captain 
would not let her. The Turks are from Con¬ 
stantinople, and can’t speak Arabic, and make 
faces at the muddy river-water, which, indeed, 
I would rather have filtered. 

I must now leave off and go to bed, for I 
am tired with my day’s scuffle, and with writ¬ 
ing on my knees. 




On board the steamer, near Asyoot, 
Sunday, January 3, 1864. 

We left Cairo last Sunday morning, and a 
wonderfully queer company we were. I had 
been promised all the steamer to myself; hut 
owing to Ismaeel Pasha’s caprices, our little 
steamer had to do the work of three; i.e. to 

carry passengers, to tow M. M-’s dahabee- 

yeh, and to tow the oldest, dirtiest, queerest 
Nubian boat, in which the young son of the 
Sultan of Darfoor, and the Sultan’s envoy, a 
handsome black of Dongola (not a negro), 
had visited Ismaeel Pasha. The best cabin was 
taken by a sulky old one-eyed Turkish Pasha, 
so I had the fore-cabin, luckily a large one, 

where I slept on one divan, S- on the 

other, and Omar at my feet. He tried sleep- 



ing on deck, but the Pasha’s Amaouts were 
too bad company, and the captain begged me 
to “ cover my face,” and let my servant sleep 
at my feet. Besides, there was a poor old 
asthmatical Turkish Efendee going to collect 
■ the taxes, and many women and children in 
the engine-room. It would have been insup¬ 
portable, but for the hearty politeness of the 
Arab captain, a regular “ old saltand, owing 
to his attention and care, it was only very 
amusing. At Renee-Suweyf, the -first town 
above Cairo—about seventy miles—we found 
no coals; the Pasha had been up, and had 
taken them all. So we kicked our heels on 
the bank all day, with the prospect of doing 
so for a week. 

The captain brought II.R.II. of Parfoor to 
visit me and begged me to make him hear 
reason about the delay; as I, being English, 
must know that a steamer could not go -with¬ 
out coals. II. R. II. was a pretty imperious 
little nigger, about eleven or twelve, dressed 
in a yellow silk kaftan and a scarlet burnus, 
who cut the good old captain short by saying, 
“ Why, she is a woman, she can’t talk to me!” 

“Wallah! wallah ! What a way to talk to 



English hareem!” shrieked the captain, who 
was about to lose his temper. But I had a 
happy idea, and produced a box full of Erench 
sweetmeats, which altered the young prince’s, 
views at once. I asked him if he had bro¬ 
thers ;—“ Who can count them 1 they are like- 
mice.” He said that the Pasha had given 
him only a few presents, and was evidently not 
pleased. Some of his suite are the most for¬ 
midable-looking wild beasts in human shape 
I ever beheld; bull-dogs and wild boars, black 
as ink, red-eyed, and, ye gods! such jaws and 
throats and teeth! others like monkeys, with 
arms down to their knees. The Illyrian Ar- 
naouts on boai’d our boat are revoltingly white, 
like fish or drowned people,—no red in the 
tallowy skin at all. There were Gi-eeks also, 
who left us at Minyeh (the second large town), 
and the old Pasha left us this morning at Er- 

The captain at once ordered all my goods 
into the cabin he had left, and turned out the 
Turkish Efendee who wanted to stay with us. 
Pie said he was an old man and sick, and my 
company would be agreeable to him ; then he 
said he was ashamed before the people to be 



turned out by an Englishwoman. So I was 
very civil, and begged him to pass the day 
and to dine with me, which set all right; and 
now, after dinner, he has gone off quite plea¬ 
santly to the fore-cabin, and left me here. I 
have a stern cabin, a saloon, and an anteroom ; 
and we are comfortable enough,—only the 
fleas! Never till now did I know what fleas 
could be. I send a dish from my table every 
day henceforth to the captain; as I take the 
place of the Pasha, it is part of my dignity to 
do so; and as I occupy the kitchen, and burn 
the ship’s coals, I may as well let the captain 
dine a little at my expense. In the day I go 
up and sit in his cabin on deck, and we talk 
as well as we can without an interpreter. The 
old fellow says he is sixty-seven, but does not 
look more than forty-five. He has just the 
air and manner of a seafaring man with us, 
and has been wrecked four times,—the last, 
in the Black Sea, during the Crimean war, 
when he was taken prisoner by the Russians 
and sent to Moscow, where he remained for 
three years, until the peace. He has a charm¬ 
ing boy of eleven with him, and he tells me 
he has twelve children in all, but only one 



wife, and is as strict a monogamist as Dr.. 
Primrose; he told me he should not marry 
again if she died ; nor, he believed, would she 
give him a successor. 

There are a good many Copts on board 
of a rather low class, and not pleasant. The 
Christian gentlemen are very pleasant, but the 
low are low indeed, compared to the Mus¬ 
lims ; and one gets a feeling of dirtiness about 
them, when one sees them eat all among the 
coals, and then squat down there and pull 
out their beads to pray, without washing their 
hands even. It does look nasty, w r hen com¬ 
pared to the Muslim coming up clean washed, 
and standing erect and manly-looking to his 
prayers. Besides, they are coarse in their 
manners and conversation, and have not the 
Arab respect for women. I only speak of the 
common people, not of educated Copts. The 
best fun is to hear the Greeks abusing the 
Copts,—rogues, heretics, schismatics from the 
Greek Church, ignorant, rapacious, cunning, 
impudent, etc. etc.; in short, they narrate the 
whole fable about their own sweet selves. 

I am quite surprised to see how well the 
men manage their work. The boat is nearly 



as clean as an English boat, equally crowded, 
could be kept, and the engine in beautiful order. 
The head engineer, Ahmad Efendee, and indeed 
the captain and all the crew, wear English 
clothes, and use the universal “all right,” “turn 
her head,” “foireh (full) speed,” “ half speed,” 
“ stop her,” etc. I was diverted to hear “ All 
right, go ahead, el Fat’hah!” in one breath. 
Here we always say the Fat’hah (first chapter 
of the Koran, nearly identical with the Lord’s 
Prayer) on starting on a journey, concluding 
a bargain, etc. etc. The combination was very 

Already the climate has changed: the air 
is sensibly drier and clearer, and the weather 
much warmer; and we are not yet at Asyoot. 
I remarked last year that the climate changed 
most at Kine, forty miles below Thebes. The 
banks are terribly broken and washed away 
by the inundation; the Nile is even now far 
higher than it was six weeks earlier last 
rear. At Benee-Suweyf, which used to be the 
great cattle place, not a buffalo was left, and 
we could not get a drop of milk; but since 
sve left Minyeh, we see them again, and I hear 
the disease is not spreading up the river. 



Omar told me that the poor people at Benee- 
Suweyf were complaining of the drought and 
of the prospect of scarcity, as they could no 
longer water the land for want of oxen. 

I paid ten napoleons passage-money, and 
shall give four or five more as baksheesh, as I 
have given a good deal of trouble with all my 
luggage, bedding, furniture, provisions, etc., 
for four months, and the boat’s people have 
been more than civil—really kind and atten¬ 
tive to us; but a bad dahabeeyeh would have 
cost £40, so I am greatly the gainer. Nothing 
can exceed the muddle, uncertainty, and 'care¬ 
lessness of the “ administration ” at Cairo: no 
coals at the depots; boats announced to sail, 
and dawdling on for three weeks; no order, 
and no care for anybody’s convenience but the 
Pasha’s. But the subordinates on board the 
boats do their work perfectly well. We go only 
half as quickly as we ought, because we have 
two very heavy dahabeeyehs in tow instead of 
one; but no time is lost.- As long as the light 
lasts on we go, and start again as soon as the 
moon rises. 


Arab title, which the engineer thinks is the 
equivalent for “ LadysheepSittee, he said, 
was the same as “Missees.” I don't know 
how he acquired his ideas on the subject of 
English precedence. 

Omar has just come in with coffee, and begs 
me to give his best salam to his big master 
and his little master and lady; and not to for¬ 
get to tell them he is their servant, and my 
memlook (slave) “ from one hand to the other ” 
ii.e. the whole body). 

At Kline we must try to find time to buy 
two filters and some gullehs (water-coolers). 
They are made there: at Thebes nothing can 
be got. 





January 5 , 1864. 

We left Asyoot this afternoon. The captain 
had announced that we should start at ten 
o’clock (four, Arab time), so I did not go 
into the town, but sent Omar to buy food. 
But the men of Darfoor all went off, declaring 
that they would stop, and promising to cut off 
the captain’s head if he went without them. 
Hasan Efendee, theTurk, was furious, and threat¬ 
ened to telegraph his complaints to Cairo if 
the boat did not go directly, and the poor cap¬ 
tain was in a sad predicament. He appealed to 
me, peaceably sitting on the trunk of a palm- 
tree with some poor Fellaheen (of whom more 
anon). I uttered the longest sentence I could 
compose in Arabic, to the effect that he was 
captain, and while on the boat we were all 
bound to obey him. 



“ Masha-allah! one English hareem is more 
than ten men for sense ; these Inkeleez have 
only one word both for themselves and for 
other people, — dughree-dughree (Right is 
right). This Emeereh is ready to obey like a 

memlook, and when she has to command_ 

whew! ” with a most expressive toss back of 
the head. 

The bank was crowded with poor Fellaheen, 
who had been taken for soldiers, and sent to 
await the Pasha’s arrival at Girgeh. Three 
weeks they lay there, and were then sent 
down to Soohay. (The Pasha wanted to see 
them himself, and pick out the men he liked.) 
Eight days more at Soohay, then to Asyoot; 
eight days more, and meanwhile Ismaeel Pasha 
has gone back to Cairo, and the poor souls 
may wait indefinitely, for no one will venture 
to remind the Pasha of their trifling existence ; 
Wallah! wallah! 

While I was walking ou the bank with 

Monsieur and Madame M-, who joined 

me, a person came up, whose appearance puz¬ 
zled me, and saluted them. Don’t call me a 
Persian, when I tell you it was an eccentric 
Bedawee young lady. She was eighteen or 


twenty at most, dressed like a young man, "but 
small and feminine, and rather pretty, except 
that one eye was blind. Her dress was hand¬ 
some, and she had women’s jewels, and a 
European watch and chain; her manner was 
excellent, quite ungenirt, yet not the least im¬ 
pudent or swaggering; and I was told—indeed 
I could hear—that her language was beau¬ 
tiful,—a thing much esteemed among Arabs. 
She is unmarried, and fond of travelling, and of 
men’s society, being very intelligent; so she 
has her dromedary and goes about quite alone. 
Xo one seemed astonished, no one stared; and 
when I asked if it was proper, our captain was 
surprised. “Why not 1 If she does not wish 
to marry, she can go alone; if she does, she 
can marry. What harm! She is a virgin, 
and free.” She expressed her opinions pretty 
freely, as far as I could understand her. Ma¬ 
dame M- had heard of her before, and 

said she was much respected and admired. 

Monsieur M-had heard she was a .spy of 

the Pasha’s; but the people on board the boat 
here say that the truth is, that she went be¬ 
fore Sa-eed Pasha herself to complain of some 
tyrannical Mudeer, who ground and imprisoned 



the Fellaheen,—a bold thing for a girl to do. 
Anyhow she seemed to me far the most cu¬ 
rious thing I have yet seen. 

The weather is already much warmer; it is 
nine in the evening, and we are steaming 
along, and I sit with the cabin-window open. 
To-day, for the first time, I pulled my cloak 
over my head in the sun,—it was so stinsino- 
hot,—quite delicious, and it is the 5th of Ja¬ 
nuary. Our captain declares that during the 
three years he was prisoner at Moscow and at 
Bakshi Serai, he never saw the sun a.t all;— 
hard lines for an Egyptian. Luckily we left all 
the fleas behind us 'in the fore-cabin, for the 
benefit of the poor old Turk, who, I hear, 
suffers severely. The divans are all bran-new, 
and the fleas must have come in the cotton 
stufiing, for there are no live things of any 
sort in the rest of the boat. 

Girgeh, Thursday, January 7. 

We have just put in here for the night. 
To-day we took on board three convicts in 
chains, two bound for Feyzoghloo,—one for 
calumny and peijury, and one for manslaugh¬ 
ter ; —hard labour for life in that climate will 



soon dispose of them ; the third is a petty thief 
from Kine, who has been a year in chains 
in the custom-house of Alexandria, and is 
now being taken back to be shown in his own 
place in his chains. The causes celebres of 
this country would be curious reading; their 
manner of doing their crimes is so different 
from ours. If I can get hold of any one who 
can relate a few cases well, I will write them 
down ; Omar has told me a few, but he may 
not know the details accurately. 

I made further inquiry about the Bedawee 
lady, who is older than she looks, for she 
has travelled constantly for ten years. She 
is rich, and much respected, and received in 
all the best houses, where she sits with the 
men all day and sleeps in the hareem. She 
has been into the interior of Africa and to 
Mecca, and, I hear, speaks Turkish, and is ex¬ 
tremely agreeable,—full of interesting infor¬ 
mation about all the countries she has visited. 
As soon as I can talk, I must try to find her 
out; she likes the company of Europeans. 

Here is a contribution to “folklore,” new 
even to Lane, I think. When the coffee- 
seller lights his stove in the morning he 



makes two cups of coffee of the best, and 
nicely sugared, and pours them out, all over 
the stove, saying, “ God bless, or favour, Sheykh 
Shadhilee and his descendants.” The blessing- 
on the saint who invented coffee of course T 
knew, and often utter, but the libation is new 
to me. You see the ancient religion crops 
up, even through the severe faith of Islam. If 
I could describe all the details of an Arab, and 
still more of a Coptic wedding, you would • 
think I was relating the mysteries of Isis. At 
one house I saw the bride’s father looking 
pale and anxious, and Omar said, u I think he 
wants to hold his stomach with both hands 
till the women tell him if his daughter makes 
his face white; it was such a good phrase 
for the sinking at heart of anxiety ! It cer¬ 
tainly seems more reasonable that a woman’s 
misconduct should blacken her father’s face 
than her husband’s. 

There are a good many things about “ ha- 
reern” here, which I am barbarian enough to 
think extremely good and rational. I heard 
from an ear-witness a conversation which 
passed between an old Turk of Cairo, and a 
young Englishman, who politely chaffed him 



about Muslim license. Upon this the vene¬ 
rable Turk, who had been in Europe, asked 
some questions as to the nature and number 
of the Englishman’s relations to women, which 
the latter was wholly unable to answer. 

“ Well, young man,” said the Turk, “ I am 
old, and was married at twelve; and I have 
seen, in all my life, seven women; four are 
dead, and three are happy and comfortable 
in my house. Where are all yours ?" (As a 
woman is never seen but by her husband or 
possessor, the word has acquired another mean¬ 

I find that the criminal convicted of ca¬ 
lumny, accused (together with twenty-nine 
others, not in custody) the Sheykh-el-Beled 
of his village, of murdering his servant, and 
producing a basketful of bones as proof; but 
the Sheykh produced the living man, and his 
detractor gets hard labour for life. The pro¬ 
ceeding is characteristic of the childish ruse 
of this country. I inquired whether the thief 
who was dragged in chains through the streets 
would be able to find work, and was told, “Oh, 
certainly,—is he not a poor man % for the sake 
of God every one will be ready to help him.” 



An absolute uncertainty of justice naturally 
leads to this result. Our captain was quite 
shocked to find that in my country we did not 
like to employ a returned convict. 

El-Uksur, Monday. 

We spent all the afternoon of Saturday at 
Kine, where I dined with the English consul, 
a worthy old Arab, who also invited our cap¬ 
tain, and we sat round his copper tray on the 
floor, and ate with our fingers, the Captain, 
who sat next me, picking out the best bits with 
his brown fingers and feeding me with them. 
After dinner, the French consul, a Copt, sent 
to invite me to a fantasia at his house, where 

I found the M-s, the Mudeer and some 

other Turks, and an ill-bred Italian. I was 
glad to see the dancing-girls, but I liked old 
Seyyid Ahmad’s patriarchal ways much better 
than the tone of the Frenchified Copt. At 
first I thought the dancing queer and dull. 
One girl was very handsome, but cold and un¬ 
interesting ; one who sang was also pretty and 
engaging; but the dancing consisted of contor¬ 
tions, more or less graceful,—very wonderful 
as a gymnastic feat, but no more. But the 



captain called out to one Lateefeh, an ugly, 
clumsy-locking wench, to show the Sitt what 
she could do, and then it was revealed to me. 
The ugly girl started on her feet, and became 
the t; serpent of old Nile,”—the head, shoul¬ 
ders, and arms eagerly bent forward, waist in 
and haunches advanced on the bent knees,— 
the posture of a cobra about to spring. I 
could not call it voluptuous, any more than 
Bacine’s ‘ Phedreit is “ Veuus toute entiere 
a sa proie attachee,” and to me seemed tragic. 
It is far more realistic than the fandango, 
and far less coquettish, because the thing re¬ 
presented is au grand serieux ,—not travestied, 
gaze , or played with; and like all such things, 
the Arab men don’t think it the least impro¬ 
per. Of course the girls do not commit any 
indecorums before European women, except 
the dance itself. 

Seyyid Ahmad would have given me a fan¬ 
tasia, but he feared I might have men with me ; 
he had had great annoyance from two Eng¬ 
lishmen, who behaved in such a manner to the 
girls that he was obliged to turn them out of 
his house, after hospitably entertaining them. 

Our procession home to the boat was very 




droll: Madame M-could not ride on an 

Arab saddle, so I lent her mine and enfourchtd 
my donkey ; and away we went, with men run¬ 
ning before us with mesh’als (fire-baskets on 
long poles) and lanterns, and the captain shout¬ 
ing out “ full speed ” and such English phrases 
all the way, like a regular old salt as he is. 

We got here last night, and this morning 
Mustafa A'gha and the Nazir came down to con¬ 
duct me up to my palace. I have such a big 
rambling house, all over the top of the temple 
of Khem; how I wish I had you and the chil¬ 
dren to fill it! We had about twenty Fellahs 
to clean the dust of three years accumulation, 
and my room looks quite handsome with car¬ 
pets and a divan. Mustafa’s little girl found 
her way here when she heard I was come, and 
it was so pleasant to have her playing on 
the carpet with a doll and some sugar-plums, 
and making a feast for Dolly on a saucer, ar¬ 
ranging the sugar-plums Arab fashion ; such 
a quiet little brown tot, curiously like R , 
with the addition of walnut juice. She was 

extremely pleased with R-’s picture and 

kissed it. 

The yiew all round my house is magnificent 



on every side; across the Nile in front facing 
A.W., and over a splendid expanse of green 
and a range of distant orange-buff hills to the 
S.E., where I have a spacious covered terrace. 
It is rough and dusty in the extreme, but will 
be very pleasant. Mustafa came in just now 
to offer me the loan of a horse, and to ask me 
to go to the mosque a few nights hence, to see 
the illumination in honour of a great sheykh, 
a descendant of Seedee Hoseyn or Hasan. I 
asked whether my presence might not offend 
any Muslim, but he would not hear of such a 
thing. The sun set while he was there, and 
he asked if I objected to his praying in my 
presence; on my replying in the negative, he 
went through his four rek’ahs very comfort¬ 
ably on my carpet. 

My next-door neighbour (across the court¬ 
yard, all filled with antiquities) is a nice little 
Copt, who looks like an antique statue himself; 
I shall voisiner with his family. He sent me 
coffee as soon as I arrived, and came to help. - 
I am invited to El-Mutaneh, a few hours up 

the river to visit the M-s, and to Kine, 

to visit Seyyid Ahmad, and also the head of 
the merchants there, who settled the price of 

M 2 



a carpet for me in the bazaar, and seemed to 
like me. He was just one of those handsome, 
high-bred, elderly merchants, with whom a 
story always begins in the Arabian Nights. A 
very nice English couple gave me a breakfast 
in their boat. 

When I can talk, I will go and see an Arab 
hareem. I asked Mustafa about the Arab 
young lady; he spoke very highly of her, 
and is to let me know if she comes here, and 
to offer her hospitality from me ; he did not 
know her name. She is called “ El-Hajjeeyeh,” 
the pilgrimess. 


Now I am settled in my Theban palace it 
seems more and more beautiful, and I am quite 
melancholy that you cannot be here to enjoy it. 
The house is very large, and has good thick 
walls, the comfort of which we feel to-day, for 
it blows a hurricane, but in-doors it is not 
at all cold. I have glass windows and doors 
to some of the rooms; it is a lovely dwelling. 
Two funny little owls, as big as my fist, live 
in the wall under my window, and come and 
peep in, walking on tiptoe and looking inqui- 



sitive, like the owls in the hieroglyphics, ancl 
barking at me like young puppies; and a 
splendid horus (the sacred hawk) frequents 
my lofty balcony. Another of my contemplar 
gods I sacrilegiously killed last night,—a whip 
snake. Omar is rather in consternation, for 
fear it should be “the snake of the house;” 
for Islam has not dethroned the “ Dii Lares 
et tutelares.” 

Some men came to mend the staircase, 
which had fallen in, and which consists of 
huge solid blocks of stone. One man crashed 
his thumb, and I had to operate on it. It is 
extraordinary how these people bear pain; he 
never winced in the least, and went off thank¬ 
ing God and the lady quite cheerfully. I have 
been “ sapping ” at the “ Alif Bay ”—A B C 
—to-day, under the direction of Sheykh Yoo- 
suf, a graceful, sweet-looking young man, with 
a dark-brown face, and such fine manners in 
his Fellah dress,—a coarse brown -woollen 
shirt, a libdeh or felt skull-cap, and a com¬ 
mon red shawl round his head and shoulders. 
Writing the wrong way is very hard work. 

It was curious to see Sheykh Yoosuf 
blush from shyness when he came in first; 



it shows quite as much in the coffee-brown 
Arab skin as in the fairest European,—quite 
unlike that of the much lighter coloured mu¬ 
latto or Malay, who never change colour at all. 
A photographer, who is living here, showed 
me photographs done high up the White 
Kile. One negro girl is so splendid, that I 
must get him to do me a copy to send you. 
She is not perfect like the Nubians, but so su¬ 
perbly strong and majestic. If I can get hold 
of a handsome Fellaheh here, I will get her 
photographed, to show you in Europe what a 
woman s breast can be, for I never knew it 
before I came here; it is the most beautiful 
thing in the world, and gloriously indepen¬ 
dent of stays or any support. 




January 20, 1S64. 

We have had a week of piercing winds, and 
I have been obliged to stay in bed. To-day 
was fine again, and I mounted old Mustafa’s 
cob pony and jogged over his farm with him, 
and lunched on delicious sour cream and fa- 
teereh at a neighbouring village, to the great 
delight of the Fellaheen. It was more biblical 
than ever; the people were all relations of 
Mustafa’s, and to see Seedee Omar, the head 
of the household, and the young men coming 
in from the field, and the flocks and herds and 
camels and asses, was like a beautiful dream. 
All these people are of good blood, and a sort 
of “ roll of Battle ” is kept for the genea¬ 
logies of the noble Arabs who came in with 
Amr, the first Arab conqueror and lieutenant 



of Omav. Not one of these brown men who 
do not own a second shirt, would give his 
brown daughter to the greatest Turkish Pasha. 
This country noblesse is more interesting to 
me by far than the town people, though 
Omar, who is quite a cockney and piques him¬ 
self on being “ delicate,” turns up his nose at 
their beggarly pride, as Londoners used to do 
at “ barelegged Highlanders.” The air of per¬ 
fect equality (except as to the respect due to 
the head of the clan) with which the villa¬ 
gers treated Mustafa, and which he fully re¬ 
turned, made it all seem so very gentleman¬ 
like. They are not so dazzled by a little show, 
and are far more manly than the Cairenes. I 
am already on visiting terms with the “ coun¬ 
ty families ” resident near El-Uksur. The Nazir 
(magistrate) is a very nice person, and my 
Sheykh Yoosuf, who is of the highest blood 
(being descended from Abu-l-Hajjaj himself), 
is quite charming, 

There is an intelligent German here as 
Austrian consul, who draws nicely. I went 
-into his house, and was startled by hearing a 
pretty little Arab boy, his servant, say, “ Soil 
ich den Kaffee bringen V’ What nextl They 



are all mad to learn languages, and Mustafa 

begs me and S- to teach his little child, 

Zeyneb, English. 

Friday, January 22. 

Yesterday, I rode over to El-Karnak with 
Mustafa’s Sais running by my side; glorious hot 
sun and delicious air. To hear the Sais chat¬ 
ter away, his tongue running as fast as his feet, 
made me deeply envious of his lungs. Mus¬ 
tafa joined me, and pressed me to go to -visit 
the sheykh’s tomb for the benefit of my health, 
as he and Sheykh Yoosuf wished to say a 
Fat’hah for me; but I must not drink wine 
that day. I made a little difficulty on the score 
of difference of religion, but Sheykh Yoosuf, 
who came up, said he presumed I worshipped 
God and not stones, and that sincere prayers 
were good anywhere. Clearly the bigotry 
would have been on my side if I had refused 
any longer, so in the evening I went with 

It was a very curious sight: the little 
dome illuminated with as much oil as the 
mosque could afford, over the tombs of Abu- 
1-Hajjaj and his three sons. A magnificent 



old man, like Father Abraham himself, dressed 
in white, sat on a carpet at the foot of the 
tomb; he was the head of the family of Abu-1- 
Hajjaj. He made me sit by him, and was 
extremely polite. Then came the Nazir, the 
Kadee, a Turk travelling on government busi¬ 
ness, and a few other gentlemen, who all sat 
down round us, after kissing the hand of the 
old sheykh. Every one talked; in fact, it was 
a soiree in honour of the dead sheykh. A party 
of men sat at the further end of the place, 
with their faces towards the kihleh, and played 
on a darabukkeh (sort of small drum stretched 
over an earthenware funnel, which gives a pe¬ 
culiar sound), a tambourine without bells, and 
little tinkling cymbals(seggal), fitting on thumb 
and finger (crotales), and chanted songs in 
honour of Mohammad, and verses from the 
Psalms of David. Every now and then, one of 
our party left off talking, and prayed a little or 
counted his beads. The old sheykh sent for 
coffee, and gave me the first cup,—a wonder- 
fill concession; at last the Nazir proposed a 
Fat’hah for me, which the whole group round 
me repeated aloud, and then each said to me: 
—“ Our Lord God bless thee, and give thee 



health and peace, to thee and thy family, and 
take thee back safe to thy master and thy 
children every one adding “ Ameen” and giv¬ 
ing 1 the salam with the hand. I returned it 
and said, “Our Lord reward thee and all 
people of kindness to strangers,” which was 
considered a very proper answer. 

After that we went away, and the worthy 
Nazir walked home with me to take a pipe 
and a glass of sherbet and enjoy a talk about 
his wife and eight children, who are all in 
Fum-el-Bahr, except two boys at school in 
Cairo. Government appointments are so pre¬ 
carious, that it is not wrnrth while to move his 
family up here, as the expense would be too 
heavy on a salary of £15 a month, with the 
chance of recall any day. 

I ought to add that in Cairo or Lower 
Egypt, it would be quite impossible for a 
Christian to enter a sheykh’s tomb at all,— 
above all on his birthday festival, and on the 
night of Friday. 

Friday, January 29. 

The last week has been very cold here, the 
thermometer 59° and 60°, with a nipping wind 



and bright sun. I was obliged to keep my 
bed for three or four days, as a palace with¬ 
out doors or windows to speak of was very 
trying, though far better than a boat. Yester¬ 
day and to-day are better,—not much warmer, 
but a different air. The Moolid (festival) of 
the sheykh terminated last Saturday with a 
procession, in which the new cover of his 
tomb, and the ancient sacred boat, were carried 
on men’s shoulders; it all seemed to have 
walked out of the royal tombs, only dusty and 
shabby instead of gorgeous. These festivals 
of the dead are such as Herodotus alludes to 
as held in honour of him “ whose name he dares 
not mention“ him who sleeps in Phike,” 
only the name is changed, and the mummy is 
absent. For a fortnight, every one who had a 
horse and could ride, came and “made fantasia” 
every afternoon for two hours before sunset, 
and very pretty it was. The people here show' 
their good blood in their riding. 

For the last three days, all strangers were 
entertained with bread and cooked meat, at 
the expense of the people of El-Uksur. Every 
house killed a sheep and baked bread. As I could 
not do that for want of servants enough, I sent 



100 piastres (about twelve shillings) to the ser¬ 
vants of Abu-l-Hajjaj at the mosque, to pay for 
the oil burnt at the tomb, etc. I was not well, 
and in bed, but I hear that my gift gave great 
satisfaction, and that I was again well prayed 

The Coptic bishop came to see me, but he 
is a tipsy old monk. He sent for tea, alleging 
that he was ill, so I went to see him, and 
quickly perceived that his disorder was too 
much arakee. He has a very nice black slave, 
a Christian, who is a friend of Omar’s, and 
sent him a handsome dinner, all ready cooked; 
among other things, a chicken stuffed with 
green wheat was excellent. Omar constantly 
gets dinners sent him,—bread, some dates, and 
cooked fowls or pigeons, and fateereh with 
honey, all tied up hot in a cloth. I gave an 
old fellow a pill and dose some days ago, but 
his dura ilia took no notice, and he came for 
more and got castor oil. I have not seen him 
since, but his employer, Fellah Omar, sent me 
some delicious butter in return. I think it 
shows great intelligence in these people that 
none of them will any longer consult an Arab 
hakeem, if they can get a European to physic 



them. They now ask directly whether the 
government doctors have been to Europe to 
learn “ hekmeh,” and, if not, they don’t trust 
them. For poor “ savages” and “ heathens” 
this is not so stupid. I had to interrupt my 
lessons from illness, but Sheykh Yoosuf came 
again last night. I have mastered some things. 
Oh, dear! what must poor Arab children suffer 
in learning A, B, C! it is a terrible alphabet, 
and the shekel, or points, are distracting. 

You may conceive how much we are natu¬ 
ralized, when I tell you I have received a serious 

offer of marriage for S-. Mustafa A'gha, 

the richest and most considerable person here, 
has requested me to “ give her to him” for his 
eldest son, Seyyid, a nice lad of nineteen or 
twenty at most. He said, that of course, she 
would keep to her own religion and her own 
customs. I said she was too old, but they 
think that no objection at all. She will have 
to say that her father would not allow it, for 
a handsome offer deserves a civil refusal. 
S-’s proposals would be quite an ethnolo¬ 

gical study. Mustafa asked what I should re¬ 
quire as dowry for her. 

The young Englishman to whom my mother 



gave letters met me yesterday in the street. 

I knew Mr. S-from his likeness to his 

mother. They were drawing the ruins. They 
go up the river to-morrow, and I will give them 
a dinner when they come down again, Arab 
fashion, and let them eat ■with their fingers. 
I have not knives and forks enough for more 
than two people, so I will borrow a copper 
tray and serve a VArabe. 

I should like to give them a fantasia, but it 
is not proper for a woman to send for the dan¬ 
cing-girls; and as I am the friend of the 
Mamoor Maoon (the police magistrate), the 
Kadee, and the respectable people here, I can¬ 
not do what is indecorous in their eyes. It is 
quite enough that they tolerate my unveiled 
face and my associating with men; that is “ my 
custom,” and they think no harm of it. 

I am so charmed with my house that I 
begin seriously to contemplate staying here all 
the time; Cairo is so dear now, and so many 
dead cattle are buried there, that I think I 
should do better in this place. There is a 
huge hall here, so large and cold now as to 
be uninhabitable, which in summer would be 
glorious. I could only afford a very poky 



lodging in Cairo, and here I shall live for a 
trifle in comfort and save the expense of boat 
hire; moreover, the complete quiet would 
suit me better than travelling. My dear old 
captain of steamer No. 12 will bring me up 
coffee and candles, and if I “ sap,” and learn 
to talk to the people, I shall have plenty of 

The cattle disease has not extended above 
Minyeh to any great degree, and here there 
has not been a case Food is very good here, 
at rather less than half Cairo prices even now; 
in summer it will be half that. Mustafa urges 
me to stay, and proposes picnics of a few days 
over in the tombs, with his hareem, as a di¬ 

I send you a photograph of my two be¬ 
loved lonely palm-trees on the river-bank just 
above Philse. I send you also the seal and 
names of Abraham and all the family buried 
in the tomb of Machpelah. It is, of course, a 
“ hegab” (talisinan). 




Sunday, February 7, 1864. 

We have had our winter pretty sharp for 
three weeks, and everybody has had violent 
colds and coughs,—the Arabs I mean. I have 
been a good deal ailing, but have escaped any 
violent cold altogether, and now the ther¬ 
mometer is up to 64°, and it feels very plea¬ 
sant In the sun it is always very hot, but that 
does not prevent the air from being keen, and 
chapping lips and noses, and even hands. It 
is curious how a temperature which would 
be summer in England makes one shiver at 
Thebes; El-hamdu-lillah, it is over now! 

My poor Sheykh Yoosuf is in great distress 
about his brother, also a young sheykh (i. e. 
one learned in theology, and competent to 
preach in the mosque). Sheykh Mohammad 


is come home from studying in El-Azhar at 
Cairo,—I fear, to die. I went with Sheykh 
Yoosuf, at his desire, to see if I could help 
him, and found him gasping for breath, and 
very, very ill; I gave him a little soothing 
medicine, and put mustard plasters on him, 
and as they relieved him, I went again and re¬ 
peated them. All the family and a number 
of neighbours crowded in to look on. There 
he lay in a dark little den with bare mud- 
walls, worse off, to our ideas, than any pauper 
in England; but these people do not feel the 
want of comforts, and one learns to think it 
quite natural to sit with perfect gentlemen in 
places inferior to our cattle-sheds. I pulled 
some blankets up against the wall, and put 
my arm behind Sheykh Mohammad’s back, to 
make him rest while the poultices were on 
him; whereupon he laid his green turbaned 
head on my shoulder, and presently held up 
his delicate brown face for a kiss, like an af¬ 
fectionate child. As I kissed him, a very pious 
old moollah said “Bismillah!” (In the name 
of God!) with an approving nod, and Sheykh 
Mohammad’s old father (a splendid old man 
in a green turban) thanked me with “ effu- 



sion,” and prayed that my children might al¬ 
ways find help and kindness. I suppose if I 
confessed to kissing a “ dirty Arab ” in a hovel, 
civilized people would execrate me; but it 
shows how much there is in “ Muslim bigotry,” 
unconquerable hatred of Christians,” etc.; for 
this family are Seyyids (descendants of the Pro¬ 
phet), and very pious. Sheykh Yoosuf does not 
even smoke, and he preaches on Fridays. 

I rode over to a village a few days ago, to 
see a farmer named Omar; of course I had 
to eat, and the people were enchanted at my 
going alone, as they are used to see the English 
armed and guarded. Seedee Omar, however, 
insisted on accompanying me home, which is 
the civil thing here. He piled a whole stack 
of green fodder on his little nimble donkey, 
and hoisted himself -atop of it without saddle 
or bridle, (the fodder was for Mustafa A'gha,) 
and we trotted home across the beautiful green 
barley-fields, to the amazement of some Eu¬ 
ropean young men who were out shooting. 
We did look a curious pair certainly, with 
my English saddle and bridle, habit, and hat 
and feather, on horseback, and Seedee Omar’s 
brown shirt, bare legs, and white turban, guid- 



ing his donkey with his chibouque; we were 
laughing very merrily, too, over my blunder- 
ing Arabic. 

To-morrow or next day, Bamadan begins, at 
the first sight of the new moon; it is a great 
nuisance, because everybody is cross. Omar 
did not keep it last year, but this year he will ; 
and if he spoils my dinners, who can blame 

There was a wedding close by my house last 
night, and about ten o’clock all the women 
passed under my window, with cries of joy 
—“ Ez-Zaghareet,”—down to the river. I find 
on inquiry, that in Upper Egypt, as soon as 
the bridegroom has “ taken the face ” of his 
bride and left her, the women take her down 
to “ see the Nile; ” they have not yet forgot¬ 
ten that the old god is the giver of increase, 
it seems. 

I have been reading Miss Martineau’s book; 
the descriptions are excellent, and it is true as 
far as it goes; but there is the usual defect;— 
to her, as to most Europeans, the people are 
not real people, only part of the scenery. She 
evidently knew and cared nothing about them, 
and had the feeling of most English travellers, 



that the differences of manners are a sort of 
impassable gulf;—the truth being that their 
feelings and passions are just like our own. 
It is curious that all the old books of travels 
that I have read mention the natives of strange 
countries in a far more natural tone, and with 
far more attempt to discriminate character, 
than modern ones,— e.g. Carsten Niebuhr’s 
Travels here and in Arabia, Cook’s Voyages, 
and many others. Have we grown so very 
civilized since a hundred years, that outlandish 
people seem to us like mere puppets, and not 
like real human beings'? Miss Martineau’s 
bigotry against Copts and Greeks is droll 
enough, compared to her very proper reve¬ 
rence for “ Him who sleeps in Philse,” and 
her attack upon the hareems is outrageous. 
She implies that they are scenes of debauchery. 
I must admit that I have not seen a Turkish 
hareem, and she apparently saw no other, and 
yet she fancies the morals of Turkey to be su¬ 
perior to those of Egypt. Very often a man 
marries a second wife, out of a sense of duty, 
to provide for a brother’s widow and children, 
or the like. Of course licentious men act 
loosely here as elsewhere. “ We are all sons 



of Adam,” as Sheykh Yoosuf says constantly, 
“ bad-bad and good-goodand modem tra¬ 
vellers show strange ignorance in talking of 
foreign nations in the lump , as they nearly all 

Monday .—I have just heard that poor 
Sheykh Mohammad died yesterday, and was, 
as usual, buried at once. I had not been well 
for a few days, and Sheykh Yoosuf took care 
that I should not know of his brother’s death. 
He went to Mustafa A'gha, and told him not 
to tell any one of my house till I was better, 
because he knew “ what was in my stomach” 
towards his family, and feared I should be made 
worse by the news. And how often have I 
been advised not to meddle with sick Arabs, 
because they are sure to suspect a Christian of 
poisoning those who die! I do grieve for the 
graceful handsome young creature and his old 
father. Omar was vexed at not knowing of his 
death, because he would have liked to help to 
carry him to the grave. These Saeedees are 
much nicer than the Lower Egypt people; 
they have good Arab blood in their veins, keep 
pedigrees, and are more manly and indepen¬ 
dent, and more liberal in religion. You would 



like them muck, they are such thorough gen¬ 

I am beginning to stammer out a little Ara¬ 
bic, but find it horribly difficult; the plurals 
are bewildering, and the verbs quite heart¬ 
rending. I have at last learnt the alphabet, 
and can write it quite tidily, but now I am in 
a fix for want of a dictionary; I have written 
to Hekekian Bey to buy me one in Cairo. 
Sheykh Yoosuf knows not a word of English, 
and Omar can’t read or write, and has no no¬ 
tion of grammar or of “ word for word ” inter¬ 
pretation, and it is very slow work. When I 
w r alk through the court of the mosque, I give 
the customary coppers to the little boys who 
are spelling away loudly under the arcade, with 
a keen sympathy with their difficulties and 
well-smudged tin slates. An additional evil is, 
that the Arabic books printed in England, and 
at English presses here, require a forty-horse 
power microscope to distinguish a letter. The 
ciphering is like ours, but with other figures; 
and I felt very stupid when I discovered how 
I had reckoned Arab fashion, from right to 
left all my life, and never observed the fact. 
However, it must be remarked that they cast 



down a column of figures from top to bot¬ 

I am just called away by some poor men 
who want me to speak to the English travel¬ 
lers about shooting their pigeons. It is very 
thoughtless, but it is in great measure the 
fault of the servants and dragomans, who think 
they must not venture to tell their masters 
that pigeons are private property; I have a 
great mind to put a notice on the wall of my 
house about it. Here, where there are never 
less than eight or ten boats lying for full three 
months, the loss to. the Fellaheen is serious 
and our Consul, Mustafa A'gha, is afraid to say 
anything. I have given my neighbours per¬ 
mission to call the pigeons mine, as they roost 
in flocks on my roof; and to go out and say 
that the Sitt objects to her poultry being shot, 
—especially as I have had them shot off my 
balcony as they sat there. 

I got a note from M. M-yesterday, 

inviting me to go and stay at El-Mutaneh, 
Haleem Pasha’s great estate near Edfoo, and 
offering to send his dahabeeyeh for me. I 
certainly will go as soon as the weather is 
decidedly hot; it is now very warm and 



pleasant. If I find Thebes too hot as summer 
advances, I must drop down and return to 
Cairo, or try Suez, which I hear is excellent 
in summer,—bracing desert air. But it is very 
tempting to stay here;—a splendid cool house, 
food extremely cheap,—about a pound a week 
for fish, bread, butter, meat, milk, eggs, and 
vegetables;—all grocery, of course, I brought 
with me:—no trouble, rest and civil neigh¬ 
bours. I feel very much disinclined to move 
unless I am baked out, and it takes a good deal 
to bake me. The only fear is the Khama- 
seen wind. I do not feel very well; I don’t 
ail anything in particular, and have much less 
cough; but I am so weak, and good for no¬ 
thing. I seldom feel able to go out, or do 
more than sit in the balcony, on one side or 
other of the house. I have no donkey here, 
the hired ones are so very bad and so dear; 

but I have written to M. M- to try and 

get me one at El-Mutaneh, and send it down 
in one of Haleem Pasha’s corn-boats. There is 
no comfort like a donkey always ready. If I 
have to send for Mustafa’s horse, I feel lazy, 
and fancy it. is too much trouble, unless I can 
go just when I want. 



What dreadful weather you have had! We 
felt the ghost of it here in bur three weeks 
of cold. Sometimes I feel as if I must go back 
to you all, co&te gui coute; but I know it 
would be of no use to try it this summer. I 
long for more news of you and my chicks. 




Eebruary 12, 1864. 

We are in Ramadan now, and Omar really 
enjoys a good opportunity of “making his 
soul.” He fasts and washes vigorously, prays 
his five times a day, and goes to mosque 
on Fridays and is quite merry over it, and 
ready to cook infidels’ dinners with exemplary 
good humour. It is a great merit in Muslims 
that they are not at all grumpy over their 
piety. Weather like that of Paradise has set 
in since five or six days! I sit on my lofty bal¬ 
cony and drink the sweet northerly .breeze, 
and look at the glorious mountain opposite, 
and think if only you and the children were 
here, it would be “the best o’ life.” The 
beauty of Egypt grows on one, and I think it 
far more lovely this year than I did last. 



My great friend the Maoon (he is not the 
nazir, who is a fat little pig-eyed Turk) lives 
in a house which also has a superb view in 
another direction, and I often go and sit “ on 
the bench,” i. e. the mastabah in front of his 
house, and do what little talk I can, and see 
the people come with their grievances. I 
don’t understand much of what goes on, as the 
patois is broad and doubles the difficulty, or I 
would send you a Theban police-report; but 
the Maoon is very pleasant in his manner to 
them, and they don’t seem frightened. 

We have appointed a very small boy our 
bowwab or porter, or rather he has appointed 
himself, and his assumption of dignity is quite 
delicious ; he has provided himself with a huge 
staff, and he behaves like the most tremendous 
janissary. He is about the size of a child of 
five, and as sharp as a needle, and possesses the 
remains of a brown shirt and a ragged kitchen 
duster as turban. I am very fond of little 
Ahmad, and like to see him doing tableaux 
vivants from Murillo, with a plate of broken 
victuals. The children of this place have be¬ 
come so insufferable about baksheesh, that I 
have complained to the Maoon, and he will 



assemble a committee of parents and enforce 
better manners. It is only here, and just where 
the English go. When I ride into the little 
villages, I never hear the word, but am always 
offered milk to drink; I have taken it two or 
three times and not offered to pay, and the 
people always seemed quite pleased. 

Yesterday Sheykh Yoosuf came again, the 
first time since his brother’s death ; he was evi¬ 
dently deeply affected, but spoke in the usual 
way, “ It is the will of God, we must all die.” 
I wish you could see Sheykh Yoosuf; I think 
he is the sweetest creature in look and manner 
I ever beheld,—so refined and so simple, and 
with the animal grace of a gazelle. A high¬ 
bred Arab is as graceful as an Indian, but quite 
without the feline Gesckmeidigkeit, or the look 
of dissimulation; the eye is as clear and frank 
as a child ? s. The Austrian consular agent 
here, who knows Egypt and Arabia well, tells 
me that he thinks many of them quite as good 
as they look, and said of Sheykh Yoosuf, “ Hr 
ist so gemuthlich /” 

There is a German here deciphering hiero¬ 
glyphics, Herr Diimmichen, a very agreeable 
man, but he has gone across the river to live 



at El-Kurneh. He has been through Ethiopia 
in search of temples and inscriptions. I am to 
go over and visit him, and see some of the 
tombs again in his company, which I shall en¬ 
joy, as a good interpreter is sorely wanted in 
those mysterious regions. 

I have just heard that a good donkey is en 
route in a boat from El-Mutaneh; he will 
cost between four and five pounds, and will 
enable me to be about far more than I could 
by merely borrowing Mustafa’s horse, about 
which I have scruples, as he lends it to other 
lady-travellers. Little Ahmad will be my Sais 
as well as my doorkeeper, I suppose. 

Mustafa A'gha has acted as English consular 
agent here for something like thirty years, and 
is really the slave of the travellers. He gives 
them dinners, mounts them, and does all the 
disagreeable business of wrangling with the 
Keyyis and dragomans for them, takes care of 
their letters, makes himself a postmaster, sends 
them out to the boats, and does all manner 
of services for them, and, lastly, lends his 
house for infidels to pray in on Sundays when 
a clergyman is here. For this he has no re¬ 
muneration at all, except such presents as the 



English think fit to make him, and I have seen 
enough to know that they are not often large, 
nor always gracefully given. The old fellow 
at "Kine, who has nothing to do, gets regular 
pay, and I think Mustafa ought to have some¬ 
thing ; he is now old and somewhat infirm, 
and has to keep a clerk to help him, and at 
least his expenses ought to be covered. Please 
say this to Mr. Layard from me, as my message 
to him. 

Tell my friends who desire to hear from me 
that I have no news to send from hence; I 
only know what wheat, barley, lentils, and se¬ 
same fetch per ardebb, and how sugar-cane 
rules. By the bye, I hear meat is ten piastres 
(Is. Bd.) a pound in Cairo. Of course every¬ 
thing will have risen in proportion. 

February 14,1864. 

Yesterday we had a dust-storm from the de¬ 
sert; it made my head heavy and made me 
feel languid, but did not affect my chest at all. 
To-day is a soft, grey day; there was a little 
thunder this morning and a few, very few, 
drops of rain, hardly enough for even Herodo¬ 
tus to consider portentous. My donkey came 



down last night and I tried him to-day, and he 
is very satisfactory, though alarmingly small, 
as the real Egyptian donkey always is; the big 
ones are from the Hejaz. But it is wonderful 
how the little creatures run along under one, 
as easy as possible, and they have no will of 
their own. I rode mine out to El-Kamak and 
back, and he did not seem to think me at all 
heavy. I could put him in my pocket, but 
his vigour and spirit are amazing. When they 
are overworked and over-galloped, they become 
bad on the legs and easily fall. All those 
for hire are quite stumped up, poor beasts! 
they are so willing and docile that every one 
overdrives them. 

I have a letter for the Comte de Rouge, the 
great Egyptologist,whose steamer has just come 
down here ; Mariette Bey is with him. I hope 
they will turn out good company. I have seen 

Lord and LadyS-, and several other English 

travellers. One never hears people’s names 
here; so unless they like to call on me, the 
boats come and go, and I don’t know who is in 
them. The Arab servants never know their 
English masters’ names, and never ask. 

I am getting on with Arabic, but it is very 



difficult; Sheykh Yoosuf is bent on making 
an Alimeh of me, and teaching me to speak 
elegantly with inflections, which are only used 
by the learned. Meanwhile my vocabulary 
increases slowly. Omar has not an idea of 
translating; he learned English too young to 
remember the process of learning, and he can 
give no help because he talks too quick, and 
rattles out such a heap of illustrative sentences 
that one is bewildered. 

February IS, 1864. 

We have had strange weather; first a whole 
wet day—not known for ten years—and three 
days of hurricane, from the south-west, with 
an atmosphere of sand and dust—horrid! 

I went the other day to a fantasia which Mus¬ 
tafa A'gba gave to young S-and Co., and 

was much amused; there was one very good 
dancer. Mariette Bey and M. de Kouge came 
in with some dear old-fashioned English peo¬ 
ple, whose naive wonder was irresistibly comic. 
A lady wondered how the women here could 
wear clothes “so different from English fe¬ 
males, poor things!” but they were not rnal- 
veillants, only pitying and wonderstruck. What 




surprised, them most was to see me going 
through the salaming ceremonies with Seleem 
Efendee, the maoon, and our sitting clown toge 
ther on his carpet. 

Mustafa told Omar that he expected Fadl 
Pasha, the Govern or of all Upper Egypt, to 
dinner, and asked him to go and help to ar¬ 
range the entertainment. Did not Omar bris¬ 
tle up 1 ? “What! could his lady he left for 
some hours without her servant, on account 
of a Turkish pasha % Did not Mustafa know 
that this was an Emeereh of the Inlteleez 1 No, 
not for Efendeena (the Viceroy) himself would 
he do such a thing! Wallah!” There is no¬ 
thing like an Arab servant for asserting his 
master’s or mistress’s greatness, and I suspect 
a little sly pleasure in defying a big Turk 
from behind the protection of my dignity; for 
Omar muttered something about high English 
people not “ making themselves bigwhich 
sounded like a covert reflection on those who 

A characteristic trait of manners was that 
last night, Sheykh Yoosuf having stayed till 
dark over my lesson, I asked him to “ break¬ 
fast ” at my dinner; being now Ramadan, he 



said quite simply, “ Oh yes, but he could not 
eat on a table with forks, so he would go 
and eat with Omar, and come back to enjoy 
my society.” This was not at all the slavish 
feeling which made the chaplain of old pre¬ 
fer the steward’s room, but the genuine fra- 
ternite et egalite of this people. “ All Mus¬ 
lims are brothers,” says the Koran, and they 
behave as such. Catch a Frenchman or Ame¬ 
rican doing such a thing so simply! 

This weather is so depressing I hardly have 
courage to write at all; it has been quite as bad 
as a Cape south-easter. I never saw such an 
atmosphere of sand and dust ; no one could 
stir out. Some women who tiled to fetch 
water had their pitchers blown off their heads. 

I was very glad to be in a good house, and not 
on a boat. 




EL-Uksur, February 19,1864. 

I have only time for a few lines, to go down 

by Mr. S-and Ms companions to Cairo. 

They are very good specimens of young En¬ 
glishmen, and are quite recognized here as 
“belonging to the higher people,” because 
they “ do not make themselves big.” 

We had a whole day’s rain (which Hero¬ 
dotus says is a portent here), and a hurricane 
from the south, worthy of the Cape. I thought 
we should have been buried under the drifting 
sand. To-day is again heavenly. I saw Abd¬ 
el-Azeez, the chemist, in Cairo; he seemed a 
very good fellow, and was a pupil of my old 
friend M. Chevreul, and highly recommended 
by him. Here I am out of all European 



The Sheykh-el-Arab (of the Abab’deh tribe), 
who has a sort of town-house here, has invited 
me out into the desert to the black tents, and 
I intend to make a visit with old Mustafa 
A'gha. The Sheykh is identical in face with 

A-A-, if the latter were painted dark 

mahogany colour. There is a Roman well in 
his yard, with a ghool in it. I can’t get the 
story from Mustafa, who is ashamed of such 
superstitions, but I’ll find it out. 

I begin to feel all the time before me to be 
away from you all very long indeed, but I do 
think my best chance is a long spell of real 
heat. I have got through this winter without 
once catching cold at all to signify, and now 
the fine weather is come. All my Egyptian 
friends have such a great idea of the good to 
be done by the summer, which they consider 
the healthy season. 

I am writing in Arabic, from Sheykh Yoo- 
sufs dictation, the dear old story of the Bar¬ 
ber’s Brother, with the basket of glass. The 
Arabs are so diverted at hearing that we all 
know the Elf Leyleh wa-Leyleh, the ‘ Thou¬ 
sand Nights and a Night’ The want of a 
dictionary, with a teacher knowing no word of 


English, is terrible; I don’t know how I learn 
at all. 

The post is pretty quick up to this place; I 
got your letter within three weeks, you see, 
but I get no newspapers; the post is all on 
foot, and can’t carry anything so heavy. One 
of my men of last year, Asgalanee, the steers¬ 
man, has just been to see me; he says his 
journey was happier last year. 

We have slain two snakes here, at several 
times. A jackal was caught in the garden, 
but let go again by fear and clumsiness. No 
one here has the faintest idea of “ pets.” 

The-thermometer in the cold antechamber 
now is 67°, where no sun ever comes, and the 
blaze of the sun is prodigious. 

11 Ramadan. 




El-Ulisur, February 26, 1864. 

I hate your letter of the 3rd instant. You 
would be amused to see Omar bring me a 
letter, and sit down on the floor till I tell 
him the family news; and then, “ El-hamdu- 
lillah P we are so pleased, and he goes off to 
his pots and pans. 

Lord and Lady S-are here. The En¬ 

glish milord, extinct on the continent, has re¬ 
vived in Egypt, and is greatly reverenced, and 
usually much liked. “ These high English 
have mercy in their stomachs,” said one of 
my last year’s sailors, who came to kiss my 
hand;—a pleasing fact in natural history. 
“ Pee wahed lord!” (Here’s a lord!) was Ah¬ 
mad’s announcement of Lord S-. 

I heard of ice at Cairo, and meat at famine 


prices; so I will e’en stay here and grill at 
Thebes. Marry come up, with your Thebes and 
savagery! what if we do wear ragged brown 
shirts! ’tis manners make the man ; and we 
defy you to show better breeding. We are 
now in the full enjoyment of summer weather ; 
there has been no cold for fully a fortnight, 
and I am getting better every day. If the 
heat does not overpower me, I feel sure it will 
be very healing to my lungs. I sit out on my 
glorious balcony, and drink the air from early 
morning till noon, when the sun comes upon 
it and drives me under cover. The thermo¬ 
meter has stood at 64° for a fortnight or three 
weeks, rising sometimes to 67°; but people in 
the boats tell me it is still cold at night on 
the river; up here, only a stone’s throw from 
the Nile, it is warm all night. I fear the loss 
of cattle has suspended irrigation to a fearful 
extent, and that the harvests of Lower Egypt 
of all kinds will be sadly scanty. The disease 
has not spread above Minyeh, or very slightly; 
but, of course, cattle will rise in price here 
also. Already food is getting dearer here; 
meat and bread have risen considerably,—I 
should say com, for no baker exists here. I 



pay a woman to grind and bake my wheat, 
which I buy; and delicious bread it is. 

It is impossible to say how exactly like the 
early parts of the Bible every act of life is 
here; and how totally new it seems when one 
reads it on the spot here. Old Jacob’s speech 
to Pharaoh really made me laugh (don’t be 
shocked), because it is so exactly like what 
a Fellah says to a Pasha, “ Pew and evil have 
been my days,” etc. (Jacob being a most pro¬ 
sperous man); but it is manners to say all 
that. I feel quite kindly now towards Jacob, 
whom I used to think ungrateful and discon¬ 
tented. And when I go to Seedee Omar’s farm 
does he not say, “Take now fine meal and 
bake cakes quickly,” and want to kill a kid? 
Fateereh, with plenty of butter, is what the 
“ three men ” who came to Abraham ate ; and 
the way in which Abraham’s chief memlook, 
acting as wekeel, manages Isaac’s marriage 
vyith. Rebecca, is precisely what a man in his 
position would now. All the vulgarized as¬ 
sociations with Puritanism, and abominable 
little “ Scripture tales and pictures,”—peel off 
here, and the inimitably truthful representa¬ 
tion of life and character comes out; as, for 



example, Joseph’s tears, and his love for the 
brother bom of the same mother , which are 
perfectly lifelike. Leviticus and Deuteronomy 
are very heathenish, compared to the law of 
the Koran, or to the early days of Abraham. 

Don’t think that Shevkh Yoosuf has “ pro¬ 
posed Islam ” to me. He and M. ,de Rouge 
were here last evening, and we had quite an 
Arabic soiree. M. de Rouge speaks Arabic ad¬ 
mirably, quite like an Alim; and it was charm¬ 
ing to see Sheykh Yoosuf’s pretty look of 
grateful pleasure at finding himself treated 
like a “ gentleman and a scholar,” by two such 
eminent Europeans (for by comparison with 
Arab hareem I, of course, am a Sheykhah). 
It is very interesting to see something of Arabs 
who have read, and have the “gentleman” 
ideas. Yoosuf is however superstitious; he told 
me how some one down the river cured his 
cattle with water poured over a “ mus-haf” (a 
copy of the Koran), and has hinted at writ¬ 
ing out a chapter for me to wear as a “ hegab,” 
or amulet, for my health. (Yet he thinks 
the Arab doctors of no use at all, who also 
give verses of the Koran as charms.). He is 
interested in the antiquities, and in M. de 



Rouge’s work; and is quite up to the connec¬ 
tion between ancient Egypt and the books of 
Moses. He was anxious to know if M. de 
Rouge had found anything about Moosa 
(Moses) or Yoosuf (Joseph). He produced a 
bit of old Cufic manuscript, and consulted M. 
de Rouge as to its meaning,—a pretty little 
bit of flattery in an Arab alim to a French¬ 
man, to which the latter was not quite insen¬ 
sible, I saw. 

Yoosufs brother, the Imam, has lost his 
wife, to whom he had been married twenty- 
two years, and won’t hear of taking another. 
I was struck with the sympathy he expressed 
with the English Sultana, since all the unedu¬ 
cated people say, Why does she not marry 
again'? It is curious how refinement brings out 
the same feelings under all “dispensations.” 
If I go down to Cairo again I will get letters 
to some of the Alim there, from Abd-el-Waris, 
the Imam here, and I shall see what few Euro¬ 
peans but Lane have seen. I think things have 
altered since his days, and that men of that 
class would be less inaccessible now than they 
were then; and a woman who is old (Yoosuf 
guessed me at sixty) and educated, does not 



shock, and does interest them. All the Euro¬ 
peans here are traders and don’t care to know 
educated Arabs; if they see anything above 
their servants, it is only Turks or Arab mer¬ 
chants. Don’t fancy I can speak at all de¬ 
cently yet, but I understood a good deal, and 
stammer out a little. 

El-Uksur, March 1, 1864 

The glory of the climate now is beyond de¬ 
scription, and I feel better every day. I go 
out as early as seven or eight o’clock on my 
tiny black donkey, come in to breakfast at 
about ten, and go out again at four.- The 
sun is very hot in the middle of the day, and 
the people in boats say it is still cold at 
night. In this large house I feel neither heat 
nor cold. 

An English traveller who brought a letter 
to me came in while I was reading with 
Sheykh Yoosuf, and persisted in ignoring his 
existence in a manner which led me to draw 
odious comparisons. 

I want to photograph Yoosuf for you; the 
feelings and prejudices and ideas of a culti¬ 
vated Arab, as I get at them little by little, 


are curious beyond compare. It 
generalize from one man, of course, but even 
one gives some very new ideas. The most 
striking thing is the sweetness and delicacy of 
feeling, the horror of hurting any one (this 
must be individual, of course; it is too good 
to be general). I apologized to him two days 
ago for inadvertently answering the “Salam 
aleykum,” which he of course said to Omar on 
coming in, and which is sacramental to Mus¬ 
lims. Yoosuf blushed crimson, touched my 
hand and kissed his own, and looked quite 

Yesterday evening he walked in, and startled 
me by a “ Salam aleykee,” addressed to me; 
he had evidently been thinking it over,—whe¬ 
ther he ought to say it to me, and came to the 
conclusion that it was not wrong. “ Surely it 
is well for all the creatures of God to speak 
peace (Salam) to each other,” said he. Now, 
no uneducated Muslim would have arrived at 
such a conclusion. Omar would pray, work, 
lie, do anything for me,—sacrifice money even; 
but I doubt whether he could utter Salam 
aleykum ” to any but a Muslim. I answered 
as I felt,—“ Peace, O my brother, and God 



bless thee! 5 ' It was almost as if a Catholic 
priest had felt impelled by charity to oifer the 
communion to a heretic. 

I observed that the story of the Barber was 
new to him, and asked if he did not know the 
Thousand and One Nights. No, he studied 
only things of religion; no light amusements 
were proper for an Alim of the religion. 
Europeans did not know that, of course, as 
our religion was to enjoy ourselves; but he 
must not make merry with diversions, or mu¬ 
sic or droll stories. (See the mutual ignorance 
of all ascetics !) He has a little girl of six or 
seven, and teaches her to write and read. No 
one else, he believes, thinks of such a thing, 
out of Cairo ; there many of the daughters 
of the Alim learn,—those who desire it. 

His wife died two years ago, and six months 
ago he married again a wife twelve years old! 
(Sheykh Yoosuf is thirty, he tells us; he looks 
twenty-two.) What a stepmother, and w 7 hat a 
wife ! He can repeat the whole Koran with¬ 
out book; it takes twelve hours to do it. He 
has read the Towrat (the Old Testament), and 
the Gospels (el Engeel), of course. “ Every 
Alim should read them: the words of Seyyidna 


Eesa are the true faith.: but Christians have 
altered and corrupted their meaning. So -we 
Muslims believe. We ai-e all the children of 
God.” (I ask, if Muslims call themselves so, 
or only the slaves of God ?) “ It is all one— 

children or slaves. Does not a good man care 
for both tenderly alike ?” (Pray observe the 
oriental feeling here. Slave is a term of affec¬ 
tion, not contempt; and remember the Centu¬ 
rion’s servant (“ slave, -whom he loved.”) As 
he acts as clerk to Mustafa, our consular agent, 
and wears a shabby brown shirt or gown, and 
speaks no English, I dare say he not seldom 
encounters great slights from sheer ignorance. 

In answer to the invariable questions about 
all my family, I once told him that my father 
had been a great Alim of the law, and that my 
mother had got ready his written book, and put 
his lectures in order, that they might be printed. 
He was amazed first that I had a mother, as 
he told me he thought I was fifty or sixty-, and 
immensely delighted at the idea. “ God has 
favoured your family with understanding and 
knowledge. I wish I could kiss the skeykhah 
your mother’s hand. May God favour her!” 
M-’s portrait (as usual) he admired fer- 



vently, and said one saw his good qualities in 
his face;—a compliment I could have fully re¬ 
turned, as he sat looking at the picture with 
affectionate eyes, and praying sotto voce for 
“ el ged’a, el gemeel ” (the youth, the beau¬ 
tiful,) in the words of the Fat’hah, “Oh, give 
him guidance, and let him not stray into the 
paths of the rejected!” Altogether something 
in Sheykh Yoosuf reminds me of Worsley.® 
There is the same Seelenreinheit, with far 
less thoughtfulness, and an additional child-, 
like innocence. I suppose some mediaeval 
monks may have had the same look, but no 
Catholic I have ever seen looks so peaceful or 
so unpretending. I see in him that easy fa¬ 
miliarity with religion which characterizes all 
people who don’t know what doubt means. I 
hear him joke with Omar about Ramadan, 
and even about Omar’s assiduous prayers, and 
he is a frequent and hearty laugher. I won¬ 
der whether this gives you any idea of a cha¬ 
racter new to you; it is so impossible to de¬ 
scribe manner, which gives so much of the im¬ 
pression of novelty. 

* Philip Stanhope Worsley, Esq., translator of the 
Odyssey.—S. A. 



My conclusion is the heretical one, that to 
dream of converting here is absurd, and, I will 
add, wrong. All that is wanted is more ge¬ 
neral knowledge of education, and the reli¬ 
gion will clear and develope itself; the ele¬ 
ments are identical with those of Christianity, 
encumbered, as that has been, with asceticism 
and intolerance. The creed is simpler, and 
there are no priests. I think the faith has 
remained wonderfully rational, considering the 
extreme ignorance of those who hold it. I 
will add my maid’s practical remark,—“The 
prayers are a fine thing for a lazy people; they 
must wash first, and the prayer is a capital 
drill.” You would be amused to hear her, 
when Omar does not wake in time to wash, 
pray, and eat before daybreak now in Ramadan. 
She knocks at his door, and acts as Muezzin, 
—“ Come, Omar, get up and pray, and have 
your dinner.” (The evening meal is “ break¬ 
fast,” the morning one “dinner.”) Being a light 
sleeper, she hears the Muezzin, which Omar 
often does not, and passes on the “ Prayer is 
better than sleep,”—in a prose version. 

Ramadan is a dreadful business; everybody 
is cross or lazy—no wonder. The camel-men 




quarrelled all day under my window yester¬ 
day, and I asked what it was about: “All 
about nothing, it is Ramadan with them,” 
said Omar laughing,—“ I want to quarrel with 
some one myself, it is hot to-day and thirsty 
weather.” Moreover, I think it injures the 
health of numbers permanently. But of course 
it is the thing of most importance in the eyes 
of the people; there are many who never pray 
at ordinary times, but few fail to keep Rama¬ 
dan. It answers to the Scotch Sabbath. 

Friday .—My friend Seleem Efendi has just 
been here talking about his own affairs and a 
good deal of theology; he is an immense talker, 
and I just put in “ yes,” and “ no,” and “very 
true,” and learn “ manners and customs.” 

He tells me he has just bought two black 
slave women, mother and daughter, from a 
Copt, for about £35. 10s. the two. The mo¬ 
ther is a good cook, and the daughter is “ for 
his bed,” as his wife does not like to leave 
Cairo and her boys at school there. He had 
to buy the mother too, as the girl refused to 
be sold without her. What would a ‘ South¬ 
erner’ say to a slave with such a will of her 
own ? Poor Seleem! how the old body will 



bally him if her daughter is lucky enough to 
have a child! It does give one a sort of start 
to hear a most respectable magistrate tell one 
such a domestic arrangement. He added, that 
it would not interfere with the “ Sitt Ke- 
beereh” (the great lady), the black girl being 
only a slave; and these people never think 
they have children enough. Moreover, he said 
he could not get on with his small pay with¬ 
out women to keep house for him, which is 
quite true here, and women are not respect¬ 
able in a man’s house on any other terms. 
Seleem was full of his purchase, and told it 
over again to Omar, who remarked to me after¬ 
wards that it was “rude” of him to talk to nun 
so. To me it was quite proper. 

Seleem has a high reputation, and is said 
“ not to eat the people.” He is a hot Muslim, 
and held forth much as a very superficial Uni¬ 
tarian might do; evidently feeling consider¬ 
able contempt for the absurdities, as he thinks 
them, of the “ Copts ” (he was too civil to say 
“ Christians”), but no hatred (and he is known 
to show no partiality); only he cannot under¬ 
stand how people can believe such nonsense. 
He is a good specimen of the good, honest, 



steady - goin g, man - of- th e - world Muslim,—a 
strong contrast to the tender piety of dear 
Sheykh Yoosuf, who has all the feelings which 
we call Christian charity in the highest degree, 
and whose face is like that of “ the beloved 
disciple,” but no inclination whatever for doc¬ 
trinal harangues like worthy Seleem. 

There is a very general idea among the Arabs 
that Christians hate the Muslims; they attri¬ 
bute to us the old Crusading spirit. It is only 
lately that Omar has let us see him at prayers, 
for fear of being ridiculed; but now he is 
sure that is not so, I often find him praying in 

the room where S-sits at work, which is 

a clean, quiet place; and Yoosuf went and 
joined him there yesterday evening, and gave 
him some religious instruction, quite undis¬ 
turbed by S-and her needlework. I am 

continually complimented on not hating the 
Muslims. Yoosuf promises me letters to some 
Alim, in Cairo, when I go there again, that 
I may be shown the Azhar (the great col¬ 
lege). Omar had told him that I refused to 
go with a janissary from the Consul, for fear 
of giving oifence to any very strict Muslims, 
which astonished him much. He says his 



friends shall dress me in their women’s clothes 
and take me in. I asked whether as a con¬ 
cealment of my religion 1 and he said no, only 
there were hundreds of young men, and it 
would be more delicate,”—that they should 
not stare and talk about my face. 

Seleem told me a very pretty grammatical 
quibble about “son” and “prophet” (apropos of 
Christ), on a verse in the Gospel depending 
on the reduplicative sign uj ( sheddeh ) over one 
letter. He was just as much put out when 
I reminded him that the original was mitten 
in Greek, as some of our amateur theologians 
are if you say the Bible was not composed 
in English. However, I told him that many 
Christians in England, Germany, and Ame¬ 
rica, did not believe that Seyyidna Eesa is 
God, but only the greatest of prophets and 
teachers. He at once declared that that was 
sufficient; that all such had “ received guid¬ 
ance,” and were not “ among the rejected.” 
How could they be, since such Christians 
only believed the teaching of Eesa, which was 
true, and not the falsifications of the priests 
and bishops (the bishops always “catch it,” 
as schoolboys say) 1 


I was curious to hear whether, on the strength 
of this, he would let out any further intoler¬ 
ance against the Copts; but he said far less, 
and far less bitterly, than I have heard certain 
Christians say of each other, and debitait the 
most usual commonplace, common-sense argu¬ 
ments on the subject. I fancy it would not 
be very palatable to many Unitarians to be 
claimed “ mil- nichts, dir nichts,” as followers 
of El Islam. But if people really wish to con¬ 
vert, in the sense of improving, they must in¬ 
sist on what the two religions have in common; 
and not on the most striking points of diffe¬ 
rence. That door is open, and no other. 

March 7. 

We have now settled into quite warm- 
weather ways; no more going out at midday. 
It is now broiling, and I have been watching 
eight tall blacks swimming and capering about, 
with their skins shining like otter’s fur when 
wet. They belong to a Gellab, a slave-dealer’s 
boat, I see. The beautiful thing is to see men 
and boys at work among the green com. In 
the sun their brown skins look like dark clouded 
amber,—semi-transparent, so fine are they. 



I have a friend, a farmer in a neighbouring 
village, and am much amused at seeing coun¬ 
try life. It cannot be rougher, as regards ma¬ 
terial comforts, in New Zealand or Central 
Africa, but there is no barbarism or lack of 
refinement in the manners of the people. 

The fine sun and clear air are delicious and 
reviving, and I mount my donkey early and 
late, with little Ahmad trotting beside me. In 
the evening comes my dear Shevkh Yoosuf, 
and I blunder through an hour’s dictation and 
reading of the story of the Barber’s fifth bro¬ 
ther. I presume that Yoosuf likes me, for I am 
constantly greeted with immense cordiality by 
graceful men in green turbans belonging, like 
him, to the holy family of Sheykh Abu-l-Hajjaj. 
They inquire tenderly after my health, and 
pray for me, and hope I am going to stay among 

I received an ‘ Illustrated News,’ with a print 
of a ridiculous Eebekah at the well, from a 
picture by Hilton. "With regard to Eastern 
subjects, two courses are open ; to paint like 
mediaeval painters, white people in European 
clothes, or to come and see. Mawkish Misses, 
in fancy dress, are not “ benat el-Arab,” like 


Uebekah; nor would a respectable man go 
on his knees like an old fool before the girl 
he was asking in marriage for the son of his 

Of all comical things, though, Victor Hugo’s 
‘ Orientales ’ is the funniest. Elephants at 
Smyrna! Why not at Paris and London? 
quelle couleur locale ! Sheykh Yoosuf had a 
good laugh over Hilton’s Eebekah, and the 
camels, more like pigs, as to their heads. He 
said we must have strange ideas of the books 
of Towrat (the Pentateuch) in Europe. 

I rejoice to say that next Wednesday is Bai- 
ram, and to-morrow Kamadan “ dies.” Omar 
is very thin and yellow and head-achy, and 
every one cross. How I wish I were going, 
instead of my letter, to see you all; but it is 
evident that this heat is the thing that does 
me good, if anything -will. 




El-Uksur, March 10, 1861. 

Yesterday -was Bairam, and on Tuesday even¬ 
ing everybody who possessed a gun or a pis¬ 
tol banged away, every dram and darabukkeh 
was thumped, and all the children hallooed 
Ramadan mat! Ramaddn mat / “ Ramadan is 
dead,” about the streets. At daybreak Omar 
went to the early prayer, a special ceremony 
of the day; there were crowds of people; 
so, as it was useless to pray and preach in 
the mosque, Sheykh Yoosuf went out upon 
a hillock in the burying-ground, where they 
all prayed and he preached. Omar reported 
the sermon to me as follows (it is all extem¬ 
pore) :— 

First Yoosuf pointed to the graves,— 
“ Where are all those people V ’ and to the an* 



cient temples, “Where are those who built 
them 1 Do not strangers from a far country 
take away their very corpses to wonder at? 
What did their splendour avail them ? etc. etc. 
What, then, 0 Muslims, will avail that you 
may be happy when that comes which will 
come for all? Truly God is just, and will de¬ 
fraud no man, and he will reward you if you 
do what is right; and that is, to wrong no 
man, neither in his person, nor in his family, 
nor in his possessions. Cease then to cheat one 
another , 0 men / and to be greedy; and do not 
think that you can make amends by afterwards 
giving alms or praying or fasting, or giving 
gifts to the servants of the mosques. Benefits 
come from God ; it is enough for you if you do 
no injury to any man , and, above all, to any 
woman or little one /” 

Of course it was much longer, but this was the 
substance, Omar tells me, and pretty sound mo¬ 
rality too methinks, such as might be preached 
with advantage even in Exeter Hall. There 
is no predestination in Islam, and every man 
will be judged upon his actions. “ Even un¬ 
believers God will not defraud,” says the 
Koran, Of course a belief in meritorious 

BAIR Alf. 


works leads to the same sort of superstition as 
among Catholics;—the endeavour to “make 
one’s soul,” by alms, fastings, endowments, etc.; 
therefore Yoosufs stress upon doing no evil 
seems to me very remarkable, and really pro¬ 
found. After the sermon, all the company 
assembled rushed on him to kiss his head and 
his hands and his feet, and mobbed him so 
fearfully that he had to lay about him with 
the wooden sword which is carried by the offi¬ 
ciating Alim. Yoosuf came to wish me the 
customary good wishes of the season soon 
after, and looked very hot and tumbled, and 
laughed heartily about the awful kissing he 
had undergone. All the men embrace on 
meeting at the festival of Bairam. The kit¬ 
chen is full of cakes, ring-shaped, which all 
my friends have sent me, just such as we see 
offered to the gods(Bairar) in the temples and 
tombs, and such as my Malay friends at Cape¬ 
town gave me at “ Labunan.” 

I went to call on the Maoon in the evening, 
and found a number of people all dressed in 
their best. Half were Copts,—among them 
a very pleasing young priest, who carried on 
a religious discussion with Seleem Efendi,— 



strange to say, with perfect good humour ou 
both sides. 

A Copt came up with his farm labourer, who 
had been beaten and the field robbed. The 
Copt stated the case in ten words, and the 
Maoon sent off a kawas with him to appre¬ 
hend the accused persons, who were to be tried 
at sunrise and beaten, if found guilty, and 
forced to make good the damage. 

General-called yesterday, a fine old blue¬ 

eyed soldier; he found a group. of Fellaheen 
sitting with me, enjoying coffee and pipes 
hugely. They all started up in dismay at the 
entrance of such a grand-looking Englishman, 
and got off the carpet, and they were much 
gratified at our pressing them not to move or 
disturb themselves. So we told them that in 
our country the business of a farmer was looked 
upon as very respectable, and that the Gene¬ 
ral would ask his farmers to sit and drink 
wine with him. “ Masha-allah, teiyib keteer!” 
(it is the will of God, and most excellent!) said 
Omar, my Fellah friend, and kissed his hand 
to the General, quite affectionately. 

We English are certainly liked here. Seleem 
said yesterday evening, “ that he had often had 



to do business with them, and found them al¬ 
ways ‘ dughree ” (straight); men of one word 
and of no circumlocutions, and unlike all the 
other Europeans.” The fact is, that few but 
decent English come here, 1 fancy ; our scamps 
go to the colonies, whereas Egypt is the sink 
for all the iniquity of the south of Europe. 

A worthy Copt here, one Todoros, took “ a 
piece of paper ” for £20, in payment for anti¬ 
quities sold to an Englishman, and after the 
Englishman was gone, brought it to me to ask 
what sort of paper it was, and how he could get 
it changed; or was he perhaps to keep it till 
the gentleman sent him the money 1 It was a 
circular note, which I had difficulty in explain¬ 
ing; but I offered to. send it to Cairo to the 
bankers, and get it cashed; as to when he would 
get the money, I could not say, as they must 
wait for an opportunity to send up gold. I told 
him to put his name on the back of the note, 
and Todoros thought I wanted it as a receipt 
for the money, which was yet to come , and was 
going cheerfully to write me a receipt for the 
£20 he was entrusting to me. Isow a Copt is 
not at all green where his pocket is concerned; 
but they will take anything from the English. 



Mr. Close told me, that when his boat sank 
in the cataract, and he remained half dressed 
on the rock without a farthing, four men came 
and offered to lend him anything. While I 
was in England last yeai', an Englishman, to 
whom Omar acted as laqaais de place, went 
away owing him seven pounds for things 
bought for him. Omar had money enough to 
pay all the tradespeople, and kept it secret, 
for fear any of the other Europeans should say 
“ shame for the Englishhe did not even tell 
his own family. Luckily, the Englishman sent 
the money by the next mail from Malta, and 
the sheykh of the dragomans proclaimed it, 
and so Omar got it; but he never would have 
mentioned it otherwise. 

This concealing of evil is considered very 
meritorious, and where women are considered, 
positively a religious duty. Le scandale est ce 
qui fait Voffense, is very much the notion in 
Egypt, and I believe that very forgiving hus¬ 
bands are commoner here than elsewhere. 
The whole idea is founded on the verse in the 
Koran, incessantly quoted, “The woman is 
made for the man, but the man is made for 
the woman.” Ergo, the obligations to chastity 



are equal; and, as the men find it difficult, they 
argue that the women do the same. I have 
never heard a woman’s misconduct spoken of 
without a hundred excuses: perhaps her hus¬ 
band had slave-girls; perhaps he was old or 
sick, or she did not like him, or she could not 
help it;—violent love comes “ by the visitation 
of God,” as our juries say. A poor young 
fellow is now in the madhouse of Cairo, owing 
to the beauty and sweet tongue of an English 
lady, whose servant he was. “ How could he 
help it 'J God sent the calamity'.” 

If a dancing-girl repents, the most respec¬ 
table man may and does marry her, and no one 
blames or laughs at him. I believe all this 
leads to a good deal of irregularity, but cer¬ 
tainly the feeling is amiable. It is impossible 
to conceive how startling it is to a Christian, 
to hear the rules of morality applied with per¬ 
fect impartiality to both sexes, and to hear 
Arabs who know our manners, say that Euro 
peans are “ hard upon their women,” and do 
not fear God and conceal their offences. I 
asked Omar, who is very correct in his no¬ 
tions, whether, if he saw his brother’s wife do 
anything wrong, he would tell her husband. 



(N.B., lie can’t endure her.) “ Certainly not,” 
he said, “ I must cover her with my cloak.” 
Of course any unchastity is wrong and “haram,” 
but equally so in men and women. Seleem 
Efendi talked in this strain, and seemed to in¬ 
cline to greater indulgence towards women, on 
the score of their ignorance and weakness. 
Remember, I only speak of Arabs; I believe 
the Turkish ideas are different, as is their 
whole hareem system, and Egyptian manners 
are not the rule for all Muslims. 

Saturday, March 12,1864. 

I dined last night with Mustafa, who again 
had the dancing-girls for some Englishmen to 
see. Seleem Efendi got the doctor, who was 
of the party, to prescribe for him all about his 
ailments, as coolly as possible. He as usual 
sat by me on the divan, and during the pause 
in the dancing, called “ El Maghribeeyeh,” the 
best dancer, to come and talk to us. She 
kissed my hand, sat on her heels before us, 
and at once laid aside the professional gaillar- 
dise of manner, and talked very nicely in very 
good Arabic, and with perfect propriety, more 
like a man than a woman; she seemed very 



intelligent. What a thing vre should think it, 
for a worshipful magistrate to call up a girl of 
that character to talk to a lady! 

Yesterday, we had a strange and unpleasant 
day’s business. The evening before, I had my 
pocket picked in El-Karnak by two men who 
hung about me, one to sell a bird, the other 
one of the regular “loafers” who hang about 
the ruins to beg, and sell water or curiosities, 
and who are all a lazy bad lot, of course. I 
went to Seleem, who wrote at once to the 
Sheykh-el-Beled of El-Kamak, to say that we 
should go over next morning at eight o’clock 
(two, Arab time), to investigate the affair, and 
to desire him to apprehend the men. 

Next morning Seleem fetched me, and Mus¬ 
tafa came to represent English interests, and 
as we rode out of El-Uksur, the Sheykh-el- 
Abab'deh joined us with some of his tribe, with 
their long guns or lances; he was a volun¬ 
teer, furious at the idea of a lady and a stranger 
being robbed. It is the first time it has hap¬ 
pened here, they say, and the desire to beat 
was so strong, that I went to act as counsel 
for the prisoners. Every one was peculiarly 
savage that it should have happened to me, a 




person well known to be so friendly to “ El- 

When we arrived, we went into a square 
inclosure, with a sort of cloister on one side, 
spread with carpets, where we sat, and the 
wretched fellows were brought in chains; to 
my horror, I found they had been beaten al¬ 
ready. I remonstrated,—“ What if you have 
beaten the wrong men!” “ Maleysh, we will 
beat the whole village until your purse is 
found.” I. said to Mustafa, “This won’t do; 
you must stop this.” So Mustafa ordained, 
with the concurrence of the Maoon, that the 
Sheykh-el-Beled and the “ Gefieh,” the keeper 
of the ruins, should pay me the value of the 
purse. As the people of El-Karnak are very 
troublesome in begging and worrying, Ithought 
this would be a good lesson to the said sheykh 
to keep better order, and I consented to receive 
the money, promising to return it and to give 
a napoleon over, if the purse comes back with 
its contents (3-|- napoleons). The Sheykh-el- 
Abab’deh harangued the people on their ill 
behaviour to “ Hareemat,” and called them 
'* Haramee” (rascals), and was very high and 
mighty to the Sheykh-el-Beled. 



Hereupon, I went away on a visit to a 
Turkish lady in the village, leaving Mustafa 
to settle. After I was gone, they beat eight 
or ten of the hoys who had mobbed me and 
begged with the two men ; Mustafa, who does 
not like the stick, stayed to see that they were 
not hurt, and so far it will be a good lesson 
to them. He also had the two men sent over 
to the prison here, for fear the Sheykh-el-Beled 
should beat them again; and will keep them 
here for a time. 

So far so good; hut my fear now is, that inno¬ 
cent people will be squeezed to make up the 
money, if the men do not give up the purse. I 
have told Sheykh Yoosuf to keep watch how 
things go on, and if the men persist in the theft, 
and don’t return the purse, I shall give the 
money to those whom the Sheykh-el-Beled will 
assuredly squeeze, or else to the mosque of El- 
Kamak. I cannot pocket it, though I thought 
it quite right to exact the fine as a warning to 
the El-Kamak mauvais sujets. 

As we went home, the Sheykh-el-Abab’deh 
(such a fine fellow he looks!) came up and rode 
beside me and said, “ I know you are a person 
of kindness,—do not tell this story in this coun- 




try; if Efendeena (Ismaeel Pasha) comes to 
hear it, he may ‘ take a broom and sweep away 
the village.’ ” I exclaimed in horror, and 
Mustafa joined in at once in the request, and 
said, “ The Sheykh-el-Arab says quite true; it 
might cost many lives.” I shall not mention 
it to any travellers. 

The whole thing distressed me horribly. If 
I had not been there, they would have been 
beaten right and left, and if I had shown any 
desire to have any one punished, evidently they 
would have half killed the two men. 

Mustafa behaved extremely well ; he showed 
sense, decision, and more humanity than I at 
all expected of him. Pray do not forget my 
request about him. It is he who has all the 
trouble and work of the Nile boats, and he is 
boundlessly kind and useful to the English, 
and a real protection against cheating. Most 
of the English to whom I have spoken are of 
the same opinion. 





El-TJksur, March 22, IS64. 

The whole of the European element has now 
departed from Thebes, save one lingering boat 
on the opposite shore, belonging to two young 
Englishmen,—the same who lost their photo¬ 
graphs and all their goods by the sinking of 
their boat in the cataract last year. They are 
an excellent sample of our countrymen, kind, 
well-bred, and straightforward. 

I am glad my letters amuse you. Some¬ 
times 1 think they must breathe the unutter¬ 
able dulness of Eastern life,—not that it is dull 
to me, a curious spectator, but how the men 
with nothing on earth to do can endure it is a 
wonder. I went yesterday evening to call on a 
Turk at El-Kamak; he is a gentlemanlike man, 
the son of a former mudeerwho was murdered, 



—I believe, for his cruelty and extortion. He 
has a thousand feddans (acres, or a little more) 
of land, and lives in a mud house, larger, but 
no better, than that of a Fellah, and with two 
wives, and the brother of one of them; he 
leaves the farm to his Fellaheen altogether, I 
fancy. There was one book, a Turkish one; I 
could not read the title-page, and he did not 
tell me what it was. In short, there were no 
means of killing time but the nargheeleh; no 
horse, no gun,—nothing; and yet they don’t 
seem bored. The two women are always 
clamorous for my visits, and very noisy and 
schoolgirlish, but apparently excellent friends, 
and very good-natured. The gentleman gave 
me a kuffeeyeh (thick head-kerchief for the 
sun), so I took the ladies a bit of silkl happened 
to have. You never heard anything like his 

raptures oyer M-’s portrait. “ Masha-allah! 

it is the will of God! and, by God, he is like 
a rose.” But I can’t take to the Turks; I al¬ 
ways feel that they secretly dislike and think 
ill of us European women, though they profess 
huge admiration and personal compliments, 
which an Arab very seldom attempts. 

I heard Seleem Efendee and Omar discussing 



English ladies one day lately, while I was in¬ 
side the curtain with Seleem’s slave girl, and 
they did not know I heard them. .Omar de¬ 
scribed J-, and was of opinion that a man 

who was married to her could want nothing 
more. “ By my soul, she rides like a Beda- 
wee, she shoots with the gun and pistol, rows 
the boat: she knows many languages and what 
is in their books; works with the needle like 
an Efreet, and to see her hands run over the 
teeth of the music-box (keys of the piano) 
amazes the mind, while her singing gladdens 
the soul. How, then, should her husband ever 
desire the coffee-shop % Wallahee! she can 
always amuse him at home. And as to my lady, 
the thing is not that she does not know. When 
I feel my stomach tightened, I go to the di¬ 
van and say to her, c Do you want anything— 
a pipe or sherbet or so-and-so V and I talk till 
she lays down her book and talks to me, and I 
question her and amuse my mind; and, by 
God! if I were a rich man and could marry one 
English hareem like these, I would stand be¬ 
fore her and serve her like her memlook. You 
see I am only this lady’s servant, and I have 
rot once sat in the coffee-shop, because of the 



sweetness of her tongue. Is it not true, there¬ 
fore, that the man who can marry such hareem 
is rich more than with money V' 

Seleem seemed disposed to think a little 
more of good looks, though he quite agreed 

with all Omar’s enthusiasm, and asked if J- 

were beautiful. Omar answered, with deco¬ 
rous vagueness, that she was “ a moonbut 
declined mentioning her hair, eyes, etc. (It is 
a liberty to describe a woman minutely.) I 
nearly laughed out at hearing Omar relate his 
manoeuvres to make me“ amuse his mind.” It 
seems I am in no danger of being discharged 
for being dull. On the other hand, frenchi- 
fied Turks have the greatest detestation of 
femmes £ esprit. 

The weather has set in so hot that I have 
shifted my quarters out of my fine room to the 
south-west, into a room with only three sides, 
looking over a lovely green view to the north¬ 
east, and with a huge sort of solid verandah, 
as large as the room itself, on the open side; 
thus I live in the open air altogether. The 
bats and swallows are quite sociable; I hope 
the serpents and scorpions will be more re¬ 
served. ‘‘El-Khaimseen”(the fifty days) has be- 



gun, and the wind is enough to mix up heaven 
and earth, but it is not distressing, like the 
Cape south-easter, and though hot, not chok¬ 
ing like the khamaseen in Cairo and Alexan¬ 
dria. Mohammad brought me some of the 
new wheat just now. Think of harvest in 
March and April! These winds are as good 
for the crops here as a “ nice steady rain ” is 
in England. It is not necessary to water as 
much when the wind blows strong. 

As I rode through the green fields along the 
dyke, a little boy sang, as he turned round on 
the musically-creaking Sakiyeh (the water¬ 
wheel turned by an ox), the one eternal Sa¬ 
kiyeh tune. The words are ad libitum , and 
my little friend chanted:—“ Turn, O Sakiyeh, 
to the right, and turn to the left; who will 
take care of me if my father dies! Turn, 0 
Sakiyeh, etc. Pour water for the figs and the 
grapes, and for the water-melons. Turn,” etc. 
etc. Nothing is so pathetic as that Sakiyeh 

I passed the house of the Sheykh-el-Abab’- 
deh, who called out to me to take coffee. The 
moon rose splendid, and the scene was lovely: 
the handsome black-brown sheykh in dark 



robes and white turban, Omar in a graceful 
white gown and red turban, the wild Abab’deh 
with their bare heads and long black ringlets, 
clad in all manner of dingy white rags, and 
bearing every kind of uncouth weapon in 
every kind of wild and graceful attitude, and 
a few little brown children quite naked, and 
shaped like Cupids. And there we sat and 
looked so romantic, and talked quite like ladies 
and gentlemen about the merits of Sakneh and 
Almas, the two great rival women singers of 
Cairo. I think the sheykh wished to display 
his experience of fashionable life. 

The Copts are now fasting, and cross; they 
fast fifty-five days for Lent (old style, no Cop¬ 
tic style); no meat, fish, eggs, or milk, no ex¬ 
ception of Sundays, no food till after twelve 
at noon, and no intercourse with the hareem. 
The only comfort is plenty of arakee; and 
what a Copt can carry discreetly is an un¬ 
known quantity; one seldom sees them drunk, 
but they imbibe awful quantities. They always 
offer me wine and arakee, and can’t think why 
I don’t drink it; I believe they suspect my 
Christianity, in consequence of my preference 
for Nile water. As to that though, they scorn 



all heretics (i. e, all Christians but themselves 
and the Abyssinians) more than they do the 
Muslims, and dislike them more. The pro¬ 
cession of the Holy Ghost question divides us 
with the Gulf of Jehannum. 

The gardener of this house is a Copt, such 
a nice fellow! and he and Omar chaff one an¬ 
other about religion with the utmost good 
humour; indeed they seldom are touchy with 
the Muslims. There is a pretty little man 

called Meekaeel, a Copt, wekeel to M. M-; 

I wish I could draw him, to show you a perfect 
specimen of the ancient Egyptian race; his 
blood must be quite unmixed. He came here 
yesterday to speak to Alee Bey, the mudeer of 
Kine, who was visiting me (a splendid, hand¬ 
some Turk he is); so little Meekaeel crept in 
to mention his little business under my protec¬ 
tion, and a few more followed, till Alee Bey 
got tired of holding a Durbar in my divan, 
and went away to his boat. You see the 
people think the kurbaj is not quite so handy 
in the presence of an English spectator. 

The other day Mustafa A'gha got Alee Bey 
to do a little job for him;—to let the people 
in the Gezeereh (the island), which is Mus 



tafa’s property, work at a' canal there, instead 
of at the canal higher up, for the Pasha. Very 
well; but down comes the Nazir (the mu- 
deer’s sub), and kurbajes the whole Gezeereh; 
—not Mustafa, of course, but the poor Fellahs 
who were doing his corvee instead of the Pa¬ 
sha’s, by the mudeer’s order. I went to the 
Gezeereh, and thought that the first-bom in 
every house were killed as of yore, by the cry¬ 
ing and wailing; when up came two fellows, 
and showed me their bloody feet, which their 
wives were crying over, as if for their death. 

Wednesday .—Last night I bored Sheykh 
Yoosuf with Antara and Aboo-Zeyd, maintain¬ 
ing the greater valour of Antara, who slew 
ten thousand men for the love of Ibla ; (yon 
know Antar.) Yoosuf looks down on such 
profanities, and replied, “What are the bat¬ 
tles of Antara and Aboo-Zeyd, compared with 
the combats of our Lord Moses with Og, and 
other infidels of might ; and what is the love 
of Antara for Ibla, compared to that of our 
Lord Solomon for Balkees (Queen of Sheba), 
or their beauty and attractiveness to that of 
our Lord Joseph!” And then he related the 
combat of Seyyidna Moosa with Og, and I 



thought, “ Heai’, 0 ye Puritans!” and learn 
how religion and romance are one, to those 
whose manners and ideas are the manners and 
ideas of the Bible, and how Moses was not 
at all a gloomy fanatic, but a gallant warrior. 
There is a Homeric character in the religion 
here: the “ Nebee,” the Prophet, is a hero like 
Achilles, and like him, directed by God,—Allah 
instead of Athene. He fights, prays, teaches, 
makes love, and is truly a man, not an abstrac¬ 
tion ; and as to wonderful events, instead of tell¬ 
ing one to shut one’s eyes and gulp them down, 
they believe them and delight in them, and 
tell them to amuse people. Such a piece of 
deep-disguised scepticism as credo quia impos- 
sibile would find no favour here; “ What is 
impossible to God?’ settles everything. In. 
short, Mohammad has somehow left the stamp 
of romance on the religion, or else it is in the 
blood of the people, though the Koran is prosy 
and “ common-sensical,” compared to the Old 
Testament. I used to think Arabs intensely 
prosaic, till I could understand a little of their 
language; but now I can trace the genealogy 
of Don Quixote straight up to some Sheykh- 



A fine handsome woman with a lovely baby 
came to see me the other day. I played with 
the baby, and gave it a cotton handkerchief for 
its head. The woman came again yesterday, 
to bring me a little milk and some salad as a 
present, and to tell me my fortune with date- 
stones. I laughed, so she contented herself 
with telling Omar about his family, which he 
believed implicitly. She is a clever woman 
evidently, and a great Sibyl here ; no doubt, 
she has faith in her own predictions. Super¬ 
stition is wonderfully infectious here, espe¬ 
cially that of the evil eye; which, indeed, is 
shared by many Europeans, and even by some 
English. The fact is, that the Arabs are so 
impressionable and so cowardly about inspi¬ 
ring any illwill, that if a man looks askance 
at them it is enough to make them ill; and 
as calamities are by no means unfrequent, 
there is always some mishap ready to be laid 
to the charge of somebody’s “eye.” A part 
of the boasting about property, etc., is polite¬ 
ness,—so that one may not be supposed to be 
envious of one’s neighbour’s nice things. My 
Sakka (water-carrier) admired my bracelets 
yesterday as he was watering the verandah 



floor, and instantly told me of all the gold 
necklaces and earrings he had bought for his 
wife and daughters,—that I might not he un¬ 
easy and fear his envious eye. He is such a 
good fellow ! For two shillings a month, he 
brings up eight or ten huge skins of water 
from the river a day, and never begs or com¬ 
plains, is always merry and civil; I shall en¬ 
large his baksheesh. 

A number of camels sleep in the yard under 
my verandah; they are pretty and smell nice, 
but they growl and swear at night abomi¬ 
nably. I wish I could draw you an Egyptian 
farmyard,—men, women, and cattle. But 
what no one can draw is the amber light,— 
so brilliant and so soft; not like the Cape sun¬ 
shine at all, but equally beautiful,—hotter 
and less dazzling. There is no glare in Egypt 
as in the south of France, and I suppose, in 

Thursday .—I went yesterday afternoon to 
the island again, to see the crops and farmer 
Omar’s house and Mustafa’s village; of course 
we had to eat, and did not come home till the 
inoon had long risen. Mustafa’s brother, Abd- 
er-Rahman, walked about with us,—a noble- 



looking man, tall, spare, dignified, and ac¬ 
tive; grey-bearded and hard-featured, but as 
lithe and bright-eyed as a boy; scorning any 
conveyance but his own feet, and quite dry, 
while we ran down with perspiration. He was 
like Boaz, the wealthy gentleman-peasant; no¬ 
thing except the Biblical characters give any 
idea of the rich Fellah. We sat and drank 
new milk in a “lodge in a garden of cu¬ 
cumbers ” (the lodge is a neat hut of palm- 
branches), and saw the moon rise over the 
mountains and light up everything like a 
softer sun. Here you see all colours as well 
by moonlight as by day; hence it does not 
look as brilliant as the Cape moon, or even 
as I have seen it in Paris, where it throws 
sharp black shadows and white light. The 
night here is a tender, subdued, dreamy sort 
of enchanted-looking day. Ya Leyl! ya Leyl! 
ya Leyl, etc. 

My Turkish acquaintance from El-Kamak 
has just been here, and he boasted of his house 
at Damascus, and invited me to go with him 
after the harvest here; also of his beautiful wife 
in Syria, and then begged me not to mention 
her to his wives here. It is very hot now; what 



will it be in. June 1 It is now 86° in my shady 
room at twelve o’clock, noon; it will be hotter 
at two or three. But the mornings and even¬ 
ings are delicious. I am shedding my clothes 
by degrees,—stockings are unbearable,—I feel 
much stronger, too ; the horrible feeling of ex¬ 
haustion has left me: I suppose I must have 
salamander blood in my body to be made lively 
by such heat. 

Saturday .—This will go by Mr. B-and 

Mr. C-, the last winter swallows. We w r ent 

together yesterday afternoon to the Tombs of 
the Kings on the opposite bank; the mountains 
were red-hot, and the sun went down into 
Amenti all on fire. We met Herr Diimmichen, 
the German who is living in the Temple of 
Ed-Deyr el-Bahree, translating inscriptions, 
and went down Belzoni’s tomb. Herr Diim- 
michen translated a great many things for us 
which were very curious, and I think I was 
more struck with the beauty of the drawing 
of the figures than last year. The face of the 
goddess of the western shore, Amenti,—Athor, 
or Hecate,—is ravishing, as she welcomes the 
king to her regions; Death was never painted 
so lovely. The road is a long and most wild 




one, truly through the valley of the shadow of 
death; not an insect nor a bird. 

Our moonlight ride home was beyond belief 
beautiful. The Arabs who followed us were 
extremely amused at hearing me interpret be¬ 
tween German and English, and at my speak¬ 
ing Arabic. One of them had droll theories 
about “ Amellica”—as they always pronounce 
it;— e. g. that the Americans are the Fellaheen 
of the English; “ they'talk so loud.” “Was 
the king very powerful, that the country was 
called El Melekeh” (the queens)? I said, “ No, 
all are kings there ; you would be a king like 
the rest.” My friend disapproved of that ut¬ 
terly ; “ If all are kings, they must all be taking 
away every man the other’s money—a de¬ 
lightful idea of the kingly vocation. 

I wish I could send you my little Ahmad, 

just of E-’s size, who “ takes care of the 

Sitt ” when riding or walking. He is delicious, 
so wise and steady, like a good little terrier. 
When we landed on the opposite shore, I told 
him to go back in the ferry-boat which had 
brought over my donkey; a quarter of an hour 
after I saw him by my side. The guide asked 
why he had not gone as I told > him. “ Who 



would take care of the lady V’ said he. Of 
course he got tired, and on the way home, see¬ 
ing him lagging, I told him to jump up be¬ 
hind me en croupe, after the fellah fashion. I 
thought the Arabs would never have done 
laughing, and saying “ Wallah ” and “ Masha- 

Sheykh Yoosuf talked about the excava¬ 
tions ; he is shocked at the .way in which the 
mummies are kicked about; he said one boy 
told him, as an excuse, that they were not 
Muslims. Yoosuf rebuked him severely, and 
told him it was “ haram ” (accursed) to do so 
to any of the children of Adam. 

The harvest is about to begin here, and the 
crops are splendid this year; Old Nile pays 
his damages. I went to Mustafa A'gha’s farm 
two nights ago to drink new milk, and saw the 
preparations for harvest,—baking bread, and 
selecting a young bull to be killed for the 
reapers,—all just like the Bible. I reckon it 
will be Easter here in a fortnight. All Eastern 
Christendom adheres to the old style; the 
Copts, however, have a reckoning of their own 
—probably that of ancient Egypt. 

Is is not hot to-day; only 84° in a cool room. 



The dust is horrid; with the high wind every¬ 
thing is gritty, and it obscures the sun; but 
the wind has no evil quality in it. 

I am desired to eat a raw onion every day 
during the Khamaseen, for health and prospe¬ 
rity. This too must be a remnant of ancient 



El-Uksur, April 6, lS64s. 

I intended to write by some boats now going 
down; —the very last, with a party of Poles. 
Hekekian Bey much advises me to stay here 
the summer, and get my disease “ evaporated.” 
Since I wrote last the great heat has abated, 
and we now have 76° to 80° with strong north 
breezes up the river,—glorious weather! nei¬ 
ther hot nor chilly at any time. 

The evening before last, I went out to the 
threshing-floor to see the stately oxen tread 
ing out the com, and supped there with Abd- 
er-Rahman on roasted com, sour cream, and 
eggs, and saw the reapers take then- wages,— 
each a bundle of wheat, according to the work 
he had done; a most lovely sight! The grace 
ful half-naked brown figures, loaded with 



sheaves; some having earned so much that 
their mothers or wives had to help them to 
carry it; and little fawn-like stark-naked boys 
trudging off so proud of their small bundles of 
wheat or of hummuz (a sort of vetch, much 
eaten, both green and roasted). The Sakka, 
who has brought water for the men, gets a 
handful from each, and drives home his donkey 
with empty water-skins and a heavy load of 
wheat; and the barber, who has shaved all 
these brown heads on credit for this year past, 
gets his pay, and every one is cheerful and 
happy in their gentle, quiet way: here there 
is no beer to make men sweaty, and noisy, and 
vulgar. The harvest is the most exquisite pas¬ 
toral you can conceive: the men work seven 
hours in the day (i. e. eight, with half-hours 
to rest and eat), and seven more during the 
night; they go home at sunset to dinner, and 
to sleep a bit, and then to work again,— 
“ these lazy Arabs!” The man who drives the 
oxen on the threshing-floor gets a measure and 
a half for his day and night’s work (of threshed 
com, I mean). As soon as the wheat, barley, 
addas (lentils), and hummuz are cut, we shall 
sow durah of two kinds—common maize and 



Egyptian—and plant sugar-cane, and, later, 
cotton. The people work very hard, but they 
eat well; and being paid in corn, they get the 
advantage of the high price of com this year. 
In Lower Egypt there is really a famine, I fear. 

I told you how my purse had been stolen, 
and the proceedings thereanent. "Well! Mus¬ 
tafa asked me several times what I wished to be 
done with the thief, who has spent twenty-one 
days here in irons. With my absurd English 
ideas of justice, I refused to interfere at all; 
and Omar and I had quite a tiff, because he 
wished me to say, “ Oh! poor man, let him 
go; I leave the affair to God.” I thought 
Omar absurd;—it was I who was wrong. The 
authorities concluded that it would oblige me 
very much if the poor devil were punished 
with “ a rigour beyond the lawand had not 
Sheykh Yoosuf come and explained to me the 
nature of the proceedings, the man would 
have been sent up to the mines in Feyzogh. 
loo for life, out of civility to me. There 
was no alternative between my forgiving him 
“ for the love of God,” or sending him to cer¬ 
tain death by a climate insupportable to these 
people. Mustafa and Co. tried hard to prevent 



Sheykh Yoosuf from speaking to me, for fear 
I should be angry and complain at Cairo, if 
my vengeance were not wreaked on the thief; 
hut he said he knew me better, and brought 
the process-verbal to show me. Fancy my dis¬ 
may. I went to Seleem Efendee and to the 
Kadee with Sheykh Yoosuf, and begged the 
man might be let go and not sent to Kine at 
all. Having settled this, I said that I had 
thought it right that the people of El-Karnak 
should pay the money I had lost, as a fine for 
their bad conduct to strangers, but that I did 
not require it for the sake of the money, which 
I would accordingly give to the poor of El- 
Uksur in the mosque and in the church (great 
applause from the crowd). I asked how many 
were Muslim and how many Nasranee, in order 
to divide the three napoleons and a half accord¬ 
ing to the numbers. Sheykh Yoosuf awarded 
one napoleon to the church, two to the mosque, 
and the remaining half to the water-drinking 
place, the Sebeel, which was also applauded. 
I then said, “ Shall we send the money for the 
Nasranee to the Bishop?” but a respectable 
elderly Copt said, “ Maleysh, maleysh (never 
mind), better give it all to Sheykh Yoosuf; 



he will send the bread to the church.” Then 
the Kadee made me a fine speech, and said I 
had behaved like a great Emeereh and one 
that feared God; and Sheykh Yoosuf said he 
knew the English had mercy in their stomachs, 
and that I especially had Muslim feelings (as 
we say, Christian charity). 

Did you ever hear of such a state of admi¬ 
nistration of justice? Of course, sympathy 
here, as in Ireland, is mostly with the “ poor 
man ” in prison,—“ in trouble,” as we say. I 
find that accordingly a vast number of dis¬ 
putes are settled by private arbitration, and 
Yoosuf is constantly sent for to decide between 
contending parties, who abide by his decision 
rather than go to law; or else, five or six re¬ 
spectable men are called upon to form a sort 
of amateur jury, and to “settle the matter.” 
In criminal cases, if the prosecutor is power¬ 
ful, he has it all his own way ; if the prisoner 
can bribe high, he is apt to get off. All the 
appealing to my compassion was quite en regie. 

Another trait of Egypt;—the other day we 
found all our water-jars empty, and our house 
unsprinkled; on inquiry, it turned out that the 
Sakkas had all run away, carrying with them 



their families and goods, and were gone no 
one knew whither, in consequence of “ some 
persons having authority,” (one, a Turkish ka- 
was), having forced them to fetch water for 
building purposes at so low a price that they 
could not bear it. My poor Sakka is gone 
without a whole month’s pay,—two shillings, 
—the highest pay by far given in El-Uksur. 

I am interested in another story. I hear 
that a plucky woman here has been to Kin&, 
and threatened the Mudeer that she will go to 
Cairo, and complain to Efendeena himself of 
the unfair drafting for soldiers;—her only son 
is taken, while others have bribed off. She will 
walk in this heat all the way, unless she suc¬ 
ceeds in frightening the Mudeer, which, as she 
is of the more spirited sex in this country, she 
may possibly do. You see these Saeedees are 
a bit less patient than the Lower Egyptians: 
the Sakkas can strike , and a woman can face 
a Mudeer. 

Provisions get dearer and scarcer here daily. 
Food here is now about at London prices; 
this does not distress the Fellaheen, as they sell 
the corn dear; but in the large towns it must 
be dreadful. 



You would be amused at the bazaar (Es- 
Sook) here: there is a barber, and on Tues¬ 
days some beads, calico, and tobacco are sold 
for the market-people. The only artisan is a 
jeweller. We spin and weave our own brown 
woollen garments, and have no other wants, 
but gold necklaces and nose- and earrings are 
indispensable: it is the safest way of hoarding, 
and happily combines saving with ostentation. 
Can you imagine a house without beds, chairs, 
tables, cups, glasses, knives,—in short, with no¬ 
thing but an oven, a few pipkins and water- 
jars, and a couple of wooden spoons, and some 
mats to sleep upon % Yet people are happy 
and quite civilized who live so. An Arab cook, 
with his fingers and one cooking-pot, will serve 
you an excellent dinner quite miraculously. 
The simplification of life possible in such a 
climate is not conceivable, unless one has seen 

The Turkish ladieswhom I visit at El-Kamak 
have very little more. They are very fond of 
me, and always want me to stay, and sleep in 
my clothes on a mat, on a mud-divan,—poor 
spoiled European that I am; but they are full 
of pity and wonder at the absence of my 



“ master.” I made a sad slip of the tongue, 
and said my “husband” (Goz), before Abd-er- 
Kafeea, the master of the house, The ladies 
laughed and blushed tremendously, and I felt 
very awkward; but they turned the tables on 
me in a few minutes by some questions they 
asked quite coolly. They have lived all then- 
lives within less than a quarter of a mile of 
the ruins of El-Karaak, and never have seen 
them, or wished to see them. 

The dx-agoman of the Polish boats has just 
come to desire that my lettex-s be x-eady in the 
morning, as his people do not stay here ; so I 
must say farewell. I hardly know what I shall 
have to do. If the heat does not tura out 
overpowering, I shall stay here; if I cannot 
bear it, I must go down. Mustafa A'gha, I 
believe, goes to England; I wish I could send 
you Sheykh Yoosuf as a specimen of a ge¬ 
nuine Arab gentleman. Mustafa is somewhat 

I asked Omar if he could bear a summer 
here—so dull for a young man fond of a little 
coffee-shop and gossip; for that if he could 
not, he might go down for a time and join me 
again, as I could manage with some man here. 


He absolutely cried, and kissed my hands, and 
declared he was never so happy as with me ; 
and he could not rest if he thought I had not 
all that I wanted. “ I am your memlook, not 
your servant; your memlook.” I really do be¬ 
lieve that these people sometimes love their 
English masters better than their own people. 
Omar certainly loves Cyril Graham like a very 
dear relation, and he certainly has shown the 
greatest fondness for me on all occasions. 

Suleyman, the Coptic gardener, has given 
me a little old Coptic cross of silver, rude but 

pretty, as a charm; I will send it to E- 

when I have a good chance. 

Sheykh Yoosuf is to write my name in Ara¬ 
bic, which I shall get engraved on a signet 
at Cairo. It is the onlv valid signature here. 




April 7, 1864. 

Harvesting is going on, and never did I see, 
in any dream, a sight so lovely as the whole 
process;—the brown reapers, the pretty little 
naked boys helping and hanging on the stately 
bulls at the threshing floor. An acquaintance 
of mine, one Abd-er-Rahman, is Boaz; and as 
I sat with him on the threshing-floor, I felt 
quite puzzled as to whether I were really alive, 
or only existing in imagination in the Book 
of Ruth. It is such a heyf one enjoys under 
palm-trees with such a scene. The harvest is 
magnificent here: I never saw such heavy 
crops. There is no cattle disease, but a good 
deal of sickness among the people; I have to 
practise very extensively, and often feel very 
anxious, as I cannot refuse to go to the poor 



souls and give them medicine, though with 
sore misgivings all the while. 

The more I see of my teacher, Sheykh 
Yoosuf, the more pious, amiable, and good he 
appears to me; he is intensely devout, and not 
at all bigoted—a difficult combination;—and 
moreover he is lovely to behold, and has the 
prettiest and merriest laugh possible. It is 
quite curious to see the mixture of a sort of 
learning, and such perfect high breeding and 
beauty of character, with utter ignorance and 
great superstition. 

I want dreadfully to be able to draw or 
photograph. The group at the Sheykh-el- 
Abab’deh’s a few nights ago was ravishing; 
all but my ugly hat and self: the black ring¬ 
lets, and dingy white drapery, and obsolete 
weapons of the men—the graceful splendid 
Sheykh, “ black, but beautiful,” like the Shu- 
lamite—I thought of Antar and Aboo-Zeyd. 

The Khamaseen here is pleasant rather than 
not—only the dust is horrid; but the wind is 
not stifling, as it is down stream. 

Thur day, April 14,1864. 

We have had a tremendous Khamaseen 



wind, and now a strong north wind, quite fresh 
and cool: the thermometer was 92° in the 
Khamaseen, but it did me no harm. Luckily I 
am very well, for I am worked hard, as a strange 
epidemic has broken out, and I am the Ha- 
keemeh of El-Uksur. The Hakeem Bashi from 
Cairo came up and frightened the people, tell¬ 
ing them it was catching ; and Yoosuf forgot 
his religion so far as to beg me not to be all 
day in the people’s huts. But Omar and I 
despised the danger, I feeling sure it was 
not infectious, and Omar saying, “ Min Allah.” 
The people have stoppage of the bowels, and 
die in eight days, unless they are physicked. 
All who have sent for me in time have reco¬ 
vered ; thank God that I can help the poor 
souls! It is harvest, and the hard work, and 
the spell of intense heat, and the green corn, 
heaps, etc. etc., which they eat, bring on the 
Sickness. Then the Copts are fasting from all 
animal food, and full of green beans, and salad, 
and green corn. Mustafa tried to persuade 
me not to give* physic, for fear those who 
died should pass for being poisoned; but both 
Omar and I thought this only an excuse for 
selfishness. Omar is an excellent assistant. 


The Bishop tried to make money by hinting 
that if I forbade my patients to fast, I might 
pay for their indulgences. 

One poor peevish little man refused the 
chicken broth, and told me that we Euro¬ 
peans had our heaven in this world. Omar 
let out a “ Kelb !” (dog!) But I stopped him, 
and said, “ O my brother, God has made the 
Christians of England unlike those of Egypt, 
and surely null condemn neither of us on that 
account; mayest thou find a better heaven 
hereafter than I now enjoy here!” Omar 
threw his arms round me, and said, “ 0 thou 
good one! surely our Lord will reward thee 
for acting thus with the meekness of a Mus- 
Umeh, and kissing the hand of him who 
strikes thy face.” (See how each religion 
claims humility as its peculiar characteristic!) 
Suleyman was not pleased at his fellow- 
Christian’s display of charity. It does seem 
strange that the Copts of the lower class will 
not give us the blessing, or thank God for our 
health, as the Muslimeen do. Most of my pa¬ 
tients are Christians, and some are very nice 
people indeed. 

The people have named me Sittee Xoor-ala- 



Noor. A poor woman, whose only child, a 
young man, I was happy enough to cure when 
dreadfully ill, kissed my feet, and asked by 
what name to pray for me. I told her my 
name meant “noor” (light, lux); but as that 
was one of the names of God, I could not use 
it. “Thy name is Noor-ala-Noor,” said a man 
who was in the room; that means something 
like “ God is upon thy mind,” or “ Light from 
the lightand “ Noor-ala-Noor ” it remains : 
a combination of the names of God is quite 
proper, like Abdallah, Abd-er-Rahman, etc. etc. 

I begged some medicines of a Polish Coun¬ 
tess, who went down the other day. When 
all is gone, I don't know what I shall do. I 
am going to try to make castor-oil: I don’t 
know how ; but I shall try, and Omar fancies 
he can manage it. The cattle disease has also 
broken out desperately up in the Mudeeriat 
of Esneh, and we see the dead beasts float 
down all day; of course, we shall soon have 
it here. 

Sunday, April 17. 

The epidemic seems to be over, but there is 
still a , great deal of gastric fever, etc., about. 



The hakeem from Kine has just been here,— 
a pleasing, clever young man, speaking Italian 
perfectly, and French extremely well; he is 
the son of some fellah, of Lower Egypt, sent 
to study at Pisa, and has not lost the Arab 
gentility and elegance by a Frangee education. 
We fraternized greatly, and the young hakeem 
was delighted at my love for his people, and 
my high opinion of their intelligence. He is 
now gone to inspect the sick, and is to see me 
again and give me directions. He was very 
unhappy that he could not supply me with 
medicines; none are to be bought above Cairo, 
except from the hospital-doctors, who sell the 
medicines of the government, as the Italian at 
Asyoot did; but Alee Efendee is too honest for 
that. The old Bishop paid me a visit of three 
and a half hours yesterday, and, ■pour me tirer 
urn carotte, he sent me a loaf of sugar ; so I 
must send a present “ for the church,”—to be 
consumed in arakee. The old man was not 
very sober, and asked for wine; I coolly told 
him that it was “ haram ” (forbidden) to us to 
drink during the day,—except with our dinner. 
I never will give the Christians drink here ; 
and now they have left off pressing me to 



drink spirits at their houses. The Bishop of¬ 
fered to alter the hour of prayer for me, and 
to let me into the 44 Heykel ” (where women 
must not go) on Good Friday, which will 
be eighteen days hence; all of which I re¬ 
fused, and said I would go on the roof of the 
church, and look down through the window, 
with the other hareem. Omar kissed the 
Bishops hand, and I said, 44 What! do you 
kiss the hand of a Copt V 7 44 Oh yes,” he an¬ 
swered, 44 he is an old man, and a servant of 
my God;—but dreadful dirty,” added Omar, 
—and it was too true. His presence diffused 
a fearful monastic odour of sanctity. A 
bishop must be a monk, as the priests are 

Monday .—To-day Alee Efendee el-Hakeem 
came again to tell me how he had been to try 
to see my patients, and failed; all the families 
declared they were well, and would not let him 
in. Such is the deep distrust of everything 
connected with the Government. They all 
waited till he was gone away, and then came 
again to me with their ailments. I scolded, 
and they all said, 44 Wallah! ya Sitt, ya 
Emeereh, that is the Bash Hakeem, and he 



will send us off to the hospital at Kine, and 
there they would poison’us; by thy eyes, do 
not be angry with us, or leave off having com¬ 
passion on us, on this account.” I said, Alee 
Efendee is an Arab, and a Muslim, and an 
Emeer (gentleman), and he gave me good 
advice, and would have given more, etc. etc. 
All in vain ! He is the Government doctor, 
and they had rather die, and will swallow 
anything from the Sitt Noor-ala-Noor. Here 
is a pretty state of things ! 

I gave Sheykh Yoosuf four pounds for three 
months’ daily lessons in Arabic last night, and 
had quite a contest to force it upon him. 
“ It is not for money, 0 lady! ” and he co¬ 
loured crimson. He had been about with 
Alee Hakeem, but could not get the people to 
see him. The Copts, I fear, have a religious 
prejudice against him, Alee, and indeed against 
all heretics. They consider themselves and 
the Abyssinians as the only true believers; 
if they acknowledge us as brethren, it is for 
money. I speak only of the low class, and of 
the priests,—of course the educated merchants 
think very differently.' .1 had two priests, two 
deacons, and the mother of one of them here 



to-day, for physic for the woman. She was 
very pretty and pleasing, miserably weak, and 
reduced, from the long fast; I told her she 
must eat meat, drink a little wine and take 
cold baths, and gave her quinine. She will 
take the wine and the quinine, but neither 
eat nor wash. The Bishop tells them they 
will die if they break the fast, and half the 
Christians are ill from it. The one priest 
spoke a little English ; he fabricates false an¬ 
tiques very cleverly, and is tolerably sharp. 

But, oh heaven! it is enough to make one 
turn Muslim, to compare these greasy rogues 
with high-minded charitable Shurafa (noble¬ 
men) like Sheykh Yoosuf. A sweet little 
Copt boy, who is very ill, -will be killed by 
the stupid bigotry about the fast. My friend 
Suleyman is much put out, and backs my ex¬ 
hortations to the sick to break it. He is a 
capital fellow, and very intelligent, and he 
and Omar are like brothers; it is the priests 
who do all they can to keep alive religious 
prejudice,—luckily they are only partially 

Mohammad has just heard that seventy-five 
head of cattle are dead in El-Mutaneh. Here 



only a few have died as yet, and Alee Hakeem 
thinks the disease less virulent than in Lower 
Egypt. I hope he is right; hut the dead 
beasts float down the river all day long. 

Saturday, April 23. 

Happily the sickness is going off. I have j ust 
heard Suleyman’s report as followsHasan 
Aboo-Ahmad lasses the Emeereh’s feet, and 
the bullets have cleaned his stomach, and he 
has said the Fat’hah for the lady. The two 
little girls who had diarrhoea are well. The 
Christian dyer has vomited his powder, and 
wants another. The mother of the Christian 
cook who married the priest’s sister has got 
dysentery. The liareem of Mustafa Aboo- 
Obeyd has two children with bad eyes. The 
Bishop had a quarrel, and scolded and fell 
down, and cannot speak or move; I must go 
to him. The young deacon’s jaundice is better. 
The slave girl of Khursheed A'gha is sick, and 
Khursheed is sitting at her head, in teai’s; the 
women say I must go to her too. Khursheed 
is a fine young Circassian, and very good to his 

That is all. Suleyman has nothing on earth 



to do, and brings me a daily report; he likes 
the gossip and the importance. The Eeyyis of 
a cargo-boat brought me up your Lafontaine 
and almanac yesterday, and some newspapers 
and books from Hekekian Bey; the papers 

were-very welcome, also a letter from P-. 

I am very sorry he had not time to come here, 
and study the splendid forms of the reapers 
and camel-drivers. Sheykh Yoosuf is going 
down to Cairo, to try to get back some of 
the lands which Mohammad Alee took away 
from the mosques and the Ulema without 

compensation, tie asked me whether E- 

would speak for him to Efendeena or to Italeem 
Pasha: what are the Muslimeen coming to 1 
As soon as I can read enough, he offers to 
read in the Koran with me,—a most unusual 
proceeding, as the “ noble Koran ” is not gene¬ 
rally put into the hands of heretics. But my 
“ charity to the people in sickness ” is looked 
upon by Abd-eUWaris, the Imam, and by Yoo¬ 
suf, as a proof that I have “received direc¬ 
tion,” and am of those Christians of wdiorn 
Seyyidna Mohammad has said, “ that they 
have no pride, that they rival each other in 
good works, and that God will increase their 



reward.” There is no arriere-pensee of conver¬ 
sion,—that they think hopeless. 

Next Friday is the Gum’a el-Keheer (Great 
or Good Friday) with the Copts, and the 
prayers are in the daytime, so I shall go to 
the church. Next moon is the great Bairam, 
el-Eed el-Ivebeer with the Muslimeen,—the 
commemoration of the sacrifice of Isaac or 
Ishmael (commentators arc uncertain which); 
and Omar will kill a sheep for the poor, for 
the benefit of his baby, according to custom. 

I have at length compassed the destruction 
of mine enemy, though he has not written a 
book. A fanatical Christian dog (quadruped), 
belonging to the Coptic family who live, on 
the opposite side of the yard, hated me with 
such virulent intensity, that not content with 
barking at me all day long, he howled at me 
all night, even after I had put out my lantern 
and he could not see me in bed. Sentence of 
death has been recorded against him, as he 
could not be beaten into toleration. Meekaeel, 
his master’s son, has just come down from 
El-Mutaneh, where he is the welteel of 

M-. He gives a fearful account of the 

sickness there among men and cattle; eight 



or ten deaths of men a day. Here we have 
only four a day, at the most, in a population 
of, I guess, some two thousand. Two hundred 
and fiftj^ head of cattle have died at El-Mu- 
taneh. Here a few calves are dead, but as 
yet no full-grown beasts, and the people are 
healthy again. I really think I did some ser¬ 
vice by not showing any fear, and Omar be¬ 
haved manfully. Some one tried to put it 
into Omar’s head that it was “ haram” to be 
too fond of us heretics; but he consulted 
Sheykh Yoosuf, who promised him a reward 
hereafter for good conduct to me, and who 
told me of it as a good joke, adding that he 
was. “ragil emeen,” the highest praise for 
fidelity,—the sobriquet of the Prophet. Omar 
kisses the hands of the Seedee el-Kebeer (the 
great master), and desires his best salam to 
the little master and the little lady, whose ser¬ 
vant he is. He asks if I too do not kiss Isken- 
der Bey’s hand in my letter, as I ought to do 
as his hareem; or whether I make myself 
* { big before my master,” like some Frangee 
ladies he has seen. Yoosuf is quite puzzled 
about European women, and a little shocked 
at the want of respect, to their husbands they 



display. I told him that the outward respect 
shown us by our men was our veil , and ex- 
plained how superficial the difference was. 
He fancied that the law gave us the upper 

Omar reports yesterday’s sermon,—“ On To¬ 
leration,” it appears. Yoosuf took the text 
of “Thou shalt love thy brother as thyself, 
and never act towards him but as thou wouldst 
that he should act towards thee.” I forget the 
chapter and verse, hut it seems he took the 
bull by the horns, and declared all men to be 
brothers,—not Muslimeen only,—and desired 
his congregation to look at the good deeds 
of others, and not at their erroneous faithfor 
God is all-knowing (i.e. He only knows the 
heart), and if they saw aught amiss, to remem¬ 
ber that the best men need say “Astaghfir 
Allah ” (I beg pardon of God) seven times a 

I wish the English could know how un¬ 
pleasant and mischievous their manner of 
talking to their servants about religion is. 
Omar confided to me how bad it felt to he 
questioned and then to see the Englishman 
laugh, or put up his lip and say nothing. “ I 



don’t want to talk about his religion at all, 
but if he talks about mine, he ought to speak 
of his own too. You, my lady, say when I 
tell you things, 4 that is the same with us,’ or, 
that is different, or good or not good, in your 
mind; and that is the proper way,—not to 
look like thinking, all nonsense 




Esneh, Saturday, April 30,1864. 

On Tuesday evening, as I was dreamily sit¬ 
ting on my divan, who should walk in but my 

cousin A-T-, on his way all alone, in 

a big dahabeeyeh, to Edfoo!—so I offered to 
go too, whereupon he said he would go on to 
Aswan and see Pliiltc, as he had company; 
and we went off to Mustafa to make a bar¬ 
gain with his lleyyis for it. Thus, then, here 
we are at Esneh. I embarked on Wednesday 
evening, and we have been two days m route. 

Yesterday we had the thermometer at 110°. 
I was the only person awake all day in the 
boat: Omar, after cooking, lay panting at my 
feet on the deck; A—— went fairly to bed 

n the cabin; ditto S-. All the crew slept 

on the deck. Omar cooked amphibiously, 
bathing between every meal. The silence of 


noon, with the white heat glowing on the river 
which flowed like liquid tin, and the silent 
Nubian rough boats floating down without a 
ripple, was magnificent, and really awful. Not 
a breath of wind as we lay under the lofty 
hank. The Nile is not quite low, and I see 
a very different scene from last year. People 
think us crazy to go up to Aswan in May, but 
I do enjoy it, and I really wanted to forget all 
the sickness and sorrow in which I have taken' 
part. When I went to Mustafa’s he said 
Sheykh Yoosuf was ill, and I said, “Then I 
won’t go.” But Yoosuf came in with a sick 
headache only. Mustafa repeated my words 
to him, and never did I see such a lovely ex¬ 
pression in human face as that with which 
Yoosuf, said, “Eh, ya Sitt.” Mustafa laughed 
and told him to thank me, and Yoosuf turned 
to me and said in a low voice, “My sister 
does not need thanks, save from God.” Fancy 
a shereef, one of the Ulema, calling a Fran- 
geeyeh “ sister”! His pretty little girl came 
in and played with me, and he offered her to 
me for M-. I cured Khursheed’s Circas¬ 

sian slave-girl; you would have laughed to see 
him obeying my directions, and wiping his 



eyes on his gold-embroidered sleeve. Then 
the Coptic priest came for me to go to his 
wife, who was ill; and he w 7 as in a great quan¬ 
dary, because, if she died, he, as a priest, could 
never marry again, as he loudly lamented be¬ 
fore her; but he was truly grieved, and I was 
very happy to leave her convalescent. 

Verily, we are sorely visited; the dead 

cattle float down by thousands. M. M- 

buried a thousand at El-Mutaneh alone, and 
lost forty men. I would not have left El-Uksur, 
but there were no new cases for four days be¬ 
fore, and the worst had been over for full ten 
days. Two or three poor people brought me 
new bread and vegetables to the boat, when 
they saw me going, and Yoosuf came down 
and sat with us all the evening, and looked 
quite sad. Omar asked him why, and he said 
“ it made him think how it would seem when, 
‘ Insha-allah,’ 1 should be well, and should leave 
my place empty at El-Uksur, and go back, with 
the blessing of God, to my own place and my 
own peoplewhereupon Omar grew senti¬ 
mental too, and nearly cried. 

I don’t know how A-would have ma¬ 

naged without us, for he had come to Egypt 



with two Frenchmen who had proper servants, 
and who left the boat at Girgeh; and he 
has only a wretched little dirty Cairene Copt, 
who can do nothing but cheat a little. He 
has been spoiled by an Italian education and 
Greek associates, and thinks himself very 
grand because he is a Christian. I wonder at 
the patience and good-nature with which Omar 
does all his work and endures all his insolence. 
It really is becoming quite a calamity about 
servants here. But neither he nor the other 
men would tolerate what they thought an act 
of disrespect to me. Ramadan half strangled 
him; Omar called him dog, and asked him if 
he was an infidel. All the men cursed him. 
Omar sobbed with passion, saying that I was 
to him “ like the back of his mother,” “ and 
how dared Macarius take my name into his 
dirty mouth?’ The Copt afterwards tried to 
complain of being beaten, but I signified to 
him that he had better hold his tongue, for 
that I understood Arabic; upon which he 

sneaked off. A- tells me that men not 

fit to light Omar’s pipe asked him £10 a. 
month in Cairo, and would not take less, and 
he gives his Copt £6. I really feel as if I 



were cheating Omar to let him stay on at £3; 
but if I say anything, he kisses my hand, and 
tells me “ not to be cross.” 

Everything is enormously dear. The coun¬ 
try people do not suffer, but the town peo¬ 
ple must be dreadfully pinched and starved. 
Omar often looks grave, when he thinks of 
what his wife .must be paying now for her 
living in Alexandria. It is really too hot 
to write, and I feel given up to laziness and 
to sitting on deck, looking at the river. I 
have letters from Yoosuf to people at Aswan; 
if I should want anything, I am to call on the 
Kadee. We have a very excellent boat and a 
good crew, and are very comfortable. When 
the El-Uksur folks heard the “ son of my uncle’ ’ 
was come, they thought it must be my hus¬ 
band. A- has been all along the Suez 

Canal, and seen a great many curious things; 
the Delta must be very unlike Upper Egypt, 
from what he tells me. 

The little Kafileh for Mecca left El-Uksur 
about ten days ago; it was a pretty and touch¬ 
ing sight—three camels, five donkeys, and 
about thirty men and women, several with 
babies on their shoulders, all uttering the 




Zaghareet (cry of joy). They will walk to El- 
Kuseyr (eight days’ journey with good camels), 
babies and all. It is the happiest day of their 
lives, they say, when they have scraped money 
enough to make the hajj. This minute a poor 
man is weeping beside our boat over a pretty 
heifer decked with many Hegabs (amulets) 
which have not availed against the sickness. 
It is heartrending to see the poor beasts and 
their unfortunate owners. 

Some dancing-girls came to the boat just 

now' for cigars which A- had promised 

them, and to ask after their friend El Maghri- 
beeyeh, the good dancer at El-Uksur, who, they 
said, was very ill. Omar did not know any¬ 
thing about her, and the girls seemed much 
distressed; they were both very pretty, one 
an Abyssinian. I must leave off, to send this 
to the post. It will cost a fortune, but you 
won’t grudge it. 




El-Cksur, May 15,1861. 

We returned to El-Uksur the evening before 
last, just after dark. The salute which Omar 
fired with your old horse-pistols brought down 
a host of people, and there was a chorus of 
“ El-hamdu-lillah, Salimeh ya Sitt!” and such a 
kissing of hands, and “ Welcome home to your 
place!” and “We have tasted your absence 
and found it bitter!” etc. etc. Mustafa came 
with letters for me, and Yoosuf, beaming with 
smiles; and Mohammad, with new bread made 
of new wheat, and Suleyman with flowers, and 
little Ahmad rushing in wildly to kiss hands. 
When the welcome had subsided, Yoosuf, who 
stayed to tea, told me all the cattle were dead. 
Mustafa lost thirty-four, and had three left; 
and poor farmer Omar lost all—fifty-seven 



head. The people are pretty well here; but 
the distress in Upper Egypt will now be fear¬ 
ful. Within six weeks all our cattle are dead. 
They are threshing the corn with donkeys, 
and men are turning the sakiyehs, and drawing 
the ploughs, and in many places dying by scores, 
of overwork and want of food. The whole 
agriculture depended on the oxen, and they 
are all dead. At El-Mutaneh, and the nine 
villages around Haleem Pasha’s estate, 24,000 
head have died, and four beasts were left when 
we were there, three days ago. 

Well, I will recount my journey. We spent 
two days and nights at Philse. It was hot; 
the basaltic rocks which enclose the river all 

round the island were burning. S-and I 

sleep in the Osiris chamber, on the roof of the 
temple, on our air-beds. Omar lay across the 

doorway, to guard us; and A- and his 

Copt, with the well-bred sailor Ramadan, were 
sent to bivouac on the Pylon. Ramadan took 
the hareem under his especial and most re¬ 
spectful charge, and waited on us devotedly, 
but never raised his eyes to our faces, or spoke 
till spoken to. Philae is six or seven miles 
from Aswan, and we went on donkeys through 



the beautiful village of the Cataract, and the 
noble place of tombs of Aswan. Great was 
the amazement of every one at seeing Euro¬ 
peans so out of season; we were like swallows 
in January to them. I could not sleep for the 
heat in the room, and threw on an abbayeh, 
and went and lay on the parapet of the temple. 
What a night! what a lovely view! the stars 
gave as much light as the moon in Europe, 
and all but the Cataract was still as death, 
and glowing hot, and the palm-trees were more 
graceful and dreamy than ever. Then Omar 
woke, and came and sat at my, feet, and rubbed 
them, and sang a song of a Turkish slave. I 
said, “ Do not rub my feet, 0 brother! that is 
not fit for thee,” (it is below the dignity of a 
free Muslim altogether to touch shoes or feet): 
but he sang in his song, “The slave of the 
Turk may be set free by money, but how shall 
one be ransomed who has been paid for by 
kind actions and sweet words V 

Then the day broke deep crimson, and I 
went down and bathed in the Nile, and saw 
the girls on the island opposite fn their sum¬ 
mer fashions, consisting of a leathern fringe 
round their slender hips,—divinely graceful! 


—bearing huge saucer-shaped baskets of corn 
on their stately young heads; and I went up 
and sat at the end of the colonnade, looking 
up into Ethiopia, and dreamed dreams of 
46 Him who sleeps in Philse,” until the great 
Amun-Ra kissed my northern face too hotly, 
and drove me into the temple to breakfast 
and cojffee, and pipes and keyf; and in the 
evening three little naked Nubians rowed us 
about for two or three hours on the glorious 
river in a boat made of thousands of bits of 
wood, each a foot long, and between whiles 
they jumped overboard and disappeared, and 
came up on the other side of the boat. 
Aswan was full of Turkish soldiers, who came 
and took away our donkeys, and stared at our 
faces most irreligiously. We returned from 
Philae to our boat the third morning; and 
S-fainted after we got back, from a com¬ 

bination of heat, fatigue, and cucumber for 
supper. Omar came in, and cried over her 
bitterly,—frightened out of his senses at see¬ 
ing a faint. She was all right again next 
day; but I was ill, and lay in bed; and Omar 
did sick-nurse, and brought me pigeons boiled 
with rice, which are esteemed medicinal. 



When I refused to eat, he proceeded to pull 
off tit-bits with his fingers, and to feed me 
with them. I wished it had happened to 
“ a particular ” Englishwoman just arrived. I 
have got to prefer food with fingers—Arab 
fingers I mean, which are washed fifty times a 
day. I got well again directly, but did not 
go ashore at Kom Omboo or El-Kab,—only 
at Edfoo, where we spent the day in the 
temple, and at Esneh, where we tried to buy 
sugar, tobacco, etc., and found nothing at all, 
—even at Esneh, which is a chef-lieu , with a 
mudeer. It is only in winter that there is any¬ 
thing to be got for the travellers. We had to 
get the Nazir in Edfoo to order a man to sell 
us charcoal. People do without sugar, and 
smoke green tobacco, and eat beans, etc.; and 
soon we must do likewise, for our stores are 
nearly exhausted. We stopped at El-Mu- 
taneh and had a good dinner in the M—— s’ 
handsome house there, and they gave us a loaf 
of sugar. 

Madame M- described Rachel's stay 

rvith them for three months at El-Uksur, in 
my house, where they then lived. Rachel 
hated it so that, on embarking to leave, she 



turned back and spat on the ground, and 
cursed the place inhabited by savages, where 
she had been ennuyee a mort. 

French women generally do not like the 
Arabs, who, they say, are not at all “ galants.” 
As I write this, I laugh to think of galanterie 
and Arab in one sentence, and glance at “ my 
brother” Yoosuf, who is sleeping on a mat, 
quite overcome with the simoom,* which is 
blowing, and the fast which he is keeping to¬ 
day as the eve of the Eed el-Kebir. 

This is the coolest place in the village; the 
glass is only 98|-° now at 11 a . m ., in the dark¬ 
ened deewan. The Kadee, the Maoon, and 
Yoosuf came together to visit me, and when 
the others went, Yoosuf lay down to sleep ; 

Omar is sleeping in the passage, S- in 

her own room. I alone don’t sleep ; but the 
simoom is terrible. A-runs about sight¬ 

seeing and drawing all day, and does not 
suffer at all from the heat. I can’t walk now, 
as the sand blisters my feet. Last night I 
slept on the terrace and was very hot. To- 

* This almost anglicized word is correctly written $a- 
moom. It is here probably applied to a hot wind of un¬ 
usual severity, for the true samoom lasts only a few mi¬ 



day at noon, the north wind sprang up and re¬ 
vived us, though it is still 102° in my deewan. 

My old great-grandfather (as he calls him¬ 
self) has come in for a pipe and coffee. He 
was Belzoni’s guide, and his eldest child was 
born seven days before the French under 
Bonaparte marched into El-Uksur. He is su¬ 
perbly handsome and erect, and very talkative, 
hut only remembers old times, and takes me 
for Madame Belzoni. He is grandfather to 
Mohammad, the guard of this house, and great- 
great-grandfather to my little Ahmad. His 
grandsons have married him to a decent old 
woman, to take care of him. He calls me 
“ my lady grand-daughter,” and Omar he calls 
Mustafa, and we salute him as “ Grandfather.” 
I wish I could paint him, he is so grand to 
look at. 

The simoom has lasted nine days, and is 
very trying; the tremendous sweating thins us 
all. The glass keeps at 98°, which is very 
pleasant with the north wind, but the simoom 
parches one; it is awful,—so dark and de¬ 




El-XJksur, Jane 12,1864. 

I have had an abominable toothache, which 
was much aggravated by the Oriental custom, 
namely, that all the beau monde of Thebes 
would come and sit with me, and suggest re¬ 
medies and look into my mouth, and make 
quite a business of my tooth. Sheykh Yoo- 
suf laid two fingers on my cheek, and recited 
verses from the Koran,—I regret to say, with 
no effect, except that while his fingers touched 
me the pain ceased. I find he is celebrated 
for soothing headaches and other nervous 
pains; I dare say he is an unconscious mes- 

The other day, our poor Maoon was terrified 
by a communication from Alee Bey (Mudeer 
of Kine), to the effect that he had heard 



from Alexandria, that some one had reported 
that the dead cattle had lain about in the 
streets of El-TJksur, and that the place was pes¬ 
tilential. The British mind at once suggested 
a counter-statement, to be signed by the most 
respectable inhabitants; so the Kadee drew it 
up, and came and read it to me, and took my 
deposition and witnessed my signature; and the 
Maoon went his way rejoicing, in that u Kalam 
el-Inkeleezeeyeh ” (the words of the English¬ 
woman) would utterly defeat Alee Bey. The 
truth is, that the worthy Maoon worked really 
hard, and superintended the horrible dead- 
cattle business in person, which is some risk, 
and very unpleasant. To dispose of three or 
four hundred dead oxen every day, with a very 
limited staff of labourers, is no 'trifle; and if a 
travelling Englishman smells one a mile off, 
he abuses the “ lazy Arabs.” The beasts could 
not be buried deep enough, but all were car¬ 
ried a mile off from the village. I wish some 
of the dilettanti who stop their noses at us in 
our trouble, had to see or to do what I have 
seen and done. 

June 17.—We have had four or five days of 
such fearful heat, with a simoom, that I have 



been quite knocked up, and literally could not 
write; besides, I sit in the dark all day, and 
am now writing in the dark. At night I go 
out and sit in the Fes-hah, and can’t have can¬ 
dles because of the insects. I sleep out till 
about six a.m., and then go in-doors till dark 
again. This fortnight is the hottest time. 
To-day the drop falls into the Nile at the 
source, and it will now rise fast and cool the 
country ; it has risen one cubit, and the water 
is green,—next month it will be blood-colour. 
We can’t sleep now under a roof at all, so now 
we are as lazy as we can afford to be, and only 
do what we must. The tooth does not ache 
now, praise be to God! for I rather dreaded 
the barber with his tongs, who is the sole 
dentist here. 

1 was amused the other day by the entrance 
of my friend the Maoon, attended by Osman 
Efendee, and his kawas and pipe-bearer, and 
bearing a saucer in his hand, and wearing the 
look, half sheepish, half elate, with which 
elderly gentlemen in all countries announce 
what he did ; i. e. that his Gariy eh (black slave- 
girl) was three months gone with child, and 
longed for olives; so the respectable magistrate 



had trotted all over the bazaar, and to the 
Greek corn-dealers, to buy some, but for no 
money were they to be had. So he hoped I 
might have some, and that I would forgive the 
request, as I of course knew that a man must 
beg, or even steal for a woman under these 
circumstances. I called Omar and said, “I trust 
there are olives for the honourable hareem 
oT Seleem Efendee; they are needed there.” 
Omar immediately understood the case, and 
exclaimed,—“Praise be to God! a few are 
left; I was about to stuff the pigeons for din¬ 
ner with them; how lucky X had not done it!” 
and then we belaboured Seleem with compli¬ 
ments. “Please God, the child will he for¬ 
tunate to thee!” said I. Omar said, “Sweeten 
my mouth, 0 Efendim, for did I not tell thee 
God would give thee good out of this affair, 
when thou boughtest her V’ While we were 
thus rejoicing over the possible little mulatto, I 
thought how shocked a white Christian gentle¬ 
man of our colonies would be at our conduct. 
“ To make such a fuss about a black girl; he 
give her sixpence! (under the same circum¬ 
stances, I mean,) he’d see her”—etc., and my 
heart warmed to the kind old Muslim sinner(?) 



as he took his saucer of olives, and walked 
with them openly in his hand along the street. 
Now the black girl is free, and can only leave 
Seleem’s house by her own goodwill; and pro¬ 
bably after a time she will marry, and he will 
pay the expenses. A man cannot sell his slave 
after he has made known that she is with 
child by him, and it would be considered un¬ 
manly to detain her if she should wish to go. 
The child will be added to the other eight 
who fill the Maoon’s quiver at Cairo, and will 
be exactly as well looked on, and have equal 
rights, if it is as black as a coal. 

A most quaint little half-black boy, a year 
and a half old, has taken a fancy to me, and 
comes and sits for hours gazing at me, and 
then dances to amuse me; he is Mohammad, 
our guard's son, by a jet-black slave of his, and 
is brown-black, and very pretty. He wears a bit 
of iron-wire in one ear, and iron rings round his 
ankles, and nothing else; and when he comes 
up, little Ahmad, who is his uncle, “ makes him 
fit to be seen” by emptying a pitcher of water 
over his head, to rinse the dust off, in which, 
of course, he had been rolling. That is equi¬ 
valent to a clean pinafore. You would want 



to buy little Saeed, I know; he is so pretty 
and jolly; he sings and dances, and jabbers 
baby-Arabic, and then sits like a quaint little 
idol, cross-legged, quite still for hours. 

I am now writing in the kitchen, which is 
the coolest place where there is any light at 
all. Omar is diligently spelling words of six 
letters, with a wooden spoon in his hand, and 

a cigarette in his mouth; S-lying on the 

floor. I won’t describe our costume; it is two 
months since I have worn gloves or stockings, 
and I think you would wonder at the “ Fel- 
lahah” who “ owns you,” so deep a brown are 
my face, hands, and feet. One of the sailors 

in A-’s boat said, “ See how the sun of the 

Arabs loves her; he has kissed her so hotly 
that she can’t go home among her own people.” 

Poor Suleyman’s little boy is dead of small¬ 
pox ; luckily it has not spread. The fact is, 
that vaccination is far more general here than 
in Europe; very few neglect it. Suleyman 
is grievously altered, so pale and thin. He 
talks just like a Muslim. “ Allah! Min 
Allah! Maktoob!” (it is written!) You would 
not know a Christian here at all by his talk, 
or his feelings on religious matters. 



I went last night to look at El-Karnak by 
moonlight; the giant columns were overpower¬ 
ing,—I never saw anything so solemn. On 
our way back we met the Sheykh-el-Beled, 
who ordered me an escort of ten men home. 
Fancy me on my humble donkey, guarded 
most superfluously by ten tall fellows, with, 
oh! such spears and venerable matchlocks! 
At Mustafa’s house we found a party seated 
before the door, and joined it. There was a 
tremendous Sheykh-el-Islam from Tunis, a Ma¬ 
ghrib ee seated on a carpet, in state, receiv¬ 
ing homage. I don’t think he liked the here¬ 
tical woman at all; even the Maoon did not 
dare to be as polite as usual to me, but took 
the seat above me which I had respectfully 
left vacant, next to the holy man. Mustafa 
was in a perplexity,—afraid not to do the re¬ 
spectful to me and fussing after the sheykh. 
Just then Yoosuf came fresh out of the river, 
where he had bathed and prayed; and then you 
saw the real gentleman. He salamed the great 
sheykh, who motioned to him to sit before 
him, hut Yoosuf quietly came round and sat 
below me on the mat, leaned his elbow on my 
cushion, and made more demonstrations of 



regard for me than ever; and when I went, 
came and helped me on my donkey. The holy 
Sheykh went away to pray, and Mustafa hinted 
to Yoosuf to go with him, but he only smiled, 
and did not stir; he had prayed an hour be¬ 
fore down at the Nile. It was as if a poor 
curate had devoted himself to a Papist under 
the nose of a scowling Low Church Bishop. 

Then came Osman Efendee, a young Turk, 
with a poor devil accused in a distant village 
of stealing a letter with money in it, addressed 
to a Greek money-lender. The discussion was 
quite general,—the man of course denying 
all; but the'Nazir had sent word to beat him. 
Then Omar burst out,—“ What a shame to 
beat a poor man on the mere word of a Greek 
money-lender, who eats the people! The Na¬ 
zir should not help him.” There was a Greek 
present who scowled at Omar, and the Turk 
gaped at him in horror. Yoosuf said with his 
quiet smile, “My brother, thou art talking Eng¬ 
lish,” with a glance at me; and we all laughed, 
and I said, “ Many thanks for the compliment.” 

All the village is in good spirits. The Nile 
is rising fast, and a star of most fortunate cha¬ 
racter has made its appearance,—so Yoosuf 




tells me,—and portends a good year, and an 
end to our afflictions. I anr much better. I, 
too, feel the rising Nile; it puts new life into 
all things. The last fortnight or three weeks 
have been very trying, with the simoom and 
intense heat. I suppose I look better, for the 
people here are for ever praising God about 
my amended looks. 




June 26, 1864. 

I have .just paid a singular visit to a political 
detenu , or exile rather. Last night Mustafa 
came in with a man in great grief, who said 
his boy was very ill on board a kangeh, just 
come from Cairo, and going to Aswan. The 
watchman on the river-hank had told him that 
there was an English “ Sitt, who would not 
turn her face from any one in trouble,” and 
advised him to come to me for medicine. So 
he went to Mustafa, and begged him to bring 
him to me, and to beg the kawas (policeman) in 
charge of El-Bedrawee (who was being sent in 
banishment to Eeyzoghloo), to wait a few hours. 
The kawas (may he not suffer for his huma¬ 
nity !) consented. The poor father described 
his boy’s symptoms, and I gave him a dose of 

u 2 


castor-oil, and said I would go to the boat in 
the morning. The poor fellow was a Cairo mer¬ 
chant, but living at Khartoom; he poured out 
his sorrow in true Eastern style. 44 Oh! my 
boy, and I have none but he! and how shall 
I come before his mother, 0 lady, and tell 
her, 4 Thy son is dead T So I comforted him, 
and went this morning early to the boat. It 
was a regular old Arab kangeh, lumbered up 
with corn-sacks of matting, live sheep, etc. 
etc.; and there I found a sweet graceful boy, of 
fifteen or so, in a high fever. The oil had 
not acted, so I sent for my medicine-chest, and 
gave what I thought best. The symptoms 
were the usual ones of the epidemic. His fa¬ 
ther said he had visited a certain Pasha on the 
way, and evidently meant that he had been 
poisoned, or had the evil eye. I assured him 
it was only the epidemic, and asked why he 
had not sent for the doctor at Kine. The old 
story,—he was afraid; 44 God knows what a 
Government doctor might do to the boy!” 

Then Omar came in, and stood before El- 
Bedrawee, and said, 44 0 my master, why do 
we see thee thus \ I once ate of thy bread 
when I was of the soldiers of Sa-eed Pasha, and 



I saw thy riches and thy greatness; and what 
has God decreed against thee 1 ” So El-Be¬ 
drawee, who is (or was) one of the wealthiest 
men of Lower Egypt, and lived at Tanta, re¬ 
lated how Efendeena (Ismaeel Pasha) sent for 
him to go to Cairo to the citadel, to transact 
some business; and how he rode his horse up to 
the citadel, and went in, and there the Pasha at 
once ordered a kawas to take him down to the 
Nile, and on board a common cargo-boat, and 
to go with him, and to take him to Feyzoghloo. 
Letters were given to the kawas to deliver to 
every Mudeer by the way, and another dis¬ 
patched by land to the governor of Feyzogh¬ 
loo, with orders concerning El-Bedrawee. Fie 
begged leave to see his son once more before 
starting, or any of his family. “ No, he must 
go away at once, and see no one.” But luckily 
a Fellah, one of his relations, had come after 
him to Cairo, and had £700 in his girdle ; he 
followed El-Bedrawee to the citadel, and saw 
him being walked off by the kawas, and fol¬ 
lowed him to the river, and on board the 
boat, and gave him the £700 which he had 
in his girdle. The various Mudeers had been 
civil to him, and friends in different places 



had given him clothes and food. He had not 
got a chain round his neck, nor fetters, and 
was allowed to go ashore with the kaw 7 as, for 
he had just been to the tomb of Abu-l-Haggag, 
and had told that dead sheykh all his afflic¬ 
tions, and promised, if he came back safe, 
to come every year to his Moolid and 

pay the whole expenses (ie. feed all comers). 
Mustafa wanted him to dine with him and 
mebut the kawas could not allow it, and so 
Mustafa sent him a fine sheep, and some bread, 
fruit, etc. I made him a present of some qui¬ 
nine, rhubarb pills, and sulphate of zinc for 

Here, you know,* we all go upon a more 
than English presumption, and believe every 
prisoner to be innocent, and a victim. As he 
gets no trial, he never can be proved guilty. 
Besides, poor old El-Bedrawee declared he 
had not the faintest idea what he was accused 
of, or how he had offended Efendeena. 1 lis¬ 
tened to all this in extreme amazement; and 
he said, “ Ah, I know you English manage 
things very differently. I have heard all about 
your excellent justice.” He was a stout, dig¬ 
nified-looking, fair man, like a Turk, but talk- 



ing broad Lower Egypt Fellah talk, so that I 
could not understand him, and had to get 
Mustafa and Omar to repeat his words. His 
father was an Arab, and his mother a Circas¬ 
sian slave-girl, which gave the fair skin and 
reddish beard. He must be over fifty, fat, and 
not healthy. Of course, he is meant to die up 
in Feyzoghloo, especially going at this season; 
he wasmuch overcome with the heat even here. 
He owns (or owned, for God knows who has 
it now!) twelve thousand feddans of fine land 
between Tanta and Semennood, and was enor¬ 
mously rich. He consulted me a great deal 
about his health, and I gave him certainly very 
good advice. I cannot write what drugs a Turk¬ 
ish doctor had furnished him with, to strengthen 
him in the trying climate of Feyzoghloo. I 
wonder, were they intended to kill him, or only 
given in ignorance of the laws of health equal 
to his own 1 After awhile, the pretty boy be¬ 
came better, and recovered consciousness; and 
his poor father, who had been helping me with 
trembling hands and swimming eyes, cried for 
joy, and said, “ By God the Most High, if ever 
I find any of the English poor or sick or af¬ 
flicted up inFeyzoghloOjIwill make them know 



that I, Aboo-Mohammad, never saw a face like 
the pale face of the English lady bent over 
my sick boyand then El-Bedrawee and his 
Fellah kinsman, and all the crew, blessed me ; 
and the captain and the kawas said it was time 
to sail. So I gave directions and medicine to 
Aboo-Mohammad, and kissed the pretty boy, 
and went out. 

El-Bedrawee followed me up the bank, and 
said he had a request to make,—“Would I 
pray for him in his distress V ’ I said, “ I am 
not of the Muslimeen;” but both he and Mus¬ 
tafa said, “ Maleysh!” (never mind) for it was 
quite certain I was not of the Mushrikeen, as 
they hate the Muslimeen, and their deeds are 
evil; but, blessed be God, many of the English 
begin to repent of their evil, and to love the 
Muslims, and abound in kind actions.” So we 
parted in much kindness. It was a strange 
feeling to me to stand on the bank and see 
the queer savage-looking boat glide away up 
the stream, bound to such far more savage 
lands, and to be exchanging kind farewells, 
quite in a homely manner, with such utter 
“ aliens in blood and faith.” “ God keep thee, 
lady!” “ God keep thee, Mustafa!” Mustafa 



and I walked home very sad about poor El- 

Friday , July 7.—It has been so intensely hot 
that I have not had pluck to go on with my 
letter, or indeed to do anything hut lie on a 
mat in the passage, with a minimum of clothes 
quite indescribable in English. “El-hamdu- 
lillah!” laughs Omar, “ that I see the clever 
English people do just like the lazy Arabs.” 
The worst is, not the positive heat, which has 
not been above 104°, and as low as 96° at 
night, but the horrible storms of hot winds 
which are apt to come on at night, and pre¬ 
vent one’s even lying down till twelve or one 
o’clock. Thebes is bad in the height of sum¬ 
mer, on account of its expanse of desert, and 
sand and dust. The Nile is pouring dow 7 n 
gloriously, but really as red as blood—more 
crimson than a Herefordshire lane; and in the 
far distance the reflection of the pure blue sky 
makes it deep violet. It had risen five cubits a 
week ago; we shall soon have it all over the 
land here. It is a beautiful and inspiriting 
sight to see the noble old stream as young and 
vigorous as ever.' No wonder the Egyptians 
worshipped the Nile; there is nothing like it. 



We have had all the plagues of Egypt this 
year, only the lice are commuted for bugs, 
and the frogs for mice; the former have eaten 
me, and the latter have eaten my clothes. We 
are so ragged! Omar has one shirt left, which 
he has to wash every night. The dust, the 
drenching perspiration, and the hard-fisted 
washing of Mohammad’s slave-woman destroy 
everything. Then I cannot wear stockings or 
any close-fitting garments; I go about in slip¬ 
pers and a loose dress, and that is worn out. 

T have just received a letter from you and 

one from J-. Who could have imposed 

upon her credulity by the story of Ulema at 
a balll Why, the bench of bishops in the 
opera stalls would be more probable. An A'lim 
can’t see dancing or hear music, and if the 
Pasha forced them to go he has sinned-fear¬ 
fully; it would be an abomination. Do you 
know that if a Muslim “ sins with his eye,” it 
is as bad as if he had sinned altogether 1 He 
must bathe all over before he can eat or pray. 
I don’t say all do it, but the Ulema would not 
expose themselves to sin and scandal;—the 
chief merchants and police people, a la bonne 
heure ,—but the Ulema, who are “ thp men of 



the law,” no! Mustafa intends to give you a 
grand fantasia if you come, and to have the 
best dancing-girls down from Esneh for you. 

I have been “ too lazy Arab,” as Omar calls 
it, to go on with my Arabic lessons, and Yoo- 
suf has been very busy with law business con¬ 
nected with the land and the crops. Every 
harvest brings a fresh settlement of the land. 
Wheat is selling at one pound the ardebb here 
on the threshing-floor, and barley at a hun¬ 
dred and sixteen piastres; I saw some Nubians 
pay Mustafa that. He is in comic perplexity 
about such enormous gains. You see it is ra¬ 
ther awkward for a Muslim to thank God for 
dear bread; so he compounds by lavish alms¬ 
giving. He gave all his Fellaheen clothes the 
other day,—forty calico shirts and drawers. 

Do you remember my describing an eman- 
cipirtes Frdulein at Asyoot ? Well, the other 
day I saw, as I thought, a nice-looking lad 
of sixteen selling corn to my opposite neigh¬ 
bour, a Copt. It was a girl. Her father has no 
sons, and is infirm, so she works in the fields 
for him, and dresses and does like a man; she 
looked very modest, and was quieter in her 
manner than the veiled women often are. 


I can hardly bear to think of another year 
without seeing the children. However, it is 
lucky for me that “ my lines have fallen in 
pleasant placesso long a time at the Cape, 
or any colony, would have become intolerable. 
If I can afford it, I will go down to Cairo with 
the Big Nile next month, or in September, 
and await you there. Omar desires his salam 
to his great master, and to that gazelle, Sitteh 




El-Uksur, August 13, 1864. 

Foe the last month we have had a purgatory 
of hot wind and dust, such as I never saw, 
—impossible to stir out of the house ; so, in 
despair, I have just engaged a return boat, a 
Qelegenheit , and am off to Cairo in a day or 
two, where I shall stop till, “ Inshallah!” you 
come to me. November is the pleasant time 
in Cairo. 

I am a “ stupid, lazy Arab ” now, having 
lain on a mat in a dark stone passage for six 
weeks or so; but my chest is no worse,—better, 
I think,—and my health has not suffered at 
all, only I am stupid and lazy. I had a plea¬ 
sant visit lately from a great doctor from Mecca, 
a man so learned that he can read the Koran 
in seven different ways, and also from a phy- 



sician of European hehneh. Fancy my wonder 
when a great A'lim in gorgeous. Hajazee dress 
walked in and said, “ Madame, tout ce qu’on 
m’a dit de vous fait tellement l’eloge de votre 
coeur et de votre esprit, que je me suis arrete 
pour t&cher de me procurer le plaisir de votre 
connaissance.” A number of El-Uksur people 
came in, to pay their respects to the great man, 
and he said to me that he hoped I had not been 
molested on account of my religion, and if I 
had I must forgive, it, as the people here were 
so ignorant, and barbarians were bigots every¬ 
where. 1 said, “ The people of El-Uksur are 
my brothers;” and the Maoon said, “ True, the 
Fellaheen are like oxen, hut they are not such 
swine as to insult the religion of a lady who 
has served God among them like this one. 
She risked her life every day.” “And if she 
had died,” said the great theologian, “ her place 
was made ready among the martyrs of God, be¬ 
cause she showed more love to her brethren 
than to herself.” Now, if this was humbug, it 
was said in Arabic before eight or ten people, 
by a man of great religious authority. Omar was 
“ in heaven ” to hear his “ Sitt ” spoken of “ in 
such a grand way for the religion.” I believe 



that a great change is taking place among the 
Ulema; that Islam is ceasing to be a mere 
party-flag, just as occurred with Christianity ; 
and that all the moral part is being more and 
more dwelt on. My great A'lim also said I 
had practised the precepts of the Koran; and 
then laughed and said, “ I suppose I ought to 
say, the Gospel; but what matters it 1 The 
truth (el-Hakk) is one, whether spoken by 
our Lord Eesa or by our Lord Mohammad.” 

He asked me to go to Mecca next winter 
for my health, as it is so hot and dry there. 
I found he had fallen in with El-Bedrawee 
and the Khartoom merchant at Aswan. The 
little boy was well again, and I had been out¬ 
rageously extolled by them. I have suffered 
horribly from prickly heat, till I thought - it 
would end in erysipelas; but the Arabian doc¬ 
tor told me to do nothing to it, to bear it 
patiently, as he believed it would do my lungs 
good; and I am sure he was right. 

We are now sending off all the corn. I sat 
the other evening on Mustafa’s doorstep, and 
saw the Greeks piously and zealously attend¬ 
ing to the divine command, to spoil the Egyp¬ 
tians. Eight months ago, a Greek bought up 



corn at sixty piastres the ardebb; (he foresaw 
the Coptic tax-gatherer, like a vulture after a 
crow;) now wheat is a hundred and seventy 
piastres the ardebb here ; and the Fellah has 
paid three and a half per cent, per month be¬ 
sides,—reckon the profit! Two men I know 
are quite ruined, and have sold all they had. 
The cattle disease forced them to borrow at 
these ruinous rates, and now, alas! the Nile 
is sadly lingering in its rise, and people are 
very anxious. 

Poor Egypt! or rather, poor Egyptians! Of 
course I need not say that there is great im¬ 
providence in those who can be fleeced, as they 
are fleeced. Mustafa’s household is a pattern 
of muddling hospitality, and Mustafa is gene¬ 
rous and mean by turns. But what chance 
have people like these, so utterly ignorant of 
all that we call civilization, and so isolated as 
the Upper Egyptians, against Europeans of un¬ 
scrupulous character 1 I now know the Fel¬ 
laheen pretty well, I think. X can’t write more 
in the wind and dust; I will write again from 
Cairo. If you lived in “constant simoom,” 
you would be as lazy. 



Cairo, October 21,1864. 

I received your letter yesterday; I hope you 
have heard I am better. My illness turned 
out to be continued fever, not intermittent, 
and ended in.congestion of the liver, of course 
aggravating the cough; but I am now “all 
right” again, only rather weak. However, I 
ride my donkey, and the weather has sud¬ 
denly become glorious, dry, and cool. (I rather 
shiver with the thermometer at 79°; absurd, 
is it not 1 buf I got so used to real heat.) 

I could not write about my departure from 
El-Uksur, or my journey, for our voyage was 
quite tempestuous after the first three days, 
and I fell ill as soon as I was in my house. I 
hired a boat for six purses (£18), which had 
taken Greeks up to Aswan, selling groceries 



and strong drinks; but the Reyyis would not 
bring back their return-cargo of black slaves to 
dirty the boat, and picked us up at El-Uksur. 

We sailed at daybreak, having waited all 
the day before, because it was an unlucky 
day. As I sat in the boat, people kept coming 
to ask very anxiously whether I should return, 
and bringing fresh bread, eggs, and other 
things as presents; and all the quality came 
to take leave, and hope, “ Inshallah! ” I should 
soon “come home to my village” Safe, and 
bring the Master, please God, to see them; 
and then to say the Fat’hah, for a safe journey 
and my health. 

In the morning, the balconies of my house 
were filled with a singular group, to see us 
sail;—a party of wild black Abab’deh, with 
their long Arab guns and flowing hair, a 
Turk, elegantly dressed, Mohammad, in his 
decorous brown robes and snow-white tur¬ 
ban, and several Fellaheen. As the boat 
moved off, the Abab’deh blazed away with 
their guns, and Osman Efendee with a sort of 
blunderbuss; and as we dropped down the 
river there was a general firing, even Todoros 
(Theodore), the Coptic Ma’allim, popped off his 



American revolver, Omar keeping up a return 

with A-'s old horse-pistols, which are much 

admired here on account of the excessive noise 
they make. Poor old Ismaeen, who always 
thought I was Madame Belzoni, and wanted 
to take me to meet my husband up at Aboo- 
Sembel, was in dire distress that he could not 
go with me to Cairo. He declared he was 
still “ shedeed,”—strong enough to take care 
of me, and fight. He is ninety-seven, and only 
remembers what occurred fifty or sixty years 
ago, in the old wild times; a splendid old man, 
handsome, and erect. I used to give him coffee, 
and listen to his long stories, which had won his 
heart. His grandson, the quiet and rather stately 
Mohammad, who is guard of the house I lived 
in, forgot all his Muslim dignity, broke down 
in the middle of his set speech, flung himself 
on the-ground, and kissed and hugged my 
knees, and cried. He had got some notion of 
impending ill-luck, I found,’and was unhappy 
at our departure, and the baksheesh failed to 
console him. Sheykh Yoosuf was to come with 
me, but a brother of his just then wrote word 
that he was coming back frona the Hejaz, 
where, he had been with the troops in which 



he is serving his time. I was very sorry to 
lose his company. Fancy, how dreadfully ir¬ 
regular for one of the Ulema and a heretical 
woman to travel together! What would our 
bishops say to a parson who did such a 
thing * 

We had a lovely time on the river for three 
days, and such moonlight nights! so soft and 
lovely; and we had a sailor, who was as good 
as an Alatee, or professional singer. He sang 
religious songs, which, I observe, excite these 
people more than love songs. One, which 
began, “Remove my sins from before thy 
sight, O God/ 5 was really beautiful and 
touching, and I did not wonder at the tears 
which streamed down Omar’s face. A very 
pretty profane song ran thus;—“ Keep the 
wind from me, 0 Lord! ‘ I fear it will hurt 
me” (wind means love, which is like the si¬ 
moom). “ Alas ! it has struck me, and 1 am 
sick! Why do ye bring the physician'? O 
physician, put back thy medicine in the ca¬ 
nister, for only he who has hurt can cure me.” 

N.B. The masculine pronoun is always used 
instead of the feminine in poetry, out of de¬ 
corum; sometimes even in conversation. 



23rd October. 

I must seiid my letter to-day or to-morrow. 
Yesterday I met a Saeedee, a friend of the 
brother of the Sheykh of the wild Abab’deh, 
and as we stood hand-shaking and kissing our 
fingers in the road, some of the Anglo-Indian 
travellers gazed with fierce disgust; the hand¬ 
some Hasan, being black, was such a flagrant 
case of a “ native.” 

It is really heart-breaking to see what we 
are sending to India now. The mail days are 
dreaded; we never know when some brutal 
outrage may possibly excite “ Mussulman fa¬ 
naticism.” They try their hands on the Arabs, 
in order to be in good training for insulting 
Hindoos. The English tradesmen here com¬ 
plain as much as any of the natives; and I, who, 
to use the words of the Kadee of El-Uksur, am 
“ not outside the family ” (of Ishmael, I pre¬ 
sume), hear what the Arabs really think. There 
are also crowds, “like lice,” as one Mohammad 
said, of low Italians, French, etc.; and I find 
my stalwart Hasan’s broad shoulders no super¬ 
fluous “ porte-respect ” about the Frangee quar¬ 
ter. Three times I have been followed and 



insolently stared at (a mon age !/), and once 
Hasan had to speak. Imagine how dreadful to 
Muslims! I have come to hate the sight of a 
hat in this country. 

Was I not a true prophet in what I wrote 
from the Cape 1 ... It seems that rumours 
of the disputes in our Church have reached a 
few people even here. They hope it will end 
favourably; i. e. in our conversion to the true 
faith (Islam). If God will, we shall yet “ tear 
off our outer garments in a mosque, and con¬ 
fess there is no God but God.” How curious 
it is to meet with precisely the same sentiment 
attaching itself to hostile creeds! 

The dearness of all things is fearful here; all 
is treble at least what it was in 1862-03; but 
wages have risen in proportion. A sailor, who 
got 60 piastres a month, now gets 300. All is 
at the same rate—clothes, rents, everything. 
Cairo is dearer than London, and Alexandria 
dearer still, I believe,—at all events, as to rent. 

I can’t write more now, though I have much 
more to tell, but my eyes are very weak still. 

Omar begs me to give you his best salam, 
and say, Inshallah, he will take great care of 
your daughter, which he most zealously and 



tenderly does. Lady-’s Italian courier de¬ 

spised Omar’s heathenish ignorance in prefer¬ 
ring to stay with me for half the wages he 
could have got elsewhere. It quite confirmed 
him in his contempt for the Arabs. 

Let me say, by the bye, that I advise nobody 
to bring a retinue to this country. Italian 
couriers and French cooks are a perfect tor¬ 
ment in Egypt; they hate the country, make 
difficulties, and find fault with everything. A 
good English servant, of either sex, gets along 
well; and, next best, a German. The Arabs 
like and respect them, but they despise the 
southern Europeans, whose faults are an ex¬ 
aggeration of their own, and who are vulgar 
into the bargain. Mind, I speak from the Arab 
point de vue entirely. Also, people who “ make 
themselves big ” must expect to pay for it, and 
must not be out of humour at the cost. 




On the Nile, Friday, December 23, 1864. 

Here I am again between Benee-Suweyf 
and Minyeli, and already better for the clear 
air of the river and the tranquil boat-life; 
1 will send you my Christmas salam from 
Asyoot. Many thanks for your baksheesh of 
the wine, which is very acceptable indeed. 

While --- was with me I had as much to do 

as I was able to accomplish, and really could 
not write, for I had not recovered from the 
fever, and there was much to see and talk 
about. I think he was amused, .but I fear he 
felt the Eastern life to be very poor and com¬ 
fortless, and was glad to get back to European 
ways in Alexandria. I have got so used to 
having nothing, that I had quite forgotten how 
it would seem to a new-comer. The real evil 



is the enormous cost of everything. Cairo is 
twice as dear as London in many things, and I 
expect to find even El-Uksur very expensive. 
There are very few travellers this year, partly, 
no doubt, in consequence of the cost of every¬ 
thing. I am quite sorry to find how many of 
my letters must have been lost from El-Uksur; 
in future I will trust the Arab post, which 
certainly is safer than English travellers. 

Please to tell Dean Stanley that his old dra¬ 
goman, Mohammad Gazowee, cried with plea¬ 
sure when he told me he had seen “ Sheykh 
Stanley’s ” sister on her way to India, and the 
little ladies “ knew his name,” and shook hands 
with him, which evidently was worth far more 
than the baksheesh. I wondered who “Sheykh 
Stanley ” could be, and Mohammad (who is a 
darweesh, and very pious) told me he was the 
Gasees (priest) who was Imam (spiritual guide) 
to the son of our Queen.; “ and, in truth,” said 
he, “he is really a Sheykh, and one who 
teaches the excellent things of religion. Why, 
he was kind even to his horse; and it is of the 
mercies of God to the English, that such a one 
is the Imam of your Queen and Prince.” 

“1 said,” laughing, “how dost thou, a dar-. 



weesh among Muslims, talk thus of a Naza- 
rene priest % ” “ Truly, 0 Lady,” said he, “ one 
who loveth all the creatures of God, him God 
loveth also ; there is no doubt of that.” 

Is any one bigot enough to deny that Dr. 
Stanley has done more for real religion in the 
mind of that Muslim danveesh, than if he had 
baptized a hundred savages out of one fana¬ 
tical faith into another 1 There is no hope 
of a good understanding with Orientals until 
Western Christians can bring themselves to 
recognize what there is of common faith con¬ 
tained in the two religions ; the real difference 
consists in all the class of notions and feelings 
(very important ones no doubt) which we de¬ 
rive, not from the Gospels, but from Greece 
and Rome, and which of course are altogether 
wanting here. 

-will tell you how curiously Omar il¬ 
lustrated the patriarchal feelings of the East 
by entirely dethroning me, to whom he is so 
devoted, in favour of the “Master,”' whom he 
had never seen. “ That our Master; we all eat 
bread from his hand and he work fort/s.” Omar 
and I were equal before our “ Seedee.” He can 
sit at his ease at my feet, but when the Master 



comes in he must stand, reverently, and gives 
me to understand that I too must be respectful. 

. I. have got the-.boat of the American Mis¬ 
sion at an outrageous price—£ 60 , but I could 
get nothing under; the consolation is that the 
sailors profit, poor fellows! and get treble 
wages. My crew are all Nubians; such a 
handsome Beyyis and steersman, brothers! and 
there is a black boy of fourteen or so, with 
legs and feet so sweetly beautiful as to be 
quite touching; at least I always feel those 
lovely round young innocent forms to be some¬ 
how affecting. • 

Our old boat of last summer (A-T-’s) 

is sailing in company with us, and the stately 
old Beyyis, Mubarak, hails me every morning 
with the blessing of God and the peace of 
the Prophet; and Alee Kubtan, my steamboat 
captain, will announce our advent at Thebes. 
He passed us to-day. The boat is a fine sailer, 
but iron-built, and therefore noisy, and not 
convenient. The crew encourage her with 
“ Get along, father of three!” because she has 
three sails, whereas two is the usual number. 
They are active, good-humoured fellows, my 
men, but lack the Arab courtesy and sinvpatiche 



ways. And then I don’t like not understand¬ 
ing their language, which is pretty, and sounds 
like Caffre, rather bird-like and sing-song, in¬ 
stead of the clattering, guttural Arabic. This 
latter language I now speak tolerably for a 
stranger, e. I can keep up a conversation ; 
I understand all that is said to me much bet¬ 
ter than I can speak, and follow about half 
what people say to each other. I bought a 
very tolerable dictionary in Cairo, which is 
a great help and comfort. When 1 see you, 
Inshallah, Inshallah, next summer, I shall be 
a good scholar, I hope. 

Asyooi, December 29, 1864. 

In haste. I am remarkably well, and the 
weather very fine, though the wind is fitful. 
God bless you. 




El-TJksur, January, 1SG5. 

I dispatched a letter for you by the Arab post 
at Girgeh, as we had passed Asyoot with a 
good wind; I hope you will get it. My crew 
worked as I never saw men work; they were 
paid to get to El-Uksur, and for eighteen days 
they never rested nor slept, day or night, and 
were all the time quite merry and pleasant. It 
' shows what powers of endurance these “ lazy 
Arabs ” have when there is good money at the 
end of a job, instead of the favourite panacea 
of “ stick.” 

We arrived at midnight, and next morn¬ 
ing my boat had the air of being pillaged: 
a crowd of laughing, chattering fellows ran 
off to the house laden with loose articles 
snatched up at random,—loaves of sugar, 



pots and pans, books, cushions,—all helter- 
skelter. I feared breakages, but all was 
housed safe and sound; the small boys, of 
an age licensed to penetrate into the cabin, 
went off with the oddest cargoes of dressing 
things and the like; of baksheesh not one 
word. “ El-hamdu-lillah salameh” (thank God, 
thou art in peace), and Ya Sitt, ya Emeereh,” 
till my head went round. Old Ismaeen fairly 
hugged me, and little Ahmad clung close to 
my side. I went up to Mustafa’s house while 
the unpacking took place, and breakfasted 
there, and found letters from all of you, from 

my dear mother, to my darling E-. Sheykh 

Yoosuf was charmed with her big hand-writ¬ 
ing, and said he thought the news in that 
letter was the best of all. The weather was 
intensely hot the two first days. Now it is 
heavenly, a fine fresh air and gorgeous sun¬ 
shine. I brought two common Arab lanterns 
for the tomb of Abu-l-Hajjaj, and his Moolid 
is now going on. Omar took them and lighted 
them up, and told me he found several people 
who called on the rest to say the Fat’hah for 

I was sitting out yesterday with the people 



on the sand, looking at the men doing fantasia 
on horseback for the Sheykh, and a clever 
dragoman of the party was relating about the 
death of a young English girl whom he had 
served, and so, de fil en aiguille, we talked 
about the strangers buried here, and how the 
bishop had extqrted £100. I said, “ Maleysh, 
(never mind,) the people have been hospitable 
to me while living, and they will not cease to 
be so if I die, but will give me a tomb among 
the Arabs.” One old man said, “ May I not see 
thy day, O Lady! and, indeed, thou shouldst 
be buried as a daughter of the Arabs, though 
we should fear the anger of thy Consul and 
thy family; but thou knowest that, wherever 
thou art buried, thou wilt assuredly lie in a 
Muslim grave.”—“ How so 1” said I.—“ Why, 
when a bad Muslim dies, the angels take him 
out of his tomb, and put one of the good from 
among the Christians in his place.” This is 
the popular expression of the doctrine that 
the good are sure of salvation. Omar chimed 
in at once: “ Certainly, there is no doubt of it; 
and I know a story that happened in the days 
of Mohammad Alee Pasha which proves it.” 
We demanded the story, and Omar began. 



“There was once a very rich man of the 
Muslims, so stingy, that he grudged everybody 
even so much as ‘ the bit of the paper inside 
the date’ (Koran). When he was dying, he said 
to his wife, ‘ Go out and buy me a lump of 
pressed datesand when she had bought it, 
he bade her leave him alone. Thereupon he 
took all his gold out of his sash, and spread 
it before him, and rolled it up, two or three 
pieces at a time, in dates, and swallowed it, 
piece after piece, until only three were left, 
when his wife came in and saw what he was 
doing, and snatched them from his hand. 
Presently after he fell back and died, and was 
carried out to the burial-place and laid in his 
tomb. When the Kadee’s men came to put 
the seal on his property, and found no money, 
they said, { 0 woman, how is this 1 ? We 
know thy husband was a rich man, and behold, 
we find no money for his children and slaves, 
nor for thee.’ So the woman told what had 
happened, and the Kadee sent for three othet 
of the Ulema, and they decided that after 
three days she should go herself to her hus¬ 
band’s tomb and open it, and take the money 
from his stomach. Meanwhile a guard was 



put over the tomb, to keep away robbers. 
After three days, therefore, the woman went, 
and the men opened the tomb, and said, ‘ Go 
in, O woman, and take thy money.’ 

“ So the woman went down into the tomb 
alone. When there, instead of her husband’s 
body, she saw a box (coffin) of the boxes of the 
Christians, and when she opened it she saw 
the body of a young girl, adorned with many 
ornaments of gold, necklaces, and bracelets, 
and a diamond Kurs on her head, and over all 
a veil of black muslin, embroidered with gold. 
So the woman said within herself, ‘ Behold, I 
came for money, and here it is; I will take it, 
and conceal this business for fear of the Kadee.’ 
So she wrapped up the whole in her melayeh 
(a blue-checked cotton sheet, worn as a cloak), 
and came out, and the men said, ‘ Hast thou 
done thy business'?’ and she said, ‘Yes,’ and 
returned home. In a few days, she gave the 
veil she had taken from the dead girl to a 
dellal (broker) to sell for her in the bazaar, 
and the dellal went and showed it to the 
people, and was offered a hundred piastres. 
Now there sat in one of the shops of the mer¬ 
chants a great Ma’allim (Copt clerk), belong- 




ing to the Pasha, and he saw the veil, and said, 
‘ How much askest thou V and the dellal 
said, £ 0 Hadrat-el-Ma’allim! (your Honour 
the clerk,) whatever thou wilt.’ Then the 
Ma’allim said, 4 Take from me these five hun¬ 
dred piastres, and bring the person that gave 
thee the veil to receive the money.’ So the 
dellal fetched the woman, and the Copt, who 
was a great man, called the police, and said, 
‘Take this woman, and fetch my ass, and 
we will go before the Pasha;’ and he rode in 
haste to the palace, weeping and beating his 
breast, and went before the Pasha, and said, 
‘ Behold, this veil was buried a few days ago 
with my daughter, who died unmarried; and 
I had none but her, and I loved her like 
my eyes, and would not take from her her 
ornaments; and this veil she worked herself, 
and was very fond of it; and she was young 
and beautiful, and just of the age to be mar¬ 
ried ; and behold, the Muslims go and rob the 
tomb of the Christians, and if thou wilt suffer 
this, we Christians will leave Egypt, and go 
and live in some other country, O Efendee- 
na! (our Lord,) for we cannot endure this 
abomination.’ Then the Pasha turned to the 



woman, and said, ‘Woe to thee, O woman! 
art thou a Muslimeh, and doest such wicked¬ 
ness 1 ’ And the woman spoke, and told all 
that happened, and how she sought money, 
and finding gold, had kept it. So the Pasha 
said, ‘Wait, O Ma’allim, and we will disco¬ 
ver the truth of this matter; 5 and he sent for 
the three Ulema, who had desired that the 
tomb should be opened at the end of three 
days, and told them the case; and they said, 
‘ Open now the tomb of the Christian damsel,’ 
and the Pasha sent his men to do so; and 
when they opened it, behold it was full of fire, 
and within it lay the body of the wicked and 
avaricious Muslim. Thus it was manifest to 
all that on the night of terror the angels of 
God had done this thing, and had laid the in¬ 
nocent girl of the Christians among those who 
have received direction, and the evil Muslim 
among the rejected.” 

Admire how rapidly legends arise here! 
This story, which everybody declared was quite 
true, is placed no longer ago than in Moham¬ 
mad Alee Pasha’s time. 

There are hardly any travellers this year; 
instead of a hundred and fifty or more boats. 


perhaps twenty. A youth of fourteen, of Is- 
raelitish race, has just gone up, travelling like 
a royal prince in one of the Pasha’s steamers, 
having all his expenses paid, and crowds of 
attendants. “All that honour to the money 
of the Jew!” said an old Fellah to me, with a 
tone of scorn. He has turned out his drago¬ 
man, a respectable elderly man who is very 
sick, paid him his bare wages, and given him 
the munificent sum of six pounds to take him 
back to Cairo. On board his boat he had 
a doctor and plenty of servants, and yet he 
abandons the man here on Mustafa’s hands! 

As I regret whatever tends to strengthen 
prejudices, especially religious ones, I am very 
sorry anything should occur to make the name 
of Yahoodee stink yet more than it does in 
the nostrils of the Arabs. I have brought Er- 
Rasheedee, the sick man, to my house, as poor 
Mustafa is already loaded over with strangers. 

Mr. Herbert, the painter, went back to Cairo 
from Farshoot below Kine. So I have no 
“ Frangee ” society at all; but Sheykh Yoosuf 
and Sheykh Ibraheem, the Kadee, drop in to 
tea very often, and as they are very agreeable 
men, I am quite content with my company. 



So far as manners go, no company can pos¬ 
sibly be better. Indeed, I must confess that 
since I have become accustomed to the re¬ 
spectful ways of well-bred Arabs to hareem, 
I feel quite astonished at the manners of En¬ 
glishmen. And yet all the people here call 
me “ O sister!” and the poorest sit and talk 
quite freely and easily, without any embarrass¬ 
ment or constraint. 

By the bye, I will tell you what I have 
learned as to the tenure of land in Egypt, 
which people are always disputing about, as 
the KLadee laid it down for me. 

The whole land belongs to the Sultan of 
Turkey, the Pasha being his wekeel (repre¬ 
sentative), nominally, of course, as we know. 
Thus there are no owners, only tenants, paying 
from a hundred piastres tareef (£1) down to 
thirty piastres yearly per feddan (near about an 
acre), according to the quality of the land, or 
the favour of the Pasha when granting it This 
tenancy is hereditary to children, but not to 
collaterals or ascendants, and it may be sold, 
but in that case application must be made to 
the Government (“el-meena"). If the owner or 
tenant dies childless, the land reverts to the 



Sultan, i. e. to the Pasha; and if the Pasha 
chooses to have any man's land , he can take it 
from him , with payment—or without. Don’t 
let any one tell you that I exaggerate, I have 
known it happen: I mean the without; and 
the man received feddan for feddan of desert 
in return for his good land, which he had tilled 
and watered. 

To-morrow night is the great night of 
Sheykh Abu-l-Hajjaj’s moolid, and I am de¬ 
sired to go to the mosque for the benefit of 
my health, etc., and that my friends may say 
a prayer for my children. The kind, hearty 
welcome I found has been a real pleasure, and 
every one was pleased, because I was glad to 
come home to my “ Beled—Beledee and 
they all thought it so nice of my “ master ” to 
have come so far to see me, because I was sick; 
all but one Turk, who clearly looked with 
pitying contempt on so much trouble taken 
after a sick old woman. 

I received your letter here. I did indeed 
feel with you; I have never left off the habit 
of thinking how I shall tell my father this 
and that, and how such things would interest 
him, and what he would say. The thought 



comes, and with it the sadness, more often 
than I can tell. 

I have left my letter a long while. You 
will not wonder, for after some ten days’ fever, 
my poor guest, Mohammad Er-Easheedee, died 
to-day. Two Prussian doctors gave me help 
for the last four days, hut went last night. 
He sank to sleep quietly at noon, with his 
hand in mine. A good old Muslim sat at his 
head on one side, and I on the other. Omar 
stood at his head, and his black slave-boy 
Kheyr at his feet. We had laid his face to¬ 
wards the Kibleh, and I spoke to him to see 
if he were conscious, and when he nodded, 
the three Muslims chanted the Islamee, “ La 
Ilaha,” etc. etc., till I closed his eyes. The 
“ respectable men ” came in by degrees, took 
an inventory of his property, which they de¬ 
livered to me, and washed the body; and 
within an hour and a half we all went out to 
the burial-place; I following among a troop 
of women who joined us, to wail for “ the 
brother who had died far from his place.” 
The scene, as we turned in between the broken 
colossi and pylones of the temple to go to the 



mosque, was overpowering. After the prayer 
in the mosque we went out to the graveyard, 
—Muslims and Copts helping to carry the 
dead, and my Frankish hat in the midst of 
the veiled women; all so familiar and yet so 

After the burial the Imam, Sheykh Abd-el- 
Waris, came and kissed me on the shoulders ; 
and the Shereef, a man of eighty, laid his hands 
on my shoulders and said:—“ Fear not, my 
daughter, neither all the days of thy life, nor 
at the hour of thy death, for God leadeth thee 
in the right way (sirat mustakeem).” I kissed 
the old man’s hand, and turned to go, but 
numbers of men came and said, “A thousand 
thanks, O our sister, for what thou hast done 
for one among us!” and a great deal more. 
Now the solemn chanting of the Fikees, and 
the clear voice of the boy reciting the Koran 
in the room where the man died are ringing 
through the house. They will pass the night 
in prayer, and to-morrow there will be the 
prayer of deliverance in the mosque. Poor 
Kheyr has just crept in here for a quiet cry. 
Poor boy! he is in the inventory, and to-mor¬ 
row I must deliver him up to “ hs autorites” 



to be forwarded to Cairo with the rest of the 
property. He is very ugly with his black face 
wet and swollen, but he kisses my hand and 
calls me his mother, “ quite natural like.” You 
see colour is no barrier between human beings 

The weather is glorious this year, and spite 
of some fatigue and a good deal of anxiety, 
I think I am really better. I never have felt 
the cold so little as this winter, since my ill¬ 
ness; the chilly mornings and nights don’t 
seem to signify at all now, and the climate 
seems more delicious than ever. 

I am very sorry that the young traveller I 
spoke of was so hard to Er-Easheedee, and 
that his French doctor refused to come and 
see the dying man; such conduct naturally 
makes bad blood here. The German doctors, 
on the other hand, were most kind and help¬ 
ful. Tell young Mr. S-,* if you see him, 

it was his dragoman who died in my house. 

. The Festival of Abu-l-Hajjaj was quite a 
fine sight; not splendid at all ,—au contraire, 
but spirit-stirring; the flags of the Sheykh 
borne by his family, chanting, and the men 
* See page 196. 



with their spears tearing about on horseback 
in mimic fight. My acquaintance of last year, 
Abd-el-Mutowwil, the fanatical sheykh from 
Tunis, was there. At first he scowled at me ; 
then some one told him how Er-Rasheedee had 
been left by his master, upon which he held 
forth about the hatred of all unbelievers, 
Jew or Christian, to the Muslims, and ended 
by asking where the sick man was. A quiet 
little smile twinkled in Sheykh Yoosuf’s soft 
eyes, and curled his silky moustache, as he 
said demurely, “ Your honour must go and visit 
him at the house of the English lady.” I 
am bound to say that the Pharisee “ executed 
himself ” handsomely, for in a few minutes he 
came up to me and took my hand, and even 
hoped I should visit the tomb of Abu-l-Hajjaj 
with him!! 

Ramadan, February 7. 

Since I wrote last I have been rather poorly, 
—more cough and most wearing sleeplessness. 

A poor young Englishman has died here, 
at the house of the Austrian consular agent. 
I was too ill to go to him; but a kind, dear 
young Englishwoman, Mrs. Walker, who was 


here with her family in a boat, sat up with him 
three nights, and nursed him like a sister. A 
young American lay sick at the same time in 
the house; he is now gone down to Cairo, but 
I doubt if he will reach it alive. The Eng¬ 
lishman was buried on the first day of Rama¬ 
dan, in the place where they bury strangers, 
on the site of a former Coptic church. Arch¬ 
deacon Moore read the service; Omar and I 
spread my old English flag over the bier, and 
Copts and Muslims helped to carry the poor 

It was a most impressive sight: the party of 
Europeans—all strangers to the dead, but all 
deeply moved; the group of black-robed and 
turbaned Copts, the sailors from the boats, the 
gaily-dressed dragomans, several brown-shirted 
Fellaheen, and the thick crowd of children— 
all the little Abab’deh stark naked, and all be¬ 
having so well; the expression on their little 
faces touched me most of all. As Muslims, 
Omar and the boatmen laid him. down in the 
grave; while the English prayer was read the 
sun went down in a glorious flood of light 
over the distant bend of the Nile. “ Had he 
a mother 1 ? he was young!” said an Abab’deh 



woman to me, with tears in her eyes, and press¬ 
ing my hand in sympathy for that poor far-off 
mother of such a different race. 

I regret that so many of my letters have 
been lost, but I can’t replace them; I tried, 
but it felt like committing a forgery. Pas¬ 
senger steamers come now every fortnight, 
but I have had no letters for a month, except 

one on the 10th of January, from-, which 

had been sent by private hand, and went to 
Aswan, and then back by post. I have no 
almanack, and have lost count of European 
time; to-day is the 3rd of Ramadan, that is 
all I know. 

The poor black slave was sent back from 
Kine—God knows why; because he. had* no 
money, and the Mudeer could not “ eat off 
him,” as he could off the money and goods, 
he believes. In order to compensate me for 
what he eats, he proposes to wash for me ; 
and you would be amused to see Kheyr, with 
his coal-black face and filed teeth, doing laun¬ 
dry-maid out in the yard. He fears Er-Ra- 
sheedee’s family will sell him, and hopes he 
may fetch a good price “ for his boy” (his mas¬ 
ter’s son); only, on the other hand, he would 



so like me to buy him, and so Ms mind is dis¬ 
turbed : meanwhile, the having all my clothes 
washed clean is a great luxury. 

The steamer is come, and I must finish in 




February, 1865-. 

M. Prevost-Paradol is here for a few days, 
and I am enjoying “a great indulgence of 
talk,” as heartily as any nigger. He is a de¬ 
lightful person. This evening he is coming 
with Arakel Bey, his Armenian companion, 
and I will invite a few Arabs to show him. 
A little good European talk is a very agree¬ 
able interlude to the Arab prosiness, or rather 
enfantillage , on the part of the women. 

M. Paradol is intoxicated with Egypt, yet 
Egypt is not itself this year. All the land here, 
which last year glowed in emerald verdure, is 
now a dreary expanse of dry mud, brown and 
desolate! The Nile is lower already than it 
was at lowest Nile last July: it all ran away 
directly this year, so that in many places there 
will be no crops whatever. 



There have been very few travellers this 
year; indeed, none but a few Americans: one 
Californian parson was a very nice fellow. 

I paid Eadl Pasha a visit in his boat, and it 
was just like a scene in the Middle Ages. In 
order to amuse me, he called upon a horrid 
little black boy of about four to do tricks like 
a dancing dog, which ended in a performance 
of the Muslim prayer. The little wretch was 
dressed in a Stamboolee dress of scarlet cloth. 

All the Arab doctors come to see me now 
as they go up and down, and to give me a 
help if I want it; some are very pleasant men. 
Murad Efendee speaks German exactly like 
a German. The old Sheykh-el-Beled of Er- 
ment, who visits me whenever he comes here, 
and has the sweetest voice I ever heard, com¬ 
plained of the climate of Cairo. “ There is 
no sun there at all; it is no lighter or warmer 
than the moon.” What do you think our sun 
must be, now that you know what that of Cairo 
is % We have had a glorious winter, like the 
finest summer at home, only so much finer. 

The black slave, who was returned upon my 
hands by the Mudeer of Kine, is still here; it 
seems no one’s business to take him away, as 



the Kadee did the money and goods; and so it 
looks as if I should quietly inherit poor ugly 
Kheyr, who is an excellent fellow, and of a 
degree of ugliness quite transcendant. His 
teeth are filed sharp, “ in order to eat people,” 
as he says; but he is the most good-humoured 
creature in the world. It is evidently not my 
business to send him to be sold in Cairo, so 
I wait the event; meanwhile, he is a kind 
of lady’s maid to me, and a very tolerable 
laundryman. If nobody claims him, I shall 
keep him at whatever wages may seem fit, and 
he will subside into liberty. Du reste , the 
Maoon here says he is legally entitled to his 

I fear my plan of a dahabeeyeh of my own 
would be too expensive. The wages of com¬ 
mon boatmen are three napoleons a month. 

I am very popular here, and the only Ha¬ 
keem. I have effected some brilliant cures, 
and get lots of presents—eggs, turkeys, etc. 
It is quite a pleasure to see the poor people ; 
instead of trying to spunge on one, they are 
anxious to make a return for kindness. These 
country-people are very good; a nice young 
Circassian sat up with a dying Englishman, a 


332 - 

stranger, all night, because I had doctored his 

I have also a pupil, Mustafa’s youngest 
boy, a sweet intelligent lad, who is pining 
for an education. He speaks very well, and 
reads and writes indifferently, but I never saw 
a boy so wild to learn. I quite grieve, too, 
over little Ahmad, forced to dawdle away his 
time and his faculties here. 




February 7,1865. 

We have delicious weather, and have had all 
along. There has been no cold at all this 

I have sought about for shells, and young 

Mr. C- tells me he has brought me a 

few from the Cataract; but of snails, I can 
hear no tidings, nor have I ever seen one; 
neither can I discover that there are any 

shells at all hi the Nile mud. At the first 


Cataract they are found sticking to the rocks. 
The people here are very stupid about natu¬ 
ral objects that are of no use to them. As 
with Trench badauds , the small birds are all 
sparrows; and wild flowers there are none, 
and only about five varieties of trees in all 
Egypt. The Eed Sea shells, I know, are 



This is a sad year; all the cattle are dead. 
The Nile is now as low as it was last July; 
and the song of the men, watering with the 
shadoofs, sounds sadly true, as they chant, 
“ Ana ga’an,” etc., “ I am hungry, I am hun¬ 
gry for a piece of dura bread,” sings one; 
and the other chimes in, “Meskeen, mes- 
keen !” (Poor man ! poor man!), or else they 
sing a song about Seyyidna Eiyoob, “ our Lord 
Job,” and his patience. It is sadly appro¬ 
priate now, and rings on all sides, as the sha¬ 
doofs are greatly multiplied for lack of oxen 
to turn the sakiyehs (water-wheels). All is 
terribly dear, and many are sick from sheer 
weakness, owing to poor food; and then I 
hear fifty thousand men are to be taken to 
work at the canal from Geezeh to Asyoot, 
through the Feiyoom. The only comfort is 
the enormous rise of wages, which however 
falls heavily on the rich. 

If the new French Consul “ knows not J o- 
seph,” and turns me out, I am to live in a new 
house, which Sheykh Yoosuf is now building, 
and of which he would give me the terrace, and 
build three rooms on it for me. 

If the Consul will let me stay on here, I 



will leave my furniture, and come clown straight 
to Alexandria, en route for Europe. I know 
all Thebes would sign a round-robin in my 
favour, if they only knew how. I will leave 
El-Ulcsur in May, and get to you towards the 
latter part of June. 

The Abab’deh have just been here, and pro¬ 
pose to take me, two months hence, to the Moo- 
lid of Sheykh Abu-l-Hasan el-Shad’lee (the 
coffee saint), in the Desert, three days’ jour¬ 
ney from Edfoo. No English have ever been 
there, they think, and all the wild Abab’deh 
and Bishareeyeh go with their women and their 
camels. It is very tempting, for I sleep very 
ill, and my cough is harassing, and perhaps a 
change like that might do me good. 




March 18,1864. 

Therm. 89° in my deewan at 4 p.m. 

I hope your mind has not been disturbed 
by any rumour of “ battle, murder, and sudden 
death” in our part of the world. A week 
ago we heard that a Prussian boat had been 
attacked, all on board murdered, and the boat 
burnt; then that ten villages were in open 
revolt, and that Efendeena (the Viceroy) him¬ 
self had come up and “ taken a broom and 
swept them clean; ” i. e. exterminated the in¬ 

The truth now appears to be, that a crazy 
darweesh has made a disturbance; but I will 
tell the story as I heard it. 

He did as his father likewise did thirty 
years ago, made himself “ ism ” (name) by re- 



pea ting one of the appellations of God, such as 
“ ya Lateef,” three thousand times every night 
for three years, which rendered him invulner¬ 
able. He then made friends with a Jinn, who 
taught him many more tricks; among others, 
that practised in England by the Davenports, 
of slipping out of any bonds. He then de¬ 
luded the people of the Desert, giving himself 
out as “El-Mahdee ’ 1 (he'who is to come with 
the Lord Jesus, and to slay Antichrist at the 
end of the world), and proclaimed a revolt 
against the Turks. Three villages below Kine, 
Gow, Eahaeneel, and Bedu, took part in the 
disturbance, upon which Fadl Pasha came up 
with troops in steamboats, shot about a hundred 
men, and devastated the fields. At first, we 
heard a thousand were shot, now it is a hun¬ 
dred. The women and children will be dis¬ 
tributed among other villages. The darweesh, 
some say, is killed, others that he is gone off' 
into the Desert with a body of Bedawees, and 
a few of the Fellaheen from the three ravaged 
villages. Gow is a large place,—as large, I 
think, as El-Uksur. The darweesh is a native of 
Es-Salimeeyeh, a village close by here; and yes¬ 
terday his brother, one Mohammad et-Teiyib, a 

THE disturbed tillages. 


very quiet man, and his father’s father-in-law, 
old Hajjee Sultan, were carried off prisoners to 
Cairo or Kine, we don’t know which. It 
seems that the boat robbed belonged to Greek 
traders, but none were hurt, I believe, and no 
European boat has been molested. Baron 

K-was here yesterday with his wife, and 

they saw all the sacking of the villages, and 
said no resistance was offered by the people, 
whom the soldiers were shooting down as they 
ran, and they saw the sheep and cattle driven 
off by the soldiers. 

You need be under no alarm about me. 
The darweesh and his followers could not 
pounce on us, as we are eight good miles from 
the Desert, i. e. the Mountain. So we must 
have timely notice; and we have arranged that 
if they appeared in the neighbourhood, the 
women and children of the outlying huts, 
and also any travellers in boats, should come 
into my house, which is a regular fortress; 
and we muster little short of seven hundred 
men, able to fight (including El-Karnak). 
Moreover, Eadl Pasha and the troops are at 
Kine, only forty miles off. 

Three English boats went down stream to- 



clay, and one came up. Baron and Baroness 

K-went up the river last night; I dined 

with them and with the Copt who is their con¬ 
sular agent here. She is very lively and plea¬ 
sant. A little boy here has fallen desperately in 
love with her (he is twelve, and quite a boyish 
boy, though a very clever one). He had put 
on a turban to-day, on the strength of his 
passion, to look like a man, and had neglected 
his dress otherwise, as he said young men do 
when they are sick of love. The lady is, I 
imagine, about thirty. The fact is, she was 
kind and amiable, and tried to amuse him, as 
she would have done to a white boy, which 
inflamed his susceptible heart. He asked me 
if I had any medicine to make him white ; he 
little knows how very pretty he is with his 
brown face. As he sat cross-legged on the car¬ 
pet at my feet, with his white turban and blue 
shirt, reading aloud, he was quite a picture. 

My little Ahmad, who is donkey-boy and 
general little slave, the smallest, slenderest, 
quietest little creature, has implored me to 
take him with me to England, or to any “ be- 
led Frangee,” wherever 1 go. I wish B—— 
could see him; she would be so surprised at 



his dark, brown little face, so “fein,” and with 
eyes like a dormouse. He is a true little 
Arab; can run all day in the heat, sleeps on 
the stones, and eats anything; quiet, gentle, 
and noiseless, and fiercely jealous. If I speak 
to any other boy, he rushes at him and drives 
him away; while black Kheyr was in the 
house, Ahmad suffered a martyrdom, and the 
kitchen was the scene of incessant wrangle 
about the coffee. Kheyr would bring me my 
coffee, and Ahmad resented this usurpation of 
his functions; of course quite hopelessly, as 
Kheyr was a great, stout black of eighteen, 

and poor little Ahmad not bigger than R-. 

I am really tempted to adopt the vigilant, ac¬ 
tive little creature. I will send this letter by 
a stea-mer, which came up last night and goes 
to-morrow. It brings a party of Russians to 
see Thebes in two days! 

Sheykh Yoosuf returned from a visit to Es- 
Salimeeyeh last night. He tells me the dar- 
weesh, Ahmad et-Teiyib, is not dead; he be¬ 
lieves that he is a mad fanatic and a com¬ 
munist. He wants to divide all property 
equally, and to kill all the Ulema and destroy 
all theological teaching by learned men, and 



to preach a sort of revelation or interpretation 
of the Koran of his own. “ He would break 
up your pretty clock/’ said Yoosuf, “ and give 
every man a broken wheel out of it; and so 
with all things.” 

One of the dragomans had been urging me 
to go down the Nile, but Yoosuf laughed at 
any idea of danger. He says the people here 
have fought the Bedawees, and will not be 
attacked by such a handful as are out in the 
mountain now. Du reste , the Abu-l-Hajjnjee- 
yeh (family of Abu-l-Hajjaj), the Shurafa, will 
U put their seal to it” that I am their sister, 
and answer for me with a man's life. It would 
be foolish to go down into whatever disturb¬ 
ance there may be, alone, in a small country 
boat, and where I am not known. 

The Pasha himself, we hear, is at Girgeh, 
with steamboats and soldiers ; and if the slight¬ 
est fear should arise, steamers will be sent up 
to fetch all the Europeans. What I grieve 
over is the poor villagers, whose little property 
is all confiscated; guilty and innocent, all alike 
are involved in one common ruin. 

I hear that there is great and general dis¬ 
content. The Pasha’s attempt to regulate the 



price of food has had the usual results of such 
attempts; and of course the present famine 
prices are laid to his charge. I don’t believe 
in an outbreak; I think the people too much 
accustomed to suffer and to obey; besides, they 
have no means of communication, and the 
steamboats can run up and down and destroy 
them en detail , in a country which is eight 
hundred miles long by from one to eight wide, 
and thinly peopled. Only Cairo could do any¬ 
thing, and everything is done to please the 
Cairenes at the expense of the Fellaheen. 

The great heat has lasted these three days; 
my cough is better, and I am grown fatter 
again. The Nile is so low that I fancy six 
weeks or two months hence I shall have to go 
down in two little boats; even now the daha- 
beeyehs keep sticking fast continually. 

I have promised my neighbours to bring 
back some seed-corn for them; the best En¬ 
glish wheat without a beard. All the wheat 
here is bearded, and they are very desirous 
to have some of ours. I long to bring them 
wheelbarrows and spades and pickaxes. The 
great folks get steam-engines, but the labourers 
work with no better implements than their 



bare hands and a rush basket, and it takes 
six men to do the work of one who has good 

I send you a pretty fragment of a tablet, 
such as Joseph numbered his master’s goods 
on. It will serve as a paperweight. 




March, 1865. 

“ May the whole year he fortunate to thee! ” 

(The ‘ compliments of the season.’) 

Now is Bairam, I rejoice to say, and I have 
lots of physic to make up for all the stomachs 
damaged by Ramadan. I have persuaded the 

engineer who was with Lord - to take 

my dear little pupil, Ahmad Ibn-Mustafa, to 
learn the business at Fowler’s engineering 
shop at Leeds, instead of idling in his father’s 
house here. Mr. Fowler has kindly offered 
to take him without a premium. I will give 
the child a letter to you, in case he should 
go to London. He is a good and irftelligent 

boy. It is very good-natured of Lord- 

to take him. 

He has been reading the Gospels with me 



at his own desire. I refused, till I had asked 
his father’s consent. Sheykh Yoosuf, who 
heard me, begged me by all means to make 
him read them carefully, so as to guard him 
against the heretical inventions he might be 
beset with among the English “ of the vulgar 
sort.” What a dilemma for a missionary! 

I sent down the poor black lad ELheyr with 
Arakcl Bey; he took leave of me with his 
ugly face all blubbered, like a sentimental 
hippopotamus. He said, “for himself he 
wished to stay with me, but then what would 
his boy (his little master) do ? There was only 
a stepmother, who would take all the money, 
and who else could work for the boy V' Little 
Ahmad was charmed to see Kheyr depart, of 
whom he chose to be horribly jealous, and to 
be wroth at all he did for me. 

Now the Sheykh-el-Beled of Baidyeh has 
carried off my watchman, and the Christian 
Sheykh-el-Harah, of our quarter of El-Uksur, 
has taken the boy Yoosuf for the canal; the 
former I successfully resisted, and got back 
Mansoor, not indeed “ incolumis,” for he had 
been handcuffed and bastinadoed, in order to 
make me pay two hundred piastres; but he 



bore it like a man, rather than ask me for the 
money, and was thereupon surrendered. But 
the Copt will be a tough business; he Mull 
want more money, and be more resolved to get 
it. Veremos. I must, I suppose, go to the 
Nazir at the canal (a Turk), and buy off my 

I gave Lord - an Arab dinner on a 

grand scale, to meet all the notabilities at El- 
Uksur. I think he was quite frightened at the 
sight of the tray, and the Arab fashions and 
company, and the black fingers in the dishes. 

Yesterday was Bairam, and numbers of “ ha- 
reem” came in their best clothes to wish me a 
happy year, and enjoyed themselves much wuth 
sweet cakes, coffee, and pipes. Khursheed’s 
wife (whom I cured completely) looked very 
handsome. Khursheed is a Circassian, a fine 
young fellow, much shot and hacked about, 
and with a Crimean medal. He is kawas here, 
and a great friend of mine. He says, if ever I 
want a servant, he will go with me anywhere, 
and fight anybody, which I don’t doubt in the 
least. He was a Turkish memlook, and his 
condescension in wishing to serve a Christian 
woman is astounding. His fair face, and clear 



blue eyes, and brisk, neat, soldier-like air, con¬ 
trast curiously with the brown Fellaheen. He 
is like an Englishman, only fairer, and, like 
Englishmen, too fond of the coorbaj. What 
would you say if I appeared attended by a 
memlook, with pistols, sword, dagger, carbine, 
and coorbaj, and with a decided and imperi¬ 
ous manner,—the very reverse of the Arab 
softness % Such a Muslim too! Prayers five 
times a day, and extra fasts, besides Eamadan. 
“ I beat my wife,” said Kursheecl; 44 oh, I 
beat her well; she talked so much; and I am 
like the English, I don’t like many words.” 

I was talking the other day with Yoosuf 
about people trying to make converts, and 
I uttered that eternal Mtise, 44 Oh, they mean 
well!” 44 True, O Lady; perhaps they do 
mean well, but God says in the noble Koran 
that he who injures or torments those Chris¬ 
tians whose conduct is not evil, merely on ac¬ 
count of religion, shall never smell the fra¬ 
grance of the garden (paradise). Now r , when 
men begin to want to make others change 
their faith, it is extremely hard for them not 
to injure or torment them; and therefore I 
think it better to abstain altogether, and to 



wish rather to see a Christian, a good Chris¬ 
tian, and a Muslim a good Muslim.” 

No wonder a pious old Scotchman told me 
that the truth which undeniably existed in the 
Muslim faith was the work of Satan, and the 
Ulema were his “ meenisters.” That benign 
saint, Yoosuf, a “meenister” of Satan! I really 
think I have learnt some “Muslim humility,” for 
I endured this harangue, and did not argue at 
all. But, as Satan himself would have it, the 
fikees were just then reading the Koran in 
the hall; and Omar, who gave a khatmeh that 
day at his own expense, came in and politely 
offered the Scotchman some sweets prepared 
for the occasion. 

I have been really amazed at several in¬ 
stances of English fanaticism this year. Why 
do people come to a Muslim country with 
such hatred “ in their stomachs” as I have wit¬ 
nessed three or four times 1 

I often feel quite hurt at the way in which 
the people here thank me for what the poor at 
home would turn up their noses at. I think 
hardly a dragoman has been up the river since 
Er-Kasheedee died, but has come to thank me 
as warmly as if I had done himself some great 



service, and many to give me some little pre¬ 
sent. While the man was ill, numbers of the 
Fellaheen brought eggs, pigeons, etc.,—even 
a turkey; and food is worth money now, not 
as it used to be ( e. g., butter is three shillings 
a pound). I am quite weary, too, of hearing, 
“Of all the Frangee, I never saw one like 
thee! ” Was no one ever at all humane be¬ 
fore 1 For, remember, I give no money, only 
a little physic and civility. How the British 
cottager “ would thank you for nothing! ” and 
how I wish my neighbours here could afford 
to do the same! 

After much wrangling, Mustafa has got back 
my boy Yoosuf, but the Christian Sheykh El- 
Flarah has made his brother pay two pounds, 
whereat Mohammad looks very rueful. Two 
hundred men are gone out of our village to 
the works, and of course the poor hareem have 
not bread to eat, as the men had to take all 
they had with them. 





El-Uksur, March, 1865. 

I dined with Baroness - one day, and 

after dinner we invited several Arab Sheykhs 
to come for coffee. The little Baronin won 
all hearts by her pleasant vivacity, and to see 
the dark faces glittering with meny smiles as 
they watched her, was very droll. 

Mustafa also gave us a capital dinner; the 
two Abab’deh Sheykhs, the Sheykh of El- 
Karnak, the Maoon, and Sheykh Yoosuf dined 
with us. The Sheykh of El-Kamak took off 
the lamb’s head, and handed it to me in token of 
the highest respect. He performed miracles of 
eating, and I complimented him, in the words 
of the popular song, on “doing deeds that 

Antar did not.” After dinner, Baroness- 

showed the Arabs how ladies curtsey to the 

8 A 2 



Queen, of England, upon which the Abab’deh 
acted the ceremonial of presentation at the 
Court of Darfoor, where you have to rub your 
nose in the dust at the king’s feet. Then we 
went out with lanterns and torches, and the 
Abab’deh danced the sword-dance for us. It is 
performed by two men with round shields and 
great straight swords. One dances a pas seul of 
challenge and defiance, with prodigious leaps 
and pirouettes, and Hah ! ITah’s! Then the 
other enters, and a grand fight ensues. When 
the handsome Sheykh Hasan bounded out, the 
scene was really heroic. All his attitudes 
were alike grand and graceful. 

They wanted Sheykh Yoosuf to play the 
Arab single-stick—“ en-Nebboot,” and said he 
was the best man hereabouts at it; but as his 
sister died lately, he would not. One of them 
expressed a great desire to learn “ the fight¬ 
ing of the English.” He little knows how he 
would get pounded by English fists. 

Another night I went to tea in Lord-’s 

boat. Their sailors gave a grand fantasia, 
curiously like a Christmas pantomime. One 
danced like a woman (Columbine), and there 
was a regular Pantaloon, only “ more so,” and 



a sort of Clown in sheepskins and a pink mask, 
who was duly tumbled about, and distributed 
claques freely with a huge wooden spoon. 

I am so used now to our poor, shabby life, 
that it makes quite a strange impression on 
me to see all the splendour which English tra¬ 
vellers manage to bring with them on board 
their boats,—splendour which, two or three 
years ago, I should not even have remarked. 
And thus, out of my “ inward consciousness ” 
(as Germans say), many of the peculiarities 
and faults of the people of Egypt are explained 
to me and accounted for. 

The weather is now very unpleasant; the 
winds.have begun, and as all which last year 
was green is now arid, the dust is beyond all 
belief. I must move down as soon as I can. 

Sheykh Hasan Abab’deh is going down in 
his boat with a party, in twenty days or so, and 
suggests that I should travel under his escort, 
in case there should be any straggling robbers 
about. I am not afraid, but if I hear in time 
that no dahabeeyeh has been bought for me, 
I may as well join Hasan. His party will be 
six or eight guns, I believe. If there is no 
dahabeeyeh and I do not go with Hasan, I will 



send to Kine for two small boats, each with 
one cabin, so as to avoid the constant “ sitzen 
bleiben ” of a large boat in this extraordinarily 
low Nile. It is now many cubits lower than 
it was last year at its lowest, three months 

I intended, as I told you, to go this year 
to the moolid of Sheykh-el-Shad’lee, out in 
the Bisharee desert; but I fear it would delay 
me too long, for the descent of the Nile will 
be very tedious for want of water and conse¬ 
quently of current, and from the violent north 
winds having set in two months before their 
time. “ Inshallah, next year!” say my friends. 

The Hajjees have just started from hence to 
El-Kuseyr, some with camels and donkeys, but 
most on foot. They are in very great numbers 
this year. The women drummed and chanted 
all night on the river-bank, and it was fine to see 
fifty or sixty men in a line praying after their 
Imam, with the red glow of the sunset behind 
them. The prayer in common is quite a drill, 
and very stately to see. There are always quite 
as many women as men. One wonders how 
they stand the march and the hardships. 

My little Ahmad grows more pressing with 



me to take Mm. I will take Mm to Alexan¬ 
dria, I think, and leave Mm in J-’s house, to 

leam more home service. He is a dear little 
boy, and very useful. I don’t suppose his bro¬ 
ther will object, and he has no parents. 

Ahmad Ibn-Mustafa also coaxes me to take 
him with me to Alexandria, and try again to 
get his father to send him to England. I wish 
most heartily I could. He is an uncommon 
child in every way, full of ardour to leam and 
do something, and yet childish and winning 
and full of fun. His pretty brown face is 
quite a pleasure to me. His remarks on the 
New Testament teach me as many things as 
I can teach him. The boy is pious, and not 
at all ill taught; he is much pleased to find 
so many points of resemblance between the 
teaching of the Koran and the “Engeel.” He 
wanted me, in case Omar did not go with me, 
to take him to serve me. Here there is no 
idea of its being derogatory for a gentleman’s 
son to wait on an oldish person; and on one 
who teaches him, it is positively incumbent. 
He does all “ menial offices” for his mother in 
Alexandria, and always hands coffee, waits at 
table, or helps Omar in anything, if I have 



company; nor will he eat or smoke before me, 
or sit till I tell him. It is like service in the 
Middle Ages. 

Mustafa asks whether the boy could be 
put to school and kept in England for a hun¬ 
dred a year. Of course it must be a school 
where no conversion would be attempted. 
Mustafa is a strong Muslim, though so fond of 
the English. 




El-TJksur, April 3,1865. 

In my last letter to -, I told how one 

Ahmad et-Teiyib, a mad darweesh, had raised 
a riot at Gow, below Kine; and how a boat had 
been robbed, and how we were all rather look¬ 
ing out for a razzia and determined to fight 
Ahmad and his followers. Then we called 
them “haramee,” and were rather blood¬ 
thirstily disposed towards them, and resolved 
to keep order and protect our property. But 
now we say “ nas mesakeen,” and can only 
bewail the misery w r hich this outbreak has 
brought on the unfortunate villagers. The 
truth, of course, we shall never know. I can 
only send you the rumours which reach me. 
No doubt there is another version of this mi¬ 
serable story current at Cairo and Alexandria, 
and it may be that there are facts of which I 



have not heard. But I live among the op¬ 
pressed race, and I cannot help it if the pro¬ 
found compassion inspired by their fate makes 
me lean to their side. 

It seems that a Greek boat was plundered, 
and the steersman killed; but I cannot make 
out that anything was done by the “ insur¬ 
gents ” beyond going out into the desert to 
listen to the darweesh’s nonsense, and see “ a 
reed shaken by the wind.” The party that 
robbed the boat was, I am told, about forty 
strong. The most -horrid stories are current 
among the people, of the cruelties committed 
on the wretched villagers by the soldiers; 
and unhappily, past experience makes them 
but too credible. 

The worst thing is that every one believes 
that the Europeans aid and abet, and all de¬ 
clare that the Copts were spared to please the 
Erangees. Mind, I am not telling you facts; 
I only repeat what the people are saying. 
One Mohammad, a most respectable, quiet 
young man, sat .before me on the floor the 
.other day, and told me the horrible details 
he had heard from those who had come up 
the river. “ Thou knowest, O our lady, that 



we are people of peace in this place; and 
behold, now, if one madman should come, 
and a few idle fellows go out to the Moun¬ 
tain (desert) with him, Efendeena will send 
his soldiers to destroy the place, and spoil 
our poor little girls, and hang us: is that 
right, 0 lady ? And Ahmad-el-Berberee saw 
Europeans with hats in the steamer with 
Efendeena and the soldiers. Truly, in all the 
world none are miserable like us Arabs. The 
Turks beat us, and the Europeans hate us and 
say ‘ quite right.’ By God, we had better 
lay our heads in the dust (die), and let the 
strangers take our land and grow cotton for 
themselves. As for me, I am tired of this 
miserable life, and of fearing for my poor 
little girls.” Mohammad was really eloquent, 
and when he threw his melayeh over his face 
and sobbed, I am not ashamed to say that I 
cried too. 

1 know very well that Mohammad was not 
quite wrong in what he says of the Europeans. 
I know the cruel old platitudes about govern¬ 
ing orientals by fear; I know all about “ the 
stick” and “ vigour,” and all that. But I “ sit 
among the people,” and I know too that Mo- 



hammad feels just the same as John Smith or 
Tom Brown would feel in his place, and that 
men who were exasperated against the rioters 
in the beginning are now in much the same 
humour as free-born Britons might be under 
similar circumstances. 

What is characteristic of this country and 
people is, that a thing happening within a few 
weeks and within sixty miles already assumes 
a legendary character. 

According to the popular belief the affair 
began thus:—A certain Copt had a Muslim 
slave-girl, who had read the Koran and who 
served him. He wanted her to be his con¬ 
cubine, and she would not, and went to Ah¬ 
mad et-Teiyib, who offered money for her to 
her master. He refused it and insisted on his 
rights, backed by the government, whereupon 
Ahmad proclaimed a revolt, and the peo¬ 
ple, tired of taxes and oppressions, said “we 
will go with thee.” But Ahmad et-Teiyib is 
not dead, and where the bullets hit him he 
shows little marks like bums. He still sits in 
the island, invisible to the Turkish soldiers, 
who are still there. This is the only bit of 
religious legend connected with the business. 



Now for a little fact. The boat which 
brought up the prisoners from Gow stopped 
a mile above El-Uksur. I saw it, but the 
prisoners were all below. The Sheykh of the 
Abab’deh here has had to send a party of 
his men to guard them through the desert. 
When we came near the boat my companion 
went on as far as the point of the island; I 
turned back, after only looking at it from 
the bank, and smelling the smell of a slave- 
ship. It never occurred to me, I own, that the 
Bey on board had fled before a solitary woman 
on a donkey, but so it was. He had given 
orders not to let me come on board, and told 
the captain to go a mile or two further, which 
he did; the boat stopped three miles above 
El-Uksur, and its dahabeeyehs had all their 
things carried to that distance. There were 
on board “ a hundred prisoners less two ” 
(ninety-eight). Amongst them, the Mudeer 
of SooMg, a Turk, in chains and wooden hand¬ 
cuffs like the rest. The poor creatures ai'e 
dreadfully ill-used by the men who guard 
them. There has been some disturbance up 
at Esneh, and twelve men are gone down in 
chains to Kine, four of them having been con- 



cerned in the riots, the rest only because they 
are related to Ahmad et-Teiyib. 

From Es-Salimeeyeh, two miles above El- 
Uksur, it is said that every man, woman, and 
child in any degree akin to Ahmad et-Teiyib 
has been taken in chains to Kine, and no one 
here expects to see one of them return alive. 
Some are remarkably good men, I hear; and 
I have heard men say, “ If Haggee Sultan is 
killed and all his family, we will never' do a 
good action any more, for we see it is of no 

It is more curious than you can conceive, 
to hear all that the people say. It is just like 
going back four or five centuries at least, but 
with the admixture of the heterogeneous ele¬ 
ment of steamers, electric telegraphs, etc. 

There was a talk, I find, among the three 
or four Europeans here, at the beginning of 
the rumours of the revolt, of organizing a de¬ 
fence amongst Christians only. Conceive what 
a silly and gratuitous provocation! Religion 
had nothing whatever to do with the affair; 
and of course, the proper person to organize 
defence was the* Maoon; he and Mustafa and 
others had indeed talked of using my house 



as a castle, and defending that in case of a visit 
from the rioters. I have no doubt the true 
cause of the disturbance is the usual one— 
hunger,—the high price of food. It was like 
our Swing or bread riots,—nothing more, and 
a very feeble affair too. 

It is curious to see the travellers’ gay daha- 
beeyehs passing just as usual, and the Euro¬ 
peans as far removed from all#care or know¬ 
ledge of these distresses as if they were at 
home. When I go and sit with the English, 
I feel almost as if they were foreigners to me 
too,—so completely am I now “ Bint el-Beled ” 
(daughter of the country). 

Altogether, we are most miserable here,— 
all we Fellaheen. The country is a waste for 
want of water, the animals are skeletons, the 
people are hungry, the heat has set in like 
June, and there is some sickness, and, above 
all, the massacres at Gow have embittered all 
hearts. There is no Zaghareet to be heard, and 
all faces are sad and gloomy. I shall not 
be surprised if there are more disturbances. 
At first, as I told you, every one was furious 
against Ahmad et-Teiyib and the insurgents; 
but since they have been so frightfully dealt 



with, of course we pity them and their poor 
women and children. These “ vigorous mea¬ 
sures ” will cause the evil they are meant to 
punish. You know I don’t buy or sell, or 
lend money, or even give it. So no one has 
any interest in concealing his true feelings 
from me, and the people talk to me wherever 
I go. I wish “ Efendeena ” could hear a little 
of what I hear. I have no doubt he is igno¬ 
rant of much that is done in his name. 

I have just seen a man who was at Gow, 
and who tells me fourteen hundred men were 
decapitated, and a hundred were sent to Fey- 
zoghloo in the steamer. Ahmad et-Teiyib has 
escaped. I think my informant is quite a 
truthful man. He says that all these cruelties 
were perpetrated by the local Pashas, and 
that the Viceroy ordered the massacre to be 
stopped as soon as he knew of it. 




El-Uksur, Good Friday, April 14,1865. 

Since I wrote last, I have received the box with 
the various things. Nothing called forth such 
a shout of joy from me as your photograph of 
the village pot-house.f How green, and fresh, 
and tidy! Many “ Masha-allahs ” have been ut¬ 
tered over the “Beyt el-Fellaheen of Eng¬ 
land.” The railings, especially, are a great 

marvel. I have also heard that E- has 

bought me a boat, which is to take four of his 
agents to Aswan, and then come back for me. 
“ Inshallah,” I shall depart in another three or 
four weeks. 

* This Letter did not arrive till after the publication 
of the others. It contains nearly all that was contained 
in the short Letter of the same date in the First Edition, 
and much more besides. To avoid repetition, the two 
have been incorporated. S. A. 

f The Golden Grove, St. Ann’s Hill, Chertsey. 



The weather is quite cold and fresh again, 
but the wind very violent, and the dust pours 
over us like water from the dried-up land, as 
well as from the Gurneh mountain. It is mi¬ 
serably uncomfortable, but my health is much 
better again in spite of all. 

The Hakeem business goes on at a great 
rate ; I think on an average I have four sick a 
day, sometimes a dozen. A whole gipsy camp 
are great customers; the poor souls will bring 
all manner of gifts, which it goes to my heart 
to eat, but they can’t bear to be refused. They 
are astonished to hear that people of their 
blood live in England, and that I knew many 
of their customs, which are the same here. 

Khursheed Agha came to take final leave, 
being appointed to Kine. He had been at Gow, 
and had seen Fadl Pasha sit and make the sol¬ 
diers lay sixty men down on their backs, by 
ten at a time, and chop them to death with the 
pioneers’ axes. He estimated the people killed 
—men, women, and children—at sixteen hun- 

dred, but M-tells me it was above two 

thousand. Sheykh Hasan agreed exactly with 
Khursheed, only the Arab was full of horror, 
and the Circassian full of exultation. His talk 



was exactly what we all once heard about 
“ Pandies,” and he looked, and talked, and 
laughed so like a fine young English soldier 
that I was ashamed to call him the “ dog ” 
(Mb) which rose to my tongue, and I bestowed 
it on Fadl Pasha instead. I must also say, in 
behalf of my own countrymen, that they had 
provocation, while here there was none. 

A Coptic friend of mine here has lost all his 
uncle’s family at Gow. All were shot down, 
Copt and Arab alike. 

As to Hajjee Sultan, who lies in chains at 
Kine, a better man never lived, nor one more 
liberal to Christians. Copts ate of his bread 
as freely as Muslims. He lies there because 
he is distantly related by marriage to Ahmad 
et-Teiyib; or, to give the real reason, because 
he is wealthy, and some enemy covets his 
goods. All this could be confirmed to you by 

M. M-. Perhaps I know even more of 

the feelings of the people than he. I sit every 
evening with some party or other of decent 
men, and they speak freely before me. 

A very great Shereef indeed, from Lower 
Egypt, said to me the other day, “Thou 
knowest if I am a Muslim or no. Well, I pray 

2 B 2 



to the Most Merciful to send us Europeans to 
govern us, and to deliver us from these wicked 
men.” We were all sitting, after the funeral of 
one of the Shurafa, and I was between the 
Shereef of El-Uksur and the Imam, and this 
was said before thirty or forty men, allShurafa. 
No one said “ No,” and many assented aloud. 

The Shereef asked me to lend him the New 
Testament. It was a pretty copy, and when 
he admired it, I said, “ From me to thee, 0 my 
master, the Shereef! Write in it as we do, 
‘ In remembrance of a friend. The gift of a 
Nasraneeyeh, who loves the Mnslimeen.’ The 
old man kissed the book, and said, “ I will write, 
moreover, to a Muslim who loves all such Chris¬ 

After this the old Sheykh of the Abn’ Alee 
took me aside, and asked me to go as messenger 
to Hajjee Sultan, for if one of them took the 
money they wanted to send him, it would be 
taken from them, and the man get no good 
of it. 

The taxes are being illegally levied on lands 
which are “ Shiraki ”— i. e. totally unwatered 
by the last Nile—and therefore exempt hj law, 
and the people are driven to desperation. There 



will be more troubles as soon as there comes 
any other demagogue, like Ahmad et-Teiyib, 
to incite the- people; and now every Arab 
sympathizes with him. 

The Fellaheen are really worse off than any 
slaves. I am sick of telling of the daily op¬ 
pressions and robberies. If a man has a sheep, 
the Mudeer comes and eats it; if a tree, it 
goes to the Nazir’s kitchen. My poor Sakka 
is beaten by the cavasses in sole payment of 
his skins of water ; and then people wonder my 
poor friends tell lies and bury their money. 

I have received the Cairo version of the 
affair, cooked for the European taste, and mon¬ 
strous it is. The Pasha accuses some Sheykh 
of the Arabs of having gone from Upper Egypt 
to India to stir up the mutiny against us! 
Why not, to conspire in Paris or London X It 
is too childish' to talk of a poor Saeedee Arab 
going to a country of whose language and 
whereabouts he is totally ignorant, in order to 
conspire against a people who never hurt him. 

-urged me to try hard to get my husband 

here as Consul, when Mr. Colquhoun leaves, 
on the assumption that he would feel as I do. 
I said, “ My master is not young, and to a kind 



and just man such a place would be a martyr¬ 
dom.” “ Truly thou hast said it,” was the re¬ 
ply ; “ but it is a martyr we Arabs want. Shall 
not the reward of him who suffers daily vexa¬ 
tion for his brethren’s sake be equal to that of 
him who dies in battle for the faith % If thou 
wert a man, I would say to thee, ‘ Take the 
labour and sorrow upon thee/ 

I now know everybody, and “ the cunning 
women ” have set up the theory that my eye is 
lucky, so I am asked to go and look at young 
brides, visit houses that are building, inspect 
cattle, etc., as a bringer of good luck, which 
gives me many a curious sight. 

I went a few days ago to the wedding of the 
handsome Sheykh Hasan, the Abab’deh, who 
married the butcher’s pretty little daughter. 
The group of women and girls, lighted up by 
the lantern which little Ahmad carried for me, 
was the most striking thing I have seen. The 
bride, a lovely girl of ten or eleven, all in 
scarlet; a tall, dark slave of Hasan’s, blazing 
with gold and silver necklaces and bracelets, 
with long twisted locks of coal-black hair, and 
glittering eyes and teeth; the wonderful 
wrinkled old women, and the pretty, wonder- 



ing yet fearless children, were beyond descrip¬ 
tion. The mother brought the bride up to 
me, and unveiled her, and asked me to look at 
her, and to let her kiss my hand. I said all 
the usual “Bismillah Masha-allahs,” and after a 
time went to the men, who were eating,—all 
but Hasan, who sat apart. He begged me to 
sit by him, and whispered anxious inquiries 
about his “ Arooseh’s ” looks. After a time he 
went to visit her. He returned in half an 
hour, very shy, and covering his face and hand, 
and kissed the hands of the chief guests. Then 
we all departed, and the girl was taken to look 
at the Nile, and then to her husband’s house. 

Last night he gave me a dinner—a very good 
dinner indeed—in his house, which is equal to 
a very poor cattle-shed at home. . We were 
only five; Sheykh Yoosuf, Omar, an elderly 
merchant, and I. Hasan wanted to serve us, 
hut I bade him sit. The merchant, a well-bred 
man of the world, who has enjoyed life and 
married wives everywhere, had arrived that 
day, and found a daughter of his dead here. 
He said he felt very miserable; upon which 
every one told him not to mind, and consoled 
him oddly enough according to English ideas. 



Then people told stories. Omar’s was a good 
version of the man and wife who would not shut 
the door, and agreed that the first who spoke 
should do it—very funny indeed. Yoosuf told 
a pretty tale of a Sultan, who married a Bint 
el-Arab (daughter of the Bedawee) and how 
she would not live in his palace, and said she 
was no Fellaheh to dwell in houses ; and how 
she scorned his silk clothes, and the sheep 
killed for her daily ; and how at length she 
made him live in the desert with her. A black 
slave told a prosy tale about thieves ; and the 
rest -were more long than pointed. Hasan’s 
Arab feelings were hurt at the small quantity 
of meat set before me. They can’t kill a sheep 
nowadays for an honoured guest. But I told 
him no greater honour could be paid to us 
English than to let us eat lentils and onions 
like one of the family, so that we might not 
feel as strangers among them. After a time; 
the merchant told us his heart was somewhat 
dilated,—as a man might say his toothache 
had abated,—upon which we said “ Braise be 
to God!” all round. 

A short time ago, my poor friend the Maoon 
had a terrible “ tile” fall on his head. His wife, 

rahmeh the negro. 


two married daughters, and nine miscellaneous 
children, arrived on a sudden, and the poor 
man is now tasting the pleasures which Abra¬ 
ham once endured between Sarah and Hagar. 
I visited the ladies, and found a very ancient- 
Sarah, and a daughter of wonderful beauty. 

A young man here, a Shereef, has asked me 
to open negotiations for a marriage for him 
with the Maoon’s granddaughter, a little girl 
of eight. So you see how completely I am 
“ one of the family.” 

April 29. 

My boat has not yet made its appearance. 
I am very well indeed now, in spite, or per¬ 
haps because, of the great heat. But there is 
a great deal of sickness, chiefly dysentery. I 
never get less than four new patients a day, 
and my practice has become quite a serious 
business. I spent all day on Priday in the 
Abab’deh quarters, where Sheykh Hasan, and 
his slave Rahmeh, were both extremely ill. 
Both are “all right” now. Rahmeh is the 
nicest negro I ever knew, and a very great 
friend of mine. He is a most excellent, honest, 
sincere man, and an Efendee, i. e. he writes 



and reads, which is more than his master can 
do. He has seen all the queer people in the 
interior of Africa. The Sheykh of the Bi- 
shareen, eight days’ journey from Aswan, has 
invited me to visit him, and promises me all the 
meat and milk I can eat;—they have nothing 
else. They live on a high mountain, and are 
very fine, handsome people. If only I were 
strong, I could go to very odd places, where 
Frangees are not. 

Bead a very stupid novel (as a story) 
called 4 Le Secret du Bonheur,’ by Ernest 
Feydeau: it gives the truest impression of the 
manners of Arabs that I have seen; the cci- 
ressant ways of Arabs are so well described. 
They are the same here; the people come 
and pat and stroke me with their hands, and 
one corner of my brown abbayeh is faded with 
much kissing. I am hailed as “Sitt Be¬ 
ta-ana,” “ our own lady ; ” and now the people 
are really enthusiastic, because I refused the 
oifer which a Bimbashi made me of some ca- 
vasses as a guard. As if I would have such 
fellows to help to bully my friends! 

The said Bimbashi (next in rank to a Bey) 
a coarse man, like an Arnaout, stopped here a 



day and night, and played his little Turkish 
game; telling me to beware, for the Ulema 
hated all Franks, and set the people against 
us; and telling the Arabs that Christian Ha¬ 
keems were all given to poison Muslims. So 
at night I dropped in at the Maoon’s, with 
Sheykh Yoosuf carrying my lantern, and was 
hailed with a “Salam aleykee” from the old 
Shereef himself, who began praising the Gos¬ 
pel I had given him, and me at the same time. 
Yoosuf had a little reed in his hand,—the 
“ Kalam” for writing, about two feet long, 
and of the size of a quill. I took it, and 
showed it to the Bimbashi, and said, “ Behold 
the Nebboot 'by which we are all to be mur¬ 
dered by this Sheykh of the religion! ” The 
Bimbashi’s bristly moustache bristled savagely, 
for he saw that the Arab dogs and the Chris¬ 
tian “ Khanzeereh” (feminine pig) were laugh¬ 
ing at him together. 

Another steamboat-load of prisoners from 
Gow has just gone up; I saw it with my eyes. 
I wish fervently the Viceroy knew the deep 
exasperation which his subordinates are caus¬ 
ing. Of course Efendeena hears the “ smooth 
prophecies ” of the tyrants whom he sends up 



here. When I wrote before, I knew nothing 
certain; but now I have the testimony of 
eye-witnesses. It is, however, certain that an 
order from the Viceroy did stop the slaughter 
of women and children which Fadl Pasha was 
about to perpetrate. 

A little comfort is derived here from the 
news that, praise be to God! Moosa Pasha, 
governor of Soodan, is dead and gone to hell. 
It must take no trifle to send him there, judg¬ 
ing by the quiet way in which Fadl Pasha is 
mentioned. You will think me a complete 
rebel, but I may say to you , what some people 
would think “ like my nonsense,”—that one’s 
pity becomes a perfect passion'when one sits 
among the people as I do, and sees all they en¬ 
dure. Least of all can I forgive those among 
Europeans and Christians who can help to 
break these bruised reeds. However, in Cairo, 
and still more in Alexandria, all is quite dif¬ 
ferent. There, the same system which has been 
so successfully copied in France prevails; the 
capital is petted at the expense of the country- 
people ; prices are regulated in Cairo for meat 
and bread, as they are, or were, in Paris, and 
the dangerous classes enjoy all sorts of exemp- 



tions. The Cairenes eat the bread, and we eat 
the stick. 

The people here nsed to dislike-, who 

arrived poor and grew rich, but they all bless 
him now, and say that at his place a man eats 
his own meat and not the courbash of the 
Mudeer. He has refused soldiers, as I refused 
them on my small account, and, please God, 
he will never repent it. One man said to me, 
“ What the Turkish government fears is not 
for your safety, but lest we should learn to 
love you too well;” and it is true. How 
often does one hear, “ Oh that we had the laws 
of the Christians!” In Cairo, the Franks have 
dispelled this illusion, and have done the Turks’ 
work as if they were paid for it; but here 
come only travellers who pay with money and 
not with stick,—a degree of generosity not 
enough to be adored. I perceive that I am 
a bore, but you will forgive my indignant sym¬ 
pathy with the kind people who treat me so 
well. Would that I could excite the interest 
of my countrymen in their suffering! Some 
conception of the value of public opinion in 
England has penetrated even here. Fancy an 
Alim Deen ul-Isldm wanting to call for help 
to the Times ! 


I went to church on Good Friday with the 
Copts. The scene was very striking. The 
priest was dressed like a beautiful Crusader, 
in white robes with crimson crosses. One thinsr 
has my hearty admiration. The few children 
who are taken to church are allowed to play. 
Oh! my poor little protestant fellow-Chris- 
tians, can you conceive a religion so delightful 
as that which permits “ Peep-bo!” behind the 
curtain of the sanctuary 1 I saw little Butrus 
and Skendarah at it all church-time, and the 
priest only patted their little heads as he car¬ 
ried the sacrament out to the hareem. Fancy 
the parson kindly patting the little sinner’s 
head, instead of the beadle whacking him ! I 
am entirely reconciled to the Coptic rules. 

Mustafa has just sent to say that the steamer 
is coming. There is a fearful simoom, and the 
dust won’t let me write more. My daha- 
beeyeh is reported three days off 





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